Help with circuit, opto-isolator to counter
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to interface an opto isolator to a decade counter, and want to be sure I'm doing it right.
power supply is +5v
I will be connecting pin 4 (output pin) of the opto-isolator to pin 14 (clock) of the counter, and was thinking I would have a pull up resistor also connected to pin 14. So, pin 14 will be high, until the led in the opto is lit and then the opto with pull pin 14 low. will this work? i was thinking a pullup resistor of 10k, is this right, and will it keep the opto from sinking to much currect? it says it can sink 16 ma at .4v. also is 390 ohms good for the led?

Decade data sheet :
Opto-isolator data sheet:
power supply is +5v
I will be connecting pin 4 (output pin) of the opto-isolator to pin 14 (clock) of the counter, and was thinking I would have a pull up resistor also connected to pin 14. So, pin 14 will be high, until the led in the opto is lit and then the opto with pull pin 14 low. will this work? i was thinking a pullup resistor of 10k, is this right, and will it keep the opto from sinking to much currect? it says it can sink 16 ma at .4v. also is 390 ohms good for the led?

Decade data sheet :
Opto-isolator data sheet: