14:29:25 From Jim Granville : Could you crinkle the resistor leads in a forming tool, to avoid the fractional mm creep effects on plug in ? 14:39:04 From Aristides (Ari) Alvarez : We have a very thin margin right now for the resistor leads. IF it's too thin, it won't connect on the header. If they're too thick, they tend to cause issues on the brewdboard. 14:39:35 From Aristides (Ari) Alvarez : We are getting a machine to cut resistor leads now and we will see if we can do something on the leads with this machine . 15:36:09 From Aristides (Ari) Alvarez : aalvarez@parallax.com 15:37:32 From Eric Smith : I've got to go now, I'm afraid... thanks for the tour Chip, sorry I didn't get to see all of it :) 15:46:17 From James Kenney : Im still here. 15:46:53 From James Kenney : Sounds goog.