REM Send Accel values using an A6 message and REM receive the message back from AB REM Scalling of Accel values Jeff T way to REM see what the scaled numbers look like compared REM to floating point ones Dim xlbl as Label, ylbl as Label, zlbl as Label Dim xdisplay as Label Dim ydisplay as Label Dim zdisplay as Label ! Create Labels to display scaled values DIM xsc as LABEL DIM ysc as LABEL DIM zsc as LABEL ! Create Labels to display scaled values rx back DIM xscrx as LABEL DIM yscrx as LABEL DIM zscrx as LABEL DIM Message~(16) DIM RxMessage~(16) DIM lasttime AS DOUBLE DIM tPause AS DOUBLE DIM msgcount AS INTEGER DIM chkerr AS INTEGER DIM lblmsgs AS LABEL DIM lblerrs AS LABEL xcenter = Graphics.Width/2 lblmsgs = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter,300,400) lblmsgs.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) lblmsgs.setText("*") lblerrs = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter,340,400) lblerrs.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) lblerrs.setText("*") DIM quit AS Button quit = Graphics.newButton(xcenter,400) quit.setTitle("Quit") REM Direct connection ip address Comm.openTCPIP(1, "", $2616) xlbl = MakeLabel(xcenter-100,20,"X:") ylbl = MakeLabel(xcenter-100,60,"Y:") zlbl = MakeLabel(xcenter-100,100,"Z:") xdisplay = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter,20,200) xdisplay.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) xdisplay.setText("*") ydisplay = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter,60,200) ydisplay.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) ydisplay.setText("*") zdisplay = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter,100,200) zdisplay.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) zdisplay.setText("*") REM ADD SCALED DISPLAY LABELS xsc = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+220,20,100) xsc.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) xsc.setText("*") xscrx = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+340,20,100) xscrx.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) xscrx.setText("*") ysc = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+220,60,100) ysc.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) ysc.setText("*") yscrx = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+340,60,100) yscrx.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) yscrx.setText("*") zsc = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+220,100,100) zsc.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) zsc.setText("*") zscrx = Graphics.newLabel(xcenter+340,100,100) zscrx.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) zscrx.setText("*") REM ****** SET RATES *********** sensors.setAccelRate(0.1) tpause = 0.10 lasttime = 0.0 chkerr = 0 msgcount = 0 ! Lock the screen in the current orientation. orientation = 1 << (System.orientation - 1) !System.setAllowedOrientations(orientation) !Only allow landscape home on right System.setAllowedOrientations(4) !Pass 1 to go full screen and in this !mode setAllowedOrientations works Graphics.setFont("Monospaced",18,1) REM USE FULL SCREEN System.showGraphics(1) REM SHOW GRAPHICS WITH DEBUGGER TOOLBAR !System.showGraphics SUB TxMessage(numbytes AS BYTE) FOR i% = 1 TO numbytes PUT #1,, Message~(i%) NEXT END SUB SUB SendMsgA6 !Send known bytes Message~(1) = $A6 Message~(2) = 7 ! Message~(3) = $01 ! Message~(4) = $02 ! Message~(5) = $04 Message~(6) = $08 Message~(7) = $10 Message~(8) = $20 FOR idx = 2 To 8 checksum~ = checksum~ + Message~(idx) NEXT checksum~ = BITNOT(checksum~) +1 Message~(9) = checksum~ TxMessage(9) END SUB SUB nullEvent(time AS Double) !Measure Accel evey 0.1 sec ! Make a byte to hold scaled value sc~ = 0 tmp$ = "" IF lasttime = 0 THEN lasttime = time ELSE IF time - lasttime > tpause THEN ac = sensors.accel PRINT $ tmp$ USING "+#.#####"; ac(1); xdisplay.setText(tmp$) sc~ = (ac(1) * 128) + 127 PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; sc~ xsc.setText(tmp$) Message~(3) = sc~ PRINT $ tmp$ USING "+#.#####"; ac(2); ydisplay.setText(tmp$) sc~ = (ac(2) * 128) + 127 PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; sc~ ysc.setText(tmp$) Message~(4) = sc~ PRINT $ tmp$ USING "+#.#####"; ac(3); zdisplay.setText(tmp$) sc~ = (ac(3) * 128) + 127 Message~(5) = sc~ PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; sc~ zsc.setText(tmp$) SendMsgA6 lasttime = time END IF END IF !! Receive the A6 message back from AB rxstate~ = 0 idx~ = 1 WHILE NOT EOF(1) GET #1,,rxch~ SELECT CASE rxstate~ CASE 0 IF rxch~ = $A6 THEN RxMessage~(idx~) = rxch~ idx~ = idx~ +1 rxchksum~ = 0 rxstate~ = 1 END IF CASE 1 RxMessage~(idx~) = rxch~ idx~ = idx~ + 1 bytesneeded~ = rxch~ -1 bytecount~ = 0 rxchksum~ = rxch~ rxstate~ = 2 CASE 2 RxMessage~(idx~) = rxch~ idx~ = idx~ + 1 rxchksum~ = rxchksum~ + rxch~ bytecount~ = bytecount~ + 1 IF bytecount~ = bytesneeded~ THEN rxstate~ = 3 END IF CASE 3 RxMessage~(idx~) = rxch~ chktest~ = rxchksum~ + rxch~ chktest~ = chktest~ BITAND $FF IF chktest~ = 0 THEN msgcount = msgcount + 1 print $ M$ "MsgCount = "; msgcount lblmsgs.setText(M$) ELSE chkerr = chkerr + 1 print $ M$ "ERROR COUNT = "; chkerr lblerrs.setText(M$) END IF rxstate~ = 0 idx~ = 1 END SELECT WEND REM Display Accel values received back PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; RxMessage~(3) xscrx.setText(tmp$) PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; RxMessage~(4) yscrx.setText(tmp$) PRINT $ tmp$ USING "####"; RxMessage~(5) zscrx.setText(tmp$) END SUB FUNCTION MakeLabel(x,y,title as string) as Label DIM lbl AS Label lbl = Graphics.newLabel(x,y) lbl.setText(title) lbl.setAlignment(3) lbl.setFont("Monospaced",24,1) END FUNCTION SUB touchUpInside(ctrl AS Button, when AS Double) if ctrl = quit then STOP end if end sub