TriBladeProp board Assembly Instructions Rev A.1 05 Aug 2009 DRAFT VERSION (c) 2009 Cluso99 (Ray Rodrick) 1. Solder the SMT (surface mount parts) J22 microSD socket U91 FT232RL (if using the PropPlug circuit) Q1 LM1117DT-5.0 (if using smt) Q2 LM1117DT-3.3 (if using smt) 2. Solder the PropPlug components next R91 150R (if using the PropPlug circuit) R92 150R (if using the PropPlug circuit) R93 10K (if using the PropPlug circuit) C91 4.7uF 10V Tantalum (if using the PropPlug circuit) (observe polarity) C92 100nF (0.1uF) (if using the PropPlug circuit) C93 10nF (0.01uF) (if using the PropPlug circuit) Q91 P2N2222 (if using the PropPlug circuit) CAREFUL - solder mask incorrect!! J91 mini USB (if using the PropPlug circuit) J92 4 pin header (keyed?) (optional - can be linked on pcb) 3. Solder the power supply components next D4 1N4001/1N4004 (white stripe towards J12 as marked) C2 47uF 6V Tantalum (observe polarity) C3 47uF 6V Tantalum (observe polarity) SW1 Switch C1 100uF 35V Electrolytic (observe polarity) J1 Power connector You are now ready to perform two tests... Test 1. Checking the power supply (use a 6-9VDC centre positive power pack or battery) If you have a multimeter, before applying power, check for a short between J3 5V and G, and between J3 3V3 and G. Apply power to the board. Ensure the regulators are not getting warm (as there is nothing being powered yet) If you have a multimeter, check J3 has +3.3V between 3V3 and G (G=ground=0V) If you have a multimeter, check J3 has +5.0V between 5V and G (G=ground=0V) Test 2. Checking the PropPlug circuit... Connect the USB cable to the TriBlade and the PC. Windows should find the device and automatically install a driver. Note: PropTool will not find the Propeller as we have no chip installed yet. If you have another Propeller board that uses an external PropPlug you can install J92 and connect a cable between J92 and the board test to see PropTool recognises your board. PropTool F7 (Run, Identify Hardware) will check if the Propeller board is found. It is now time to assemble three Propeller circuits (called Blades #1, #2 and #3). These may be done in any order. Assembling Blade #2 4. Solder the following components on the underside of the pcb. Be careful of the orientation of the parts. R21 10K R22 10K U22 AT24C256 or AT24C512 or AT24C1024 U25 74HC573 or 74AHC573 RN1 9 x 10K resistor network C26 10uF 6V Tantalum (+ to X21 side) (optional - required for overclocking) C27 100nF (0.1uF) X7R (optional - required for overclocking) Now snip all component leads from these parts close to the pcb as you will now be soldering components over the legs. 5. Solder the following components on the topside of the pcb next J22 microSD socket should already be soldered X21 Crystal Default 5.00MHz (see overclocking thread on forum) U21 P8X32A-D40 U23 AS6C4008-55PCN (optional - see Errata first) U24 AS6C4008-55PCN (optional - see Errata first) U26 W25X80 (optional Flash - incorrectly marked as EEPROM) C21 100nF (0.1uF) C22 100nF (0.1uF) C23 100nF (0.1uF) C24 100nF (0.1uF) C25 100nF (0.1uF) 6. Optionally solder the remaining components J21 4 pin header (keyed?) (optional propplug connection) R23 uncommitted resistor R24 uncommitted resistor You are now ready to test Blade #2... Test 3. Connect a PropPlug to Blade #2 via J21. An onboard PropPlug equivalent circuit is on the Trilade pcb on J92. If using this, connect G to G (optional as G=ground is common) -R to -R reset TXD to SI transmit data from PC RXD to SI receive data back to pc Apply power and download a test program to Blade #2. (see TriBladeProp thread for test programs) Preparing the microSD card... 20. Format the microSD card (maximum 2GB for now) Windows Vista (your operation may be different) Start / Control Panel / System / Device Manager / Memory technology driver / Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated Flash Media COntroller Click to enable device Windows Explorer Right click on SD Card (F:) Capacity 1.83GB (default for 2GB microSD) FAT (default FAT16) Allocation unit size 32KB (default) Volume Label "TriBlade2" (whatever you like) Start (this will erase everything on the microSD card) 21. Now copy the following files onto you microSD card WARNING: These files need to be copied immediately after a format to ensure they are contiguous !!! Windows Explorer DRIVE_1M.RAM (this contains to CPM EPROM Boot code) DRIVE__A.DSK (usually a copy of DRVCPM_2.DSK for CPM2.2) DRIVE__B.DSK (usually blank) DRIVE__C.DSK (usually blank) DRIVE__D.DSK (usually blank) DRIVE__E.DSK (usually blank) DRIVE__F.DSK (usually blank) DRVCPM_2.DSK (CPM 2.2 loaded as Drive G) DRVCPM_3.DSK (CPM 3 loaded as Drive H) NONBANK3.001 (CPM 3 EPROM Boot code - not working properly yet)