' PROJECT PASSWORD ' IF PASSWORD CORRECT ' - sliding door will open ' - Light will turn ON for 5 seconds ' IF PASSWORD INCORRECT, ALARM WILL TURN ON, ' - LEDs will be flashing, ' - A beeping sound from a piezo speaker will be heard. ' What I want to add ' I want to add pushbuttons to start the password. ' I'm not sure if this will work, but is it possible to write into the Transmit Windowpane? ' I only need to know which commands I need to write to do that ' If not is there any other solution to make my project happen? ' THIS IS WHAT I GOT until now without the pushbuttons ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} counter VAR Word ' Counter Variable Password DATA "1011" ' Store "secret" password here. index VAR Nib ' Index variable. temp VAR Byte ' Stores single char. userEntry VAR Byte(4) ' Store user entered password. DO DEBUG "Enter password: " ' User instructions DEBUGIN STR userEntry \4 ' Get user input password. FOR index = 0 TO 3 ' Check array against DATA READ Password + index, temp ' Get next password char IF temp <> userEntry(index) THEN EXIT ' Compare to user input, NEXT ' exit if not equal. IF index <> 4 THEN ' If exit, then index not equal DEBUG CR,"Password not correct.", CR ' to 5 and pass is not correct. DO ' Alarm is ON FREQOUT 5, 500, 3000 ' Creation of a beeping sound HIGH 13 ' Flashing LEDs LOW 12 PAUSE 100 FREQOUT 5, 500, 3000 HIGH 12 LOW 13 LOOP ENDIF LOOP UNTIL index = 4 ' Only get out of loop when ' index = 5. DEBUG CR, "Password is correct;", CR, ' Program can move on when "program can continue..." ' password is correct. HIGH 13 FOR counter = 1 TO 150 ' "Door Opens" (Sliding door) PULSOUT 14, 1200 PAUSE 20 NEXT ' Light ON for 5 sec PAUSE 5000 LOW 13 ' Then off FOR counter = 1 TO 150 ' "Door closes" (Sliding door) PULSOUT 14, 300 PAUSE 20 NEXT END ' THANK YOU