Mini USB VGA adapter pinout

A VGA connector is pretty big and clunky.
In the automotive DVD entertainment they went with mini-usb and the cables are still easy to get hold of.
Order max 6 as to get free shipping, my order toke about 2weeks to arrive.
I tested the pins and found out this pin out. (note Shield is Ground, put vias on shield pads to help holding it down )
Connector in the picture is the: UX60SC-MB-5ST and is available in Diptrace|0
Step file:
In the automotive DVD entertainment they went with mini-usb and the cables are still easy to get hold of.
Order max 6 as to get free shipping, my order toke about 2weeks to arrive.
I tested the pins and found out this pin out. (note Shield is Ground, put vias on shield pads to help holding it down )
Connector in the picture is the: UX60SC-MB-5ST and is available in Diptrace|0
Step file:
I've seen these - Is this pinout reasonably standard ?
Personally, I avoid the pure SMD USB connectors like the plague, and use the ones with 4 Pin-thrus for maximum strength - and usually expand the land and paste areas as well.
I've even seen some Eval boards use a totally pin-thru connector. (9 holes)
Micro USB appeals as a now standard for chargers, but as more emerge I'm not that impressed with their reliability.
They may have made a bad choice there. Too small and flimsy ?
Diptrace and mouser have many UX60 versions, some with posts and also shield through pins
With micro-usb I always go with top mount version as when connector is placed (inverted) that part of shield housing is broader and should give more support.
Still, though, I like the concept of getting away from that huge DB9.
If you are going for small and space saving, I just did a prototype using the Molex 47642-001 Mid-Mount Micro USB connector. Your PCB needs to have a cutout for it to fit properly, but the finished board looks pretty sweet and the connector installation is much stronger than a full SMT version. It was placed using pin-in-paste methods, meaning that solderpaste was also printed over the 4 mounting holes. After reflow, the TH tabs were soldered with about 70% fill. Can't show a pic of the prototype (under an NDA), but here is a screenshot of the board layout and connector.
Digikey PN WM1398
I guess I have to order a few to get pinout on those, should be plenty of gnd wires for it to use.
But when your products video-out port is a female hdmi connector , they are gone connect it to a TV's hdmi port. a lot of confusion
And it's bigger than mini-usb nearly back to vga connector size we tried to avoid in the first place.
If its the H-pin perhaps a relatively large (compared to 240 ohm) series resistor might protect the prop. Or a clamping diode
yes pin1 (the round dot on pcb), I would use 470ohm and a 3.6v zener between the prop-pin and resistor for safety.