Parallax Propeller Professional Development Board

Ever since I got my Prop BOE board and a Human Interface Board for my Quickstart last year, I no longer touch my Propeller Professional Development Board(PPDB). I have decided to sell it to put funds towards other projects. It is Parallax part number 32111 and is/was $149.99 new. Mine is the grey Rev A version. Hasn't been abused at all and most of it's use has been with the onboard LEDs or a very small section of the breadboard. It comes with the EEPROM, Crystal, and Propeller chip installed, and a USB cable. I will look for an extra 12 volt power adapter for it as well. If interested, post a comment here or send me a PM. I use invoicing through PayPal for all transactions. I will ship this to any address in the U.S. for $100.
The current version is Rev B, but the schematic and product guide on the website is for Rev A. The differences in Rev A and Rev B were listed as follows:
I have a lot of other items from past projects that I will be posting here before I pass them on to eBay as well. From my spring cleaning I did earlier this month, I found I have a lot of product that was purchased for client projects but never consumed. (now I know where my profits went) I know I have at least 4 Propeller Proto Boards, three 2x16 backlit LCDs, and a couple GPS modules among the items I set aside as "excess".
The current version is Rev B, but the schematic and product guide on the website is for Rev A. The differences in Rev A and Rev B were listed as follows:
Product Change Notice
This product documentation is for the Propeller Professional Development Board Rev B. This revision
added an extra ground terminal block to the top left of the board to make it easier to connect more than
2 scope probes. A VIN socket was added below the power switch, and additional 5 V and 3.3 V sockets
were added to opposite corners of the board. The VGA connections were rearranged to make them
consistent with the Propeller Demo Board wiring and pre-existing objects. The PCB color has changed
from gray to blue. Schematics for both Rev A and Rev B boards are available from
I have a lot of other items from past projects that I will be posting here before I pass them on to eBay as well. From my spring cleaning I did earlier this month, I found I have a lot of product that was purchased for client projects but never consumed. (now I know where my profits went) I know I have at least 4 Propeller Proto Boards, three 2x16 backlit LCDs, and a couple GPS modules among the items I set aside as "excess".