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Snow blower tracks

jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
edited 2014-10-29 17:03 in Robotics
I just finished welding the frame on my tracked robot. And couldnt wait the get the electronics mounted before I drove it.
Also in the video it gets stuck cause of the 2 transmission handles the sick down and reduce the ground clearence , but i fixed that
when i made the hold down strap for the battery.

Also after the first test run I might just lay the batteries flat to get more room and ground clearence.

Snowblower tracks
350 watt wheel chair motors
Snowblower tracks
2x25 Sabertooth motor driver
Spekstrum rc transmitter and reciver.
2 17ah batteries

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  • Spiral_72Spiral_72 Posts: 791
    edited 2011-10-18 07:54
    Wow, that's a pretty serious rig! maybe 2ft square for the base?

    Where in the world did you scrap two wheel chair motors from???? I want some!!! I don't think I could resist the temptation to build a Johnny 5 with that setup :D
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-10-18 08:52
    Type "Power Chair " in the search box on craigs list.

    You have to wait but you can get a whole chair minus the batteries for between 50 -250.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-10-18 11:27
    Nice rig, you're off to a great start!
  • Spiral_72Spiral_72 Posts: 791
    edited 2011-10-18 12:57
    jdolecki wrote: »
    Type "Power Chair " in the search box on craigs list.

    You have to wait but you can get a whole chair minus the batteries for between 50 -250.

    Thank you! That's another perfect situation where searching for the correct keywords makes all the difference. I've been looking on CL for "Motor" "DC motor" "gearmotor" etc, for some time now.

    Good luck with your project. It really looks like it'll scoot :)
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-10-19 05:09
    It will scoot im working on a 2 speed transmission. Darn gears are expensive each trans will cost approx 100 dollars.

    Also laying the batteries on the side will increase the width by just 3 inches so I got more metal and will do that tonight. And it will give me a flat surface to mount my electronics.
  • ajwardajward Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-10-19 06:36
    Spiral_72 wrote: »
    Thank you! That's another perfect situation where searching for the correct keywords makes all the difference. I've been looking on CL for "Motor" "DC motor" "gearmotor" etc, for some time now.

    Good luck with your project. It really looks like it'll scoot :)

    83 hits on eBay this morning looking for "wheelchair motor".


  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-10-19 07:35
    Motors only on ebay are around 150 ea. If you watch craigs list everyday or use

    craigslist search engine you can get the whole chair minus or dead batteries for that much.

    motors, wheels, controller, joystick, charger.
  • BamseBamse Posts: 561
    edited 2011-10-20 11:06
    Nice tracks...

    I love the video with the camera mounted on the robot.
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-11-06 17:09
    Look on Craigs list everyday found in Hobart Indiana thrift shop 45 min ride for me

    Just got for 49 dollars tax includes

    And it works and charges

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  • edited 2011-11-08 20:05

    Nice work.. Can you please tell me how you got the wheel chair shaft mounted into the drive wheel. What mods did you have to do?

  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2011-11-09 02:49
    My motor shafts are 17mm dia with a 6mm keyway. I was going to machine hubs but I found these on e-bay because the do not make a 6mm broach for a 17mm shaft. (They do but its custom and expensive)

    My track drive hubs are 2 piece plastic with a sprocket in between and bolted together.

    I machined the side of one of the track hubs made a spacer to replace the sprocket and bolted the drive wheel to the new motor coupler/hub.

    I am in the process of redoing the frame again in aluminum so i will take and post a bunch of pictures.
  • jdoleckijdolecki Posts: 726
    edited 2012-01-31 02:32
    I finally finished the new tig welded aluminum chassis. Here are some pictures and a video.

    Also i removed the freewheeling lever and geqarbox cover. now the chassis plate is also the gearbox cover.

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  • doggiedocdoggiedoc Posts: 2,246
    edited 2012-01-31 14:22
    Very cool! You're using sealed batteries I assume since you can invert?

  • cuzinitcuzinit Posts: 6
    edited 2012-09-27 15:43
    I got my snowblower tracks off CL in upper Mi. of corse I think curiosity helped. I emailed the guy and ask if he was willing to ship them to Fl. well he called me and made a deal. Powerchairs look on CL also the local pawn shops a friend of mine got one for $50 one time. Just keep looking.
  • garyggaryg Posts: 420
    edited 2012-10-04 17:39
    I just now looked your entire thread.
    This is a very good project.
    I'm impressed.

    I've built pedal powered snow plows years ago, but could not develop the 175 watts needed to make them work.
    I'm only able to do 100 watts pedal power.

    Have you thought about turning your plow attachment into a blower attachment?

    It's a great thing that you have built.
  • kfinisterrekfinisterre Posts: 1
    edited 2014-10-29 13:55
    Can you post pictures of this part: "I machined the side of one of the track hubs made a spacer to replace the sprocket and bolted the drive wheel to the new motor coupler/hub"

    I wound up with the same motors and keyed hub. The problem for me is that the hub hole pattern does not match that of the tread wheel. I'll need some sort of adapter / spacer with a dual bolt pattern, or I assume you drilled through the plastic in the tread wheel and used an appropriately sized spacer?

    Did you knock the existing bolts out of the hubs? Or did you make use of them?
  • mklrobomklrobo Posts: 420
    edited 2014-10-29 17:03
    jdolecki wrote: »
    It will scoot im working on a 2 speed transmission. Darn gears are expensive each trans will cost approx 100 dollars.

    Also laying the batteries on the side will increase the width by just 3 inches so I got more metal and will do that tonight. And it will give me a flat surface to mount my electronics.
    :cool: Cool tracks! :cool:
    I have not tried anything like your project, so please forgive my idea... would other types of transmissions work for your project? Like a hydrostatic transmission?
    Just a thought. Good Luck!
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