PROPELLER 2 MEMORY ------------------ In the Propeller 2, there are two primary types of memory: HUB MEMORY 128K bytes of main memory shared by all cogs - cogs launch from this memory - cogs can access this memory as bytes, words, longs, and quads (4 longs) - $00000..$00E7F is ROM - contains Booter, SHA-256/HMAC, and Monitor - $00E80..$1FFFF is RAM - for application usage COG MEMORY (8 instances) 512 longs of register RAM for code and data usage - simultaneous instruction, source, and destination reading, plus writing - last eight registers are for I/O pin control 256 longs of stack RAM for data and video usage - accessible via push and pop operations - video circuit can read data simultaneously and asynchronously HUB MEMORY INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------- These instructions read and write hub memory. All instructions use D as the data conduit, except WRQUAD/RDQUAD/RDQUADC, which uses the four QUAD registers. The QUADs can be mapped into cog register space using the SETQUAD instruction or kept hidden, in which case they are still useful as data conduit and as a read cache. If mapped, the QUADs overlay four contiguous cog registers. These overlaid registers can be read and written as any other registers, as well as executed. Any write via D to the QUAD registers, when mapped, will affect the underlying cog registers, as well. A RDQUAD/RDQUADC will affect the QUAD registers, but not the underlying cog registers. The cached reads RDBYTEC/RDWORDC/RDLONGC/RDQUADC will do a RDQUAD if the current read address is outside of the 4-long window of the prior RDQUAD. Otherwise, they will immediately return cached data. The CACHEX instruction invalidates the cache, forcing a fresh RDQUAD next time a cached read executes. Hub memory instructions must wait for their cog's hub cycle, which comes once every 8 clocks. The timing relationship between a cog's instruction stream and its hub cycle is generally indeterminant, causing these instructions to take varying numbers of clocks. Timing can be made determinant, though, by intentionally spacing these instructions apart so that after the first in a series executes, the subsequent hub memory instructions fall on hub cycles, making them take the minimal numbers of clocks. The trick is to write useful code to go in between them. WRBYTE/WRWORD/WRLONG/WRQUAD/RDQUAD complete on the hub cycle, making them take 1..8 clocks. RDBYTE/RDWORD/RDLONG complete on the 2nd clock after the hub cycle, making them take 3..10 clocks. RDBYTEC/RDWORDC/RDLONGC take only 1 clock if data is cached, otherwise 3..10 clocks. RDQUADC takes only 1 clock if data is cached, otherwise 1..8 clocks. After a RDQUAD, mapped QUAD registers are accessible via D and S after three clocks: RDQUAD hubaddress 'read a quad into the QUAD registers mapped at quad0..quad3 NOP 'do something for at least 3 clocks to allow QUADs to update NOP NOP CMP quad0,quad1 'mapped QUADs are now accessible via D and S After a RDQUAD, mapped QUAD registers are executable after three clocks and one instruction: SETQUAD #quad0 'map QUADs to quad0..quad3 RDQUAD hubaddress 'read a quad into the QUAD registers mapped at quad0..quad3 NOP 'do something for at least 3 clocks to allow QUADs to update NOP NOP NOP 'do at least 1 instruction to get QUADs into pipeline quad0 NOP 'QUAD0..QUAD3 are now executable quad1 NOP quad2 NOP quad3 NOP After a SETQUAD, mapped QUAD registers are writable immediately, but original contents are readable via D and S after 2 instructions: SETQUAD #quad0 'map QUADs to quad0..quad3 (new address) NOP 'do at least two instructions to queue up QUADs NOP CMP quad0,quad1 'mapped QUADS are now accessible via D and S On cog startup, the QUAD registers are cleared to 0's. instructions clocks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000000 000 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WRBYTE D,S 'write lower byte in D at S 1..8 000000 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN WRBYTE D,PTR 'write lower byte in D at PTR 1..8 000000 Z01 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDBYTE D,S 'read byte at S into D 3..10 000000 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDBYTE D,PTR 'read byte at PTR into D 3..10 000000 Z11 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDBYTEC D,S 'read cached byte at S into D 1, 3..10 000000 Z11 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDBYTEC D,PTR 'read cached byte at PTR into D 1, 3..10 000001 000 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WRWORD D,S 'write lower word in D at S 1..8 000001 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN WRWORD D,PTR 'write lower word in D at PTR 1..8 000001 Z01 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDWORD D,S 'read word at S into D 3..10 000001 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDWORD D,PTR 'read word at PTR into D 3..10 000001 Z11 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDWORDC D,S 'read cached word at S into D 1, 3..10 000001 Z11 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDWORDC D,PTR 'read cached word at PTR into D 1, 3..10 000010 000 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WRLONG D,S 'write D at S 1..8 000010 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN WRLONG D,PTR 'write D at PTR 1..8 000010 Z01 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDLONG D,S 'read long at S into D 3..10 000010 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDLONG D,PTR 'read long at PTR into D 3..10 000010 Z11 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS RDLONGC D,S 'read cached long at S into D 1, 3..10 000010 Z11 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SUPNNNNNN RDLONGC D,PTR 'read cached long at PTR into D 1, 3..10 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110000 WRQUAD D 'write QUADs at D 1..8 000011 001 1 CCCC SUPNNNNNN 010110000 WRQUAD PTR 'write QUADs at PTR 1..8 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110001 RDQUAD D 'read quad at D into QUADs 1..8 000011 001 1 CCCC SUPNNNNNN 010110001 RDQUAD PTR 'read quad at PTR into QUADs 1..8 000011 010 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110001 RDQUADC D 'read cached quad at D into QUADs 1, 1..8 000011 011 1 CCCC SUPNNNNNN 010110001 RDQUADC PTR 'read cached quad at PTR into QUADs 1, 1..8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTR expressions: INDEX = -32..+31 for simple offsets, 0..31 for ++'s, or 0..32 for --'s SCALE = 1 for byte, 2 for word, 4 for long, or 16 for quad S = 0 for PTRA, 1 for PTRB U = 0 to keep PTRx same, 1 to update PTRx P = 0 to use PTRx + INDEX*SCALE, 1 to use PTRx (post-modify) NNNNNN = INDEX nnnnnn = -INDEX SUPNNNNNN PTR expression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000000000 PTRA 'use PTRA 100000000 PTRB 'use PTRB 011000001 PTRA++ 'use PTRA, PTRA += SCALE 111000001 PTRB++ 'use PTRB, PTRB += SCALE 011111111 PTRA-- 'use PTRA, PTRA -= SCALE 111111111 PTRB-- 'use PTRB, PTRB -= SCALE 010000001 ++PTRA 'use PTRA + SCALE, PTRA += SCALE 110000001 ++PTRB 'use PTRB + SCALE, PTRB += SCALE 010111111 --PTRA 'use PTRA - SCALE, PTRA -= SCALE 110111111 --PTRB 'use PTRB - SCALE, PTRB -= SCALE 000NNNNNN PTRA[INDEX] 'use PTRA + INDEX*SCALE 100NNNNNN PTRB[INDEX] 'use PTRB + INDEX*SCALE 011NNNNNN PTRA++[INDEX] 'use PTRA, PTRA += INDEX*SCALE 111NNNNNN PTRB++[INDEX] 'use PTRB, PTRB += INDEX*SCALE 011nnnnnn PTRA--[INDEX] 'use PTRA, PTRA -= INDEX*SCALE 111nnnnnn PTRB--[INDEX] 'use PTRB, PTRB -= INDEX*SCALE 010NNNNNN ++PTRA[INDEX] 'use PTRA + INDEX*SCALE, PTRA += INDEX*SCALE 110NNNNNN ++PTRB[INDEX] 'use PTRB + INDEX*SCALE, PTRB += INDEX*SCALE 010nnnnnn --PTRA[INDEX] 'use PTRA - INDEX*SCALE, PTRA -= INDEX*SCALE 110nnnnnn --PTRB[INDEX] 'use PTRB - INDEX*SCALE, PTRB -= INDEX*SCALE Examples: 000000 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000000 RDBYTE D,PTRA 'read byte at PTRA into D 000001 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 111000001 WRWORD D,PTRB++ 'write lower word in D at PTRB, PTRB += 2 000010 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 011111111 RDLONG D,PTRA-- 'read long at PTRA into D, PTRA -= 4 000011 001 1 CCCC 110000001 010110001 RDQUAD ++PTRB 'read quad at PTRB+16 into QUADs, PTRB += 16 000000 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010111111 WRBYTE D,--PTRA 'write lower byte in D at PTRA-1, PTRA -= 1 000001 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 100000111 WRWORD D,PTRB[7] 'write lower word in D to PTRB+7*2 000010 Z11 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 011001111 RDLONGC D,PTRA++[15] 'read cached long at PTRA into D, PTRA += 15*4 000011 001 1 CCCC 111111101 010110000 WRQUAD PTRB--[3] 'write QUADs at PTRB, PTRB -= 3*16 000000 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010000110 WRBYTE D,++PTRA[6] 'write lower byte in D to PTRA+6*1, PTRA += 6*1 000001 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 110110110 RDWORD D,--PTRB[10] 'read word at PTRB-10*2 into D, PTRB -= 10*2 Bytes, words, longs, and quads are addressed as follows: for WRBYTE/RDBYTE/RDBYTEC, address = %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (bits 16..0 are used) for WRWORD/RDWORD/RDWORDC, address = %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- (bits 16..1 are used) for WRLONG/RDLONG/RDLONGC, address = %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-- (bits 16..2 are used) for WRQUAD/RDQUAD/RDQUADC, address = %XXXXXXXXXXXXX---- (bits 16..4 are used) address byte word long quad ------------------------------------------------------------------- 00000- 50 *7250 *706F7250 *0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00001- 72 7250 706F7250 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00002- 6F *706F 706F7250 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00003- 70 706F 706F7250 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00004- 32 *2E32 *20302E32 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00005- 2E 2E32 20302E32 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00006- 30 *2030 20302E32 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00007- 20 2030 20302E32 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00008- 00 *2000 *0C7C2000 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00009- 20 2000 0C7C2000 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000A- 7C *0C7C 0C7C2000 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000B- 0C 0C7C 0C7C2000 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000C- 03 *CC03 *0C7CCC03 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000D- CC CC03 0C7CCC03 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000E- 7C *0C7C 0C7CCC03 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 0000F- 0C 0C7C 0C7CCC03 0C7CCC030C7C200020302E32706F7250 00010- 45 *FE45 *0DC1FE45 *0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00011- FE FE45 0DC1FE45 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00012- C1 *0DC1 0DC1FE45 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00013- 0D 0DC1 0DC1FE45 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00014- E3 *B6E3 *0CFCB6E3 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00015- B6 B6E3 0CFCB6E3 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00016- FC *0CFC 0CFCB6E3 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00017- 0C 0CFC 0CFCB6E3 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00018- 01 *C601 *0C7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 00019- C6 C601 0C7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001A- 7C *0C7C 0C7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001B- 0C 0C7C 0C7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001C- 01 *C601 *0D7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001D- C6 C601 0D7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001E- 7C *0D7C 0D7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 0001F- 0D 0D7C 0D7CC601 0D7CC6010C7CC6010CFCB6E30DC1FE45 * new word/long/quad PTRA/PTRB INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------- Each cog has two 17-bit pointers, PTRA and PTRB, which can be read, written, modified, and used to access hub memory. At cog startup, the PTRA and PTRB registers are initialized as follows: PTRA = %X_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX, data from launching cog, usually a pointer PTRB = %X_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXX00, long address in hub where cog code was loaded from instructions clocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000011 ZCR 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000010010 GETPTRA D 'get PTRA into D, C = PTRA[16] 1 000011 ZCR 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000010011 GETPTRB D 'get PTRB into D, C = PTRB[16] 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110010 SETPTRA D 'set PTRA to D 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110010 SETPTRA #n 'set PTRA to 0..511 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110011 SETPTRB D 'set PTRB to D 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110011 SETPTRB #n 'set PTRB to 0..511 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110100 ADDPTRA D 'add D into PTRA 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110100 ADDPTRA #n 'add 0..511 into PTRA 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110101 ADDPTRB D 'add D into PTRB 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110101 ADDPTRB #n 'add 0..511 into PTRB 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110110 SUBPTRA D 'subtract D from PTRA 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110110 SUBPTRA #n 'subtract 0..511 from PTRA 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 010110111 SUBPTRB D 'subtract D from PTRB 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 010110111 SUBPTRB #n 'subtract 0..511 from PTRB 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUAD-RELATED INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- Each cog has four QUAD registers which form a 128-bit conduit between the hub memory and the cog. This conduit can transfer four longs every 8 clocks via the WRQUAD/RDQUAD instructions. It can also be used as a 4-long/8-word/16-byte read cache, utilized by RDBYTEC/RDWORDC/RDLONGC/RDQUADC. Initially hidden, these QUAD registers are mappable into cog register space by using the SETQUAD instruction to set an address where the base register is to appear, with the other three registers following. To hide the QUAD registers, use SETQUAD to set an address of $1FF. SETQUAZ works just like SETQUAD, but also clears the four QUAD registers. instructions clocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000011 000 1 CCCC 000000000 000001000 CACHEX 'invalidate cache 1 000011 Z01 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000010001 GETTOPS D 'get top bytes of QUADs into D 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 011100010 SETQUAD D 'set QUAD base to D 1 000011 001 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 011100010 SETQUAD #n 'set QUAD base to 0..511 1 000011 010 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 011100010 SETQUAZ D 'set QUAD base to D, QUAD=0 1 000011 011 1 CCCC nnnnnnnnn 011100010 SETQUAZ #n 'set QUAD base to 0..511, QUAD=0 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUB CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------ These instructions are used to control hub circuits and cogs. Hub instructions must wait for their cog's hub cycle, which comes once every 8 clocks. In cases where there is no result to wait for (ZCR = %000), these instructions complete on the hub cycle, making them take 1..8 clocks, depending on where the hub cycle is in relation to the instruction. In cases where a result is anticipated (ZCR <> %000), these instructions complete on the 1st clock after the hub cycle, making them take 2..9 clocks. COGINIT D,S ----------- COGINIT is used to start cogs. Any cog can be (re)started, whether it is idle or running. A cog can even execute a COGINIT to restart itself with a new program. COGINIT uses D to specify a long address in hub memory that is the start of the program that is to be loaded into a cog, while S is a 17-bit parameter (usually an address) that will be conveyed to PTRA of the started cog. PTRB of the started cog will be set to the start address of its program that was loaded from hub memory. SETCOG must be executed before COGINIT to set the number of the cog to be started (0..7). If SETCOG sets a value with bit 3 set (%1xxx), this will cause the next idle cog to be started when COGINIT is executed, with the number of the cog started being returned in D, and the C flag returning 0 if okay, or 1 if no idle cog was available. At cog startup, SETCOG is initialized to %0000. When a cog is started, $1F8 contiguous longs are read from hub memory and written to cog registers $000..$1F7. The cog will then begin execution at $000. This process takes 1,016 clocks. Example: COGID COGNUM 'what cog am I? SETCOG COGNUM 'set my cog number COGINIT COGPGM,COGPTR 'restart me with the ROM Monitor COGPGM LONG $0070C 'address of the ROM Monitor COGPTR LONG 90<<9 + 91 'tx = P90, rx = P91 COGNUM RES 1 CLKSET D --------- CLKSET writes the lower 9 bits of D to the hub clock register: %R_MMMM_XX_SS R = 1 for hardware reset, 0 for continued operation MMMM = PLL mode: %0000 for disabled, else XX must be set for XI input or XI/XO crystal oscillator %0001 for multiply XI by 2 %0010 for multiply XI by 3 %0011 for multiply XI by 4 %0100 for multiply XI by 5 %0101 for multiply XI by 6 %0110 for multiply XI by 7 %0111 for multiply XI by 8 %1000 for multiply XI by 9 %1001 for multiply XI by 10 %1010 for multiply XI by 11 %1011 for multiply XI by 12 %1100 for multiply XI by 13 %1101 for multiply XI by 14 %1110 for multiply XI by 15 %1111 for multiply XI by 16 XX = XI/XO pin mode: %00 for XI reads low, XO floats %01 for XI input, XO floats %10 for XI/XO crystal oscillator with 15pF internal loading and 1M-ohm feedback %11 for XI/XO crystal oscillator with 30pF internal loading and 1M-ohm feedback SS = Clock selector: %00 for RCFAST (~20MHz) %01 for RCSLOW (~20KHz) %10 for XTAL (10MHz-20MHz) %11 for PLL Because the the clock register is cleared to %0_0000_00_00 on reset, the chip starts up in RCFAST mode with both the crystal oscillator and the PLL disabled. Before switching to XTAL or PLL mode from RCFAST or RCSLOW, the crystal oscillator must be enabled and given 10ms to stabilize. The PLL stabilizes within 10us, so it can be enbled at the sime time as the crystal oscillator. Once the crystal is stabilized, you can switch between XTAL and RCFAST/RCSLOW without any stability concerns. If the PLL is also enabled, you can switch freely among PLL, XTAL, and RCFAST/RCSLOW modes. You can change the PLL multiplier while being in PLL mode, but beware that some frequency overshoot and undershoot will occur as the PLL settles to its new frequency. This only poses a hardware problem if you are switching upwards and the resulting overshoot might exceed the speed limit of the chip. COGID D --------- COGID returns the number of the cog (0..7) into D. COGSTOP D --------- COGSTOP stops the cog specified in D (0..7). LOCKNEW D LOCKRET D LOCKSET D LOCKCLR D --------- There are eight semaphore locks available in the chip which can be borrowed with LOCKNEW, returned with LOCKRET, set with LOCKSET, and cleared with LOCKCLR. While any cog can set or clear any lock without using LOCKNEW or LOCKRET, LOCKNEW and LOCKRET are provided so that cog programs have a dynamic and simple means of acquiring and relinquishing the locks at run-time. When a lock is set with LOCKSET, its state is set to 1 and its prior state is returned in C. LOCKCLR works the same way, but clears the lock's state to 0. By having the hub perform the atomic operation of setting/ clearing and reporting the prior state, cogs can utilize locks to insure that only one cog has permission to do something at once. If a lock starts out cleared and multiple cogs vie for the lock by doing a 'LOCKSET locknum wc', the cog to get C=0 back 'wins' and he can have exclusive access to some shared resource while the other cogs get C=1 back. When the winning cog is done, he can do a 'LOCKCLR locknum' to clear the lock and give another cog the opportunity to get C=0 back. LOCKNEW returns the next available lock into D, with C=1 if no lock was free. LOCKRET frees the lock in D so that it can be checked out again by LOCKNEW. LOCKSET sets the lock in D and returns its prior state in C. LOCKCLR clears the lock in D and returns its prior state in C. instructions clocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000011 ZCR 0 CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS COGINIT D,S 'launch cog at D, cog PTRA = S 1..9 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000000 CLKSET D 'set clock to D 1..8 000011 001 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000001 COGID D 'get cog number into D 2..9 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000011 COGSTOP D 'stop cog in D 1..8 000011 ZC1 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000100 LOCKNEW D 'get new lock into D, C = busy 2..9 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000101 LOCKRET D 'return lock in D 1..8 000011 0C0 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000110 LOCKSET D 'set lock in D, C = prev state 1..9 000011 0C0 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000000111 LOCKCLR D 'clear lock in D, C = prev state 1..9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIRECT REGISTERS ------------------ Each cog has two indirect registers: INDA and INDB. They are located at $1F6 and $1F7. By using INDA or INDB for D or S, the register pointed at by INDA or INDB is addressed. INDA and INDB each have three hidden 9-bit registers associated with them: the pointer, the bottom limit, and the top limit. The bottom and top limits are inclusive values which set automatic wrapping boundaries for the pointer. This way, circular buffers can be established within cog RAM and accessed using simple INDA/INDB references. SETINDA/SETINDB/SETINDS is used to set or adjust the pointer value(s) while forcing the associated bottom and top limit(s) to $000 and $1FF, respectively. FIXINDA/FIXINDB/FIXINDS sets the pointer(s) to an inital value, while setting the bottom limit(s) to the lower of the initial and terminal values and the top limit(s) to the higher. Because indirect addressing must occur in the 2nd stage of the pipeline, long before C and Z are valid for conditional execution in the 4th stage, all instructions which use indirect addressing are forced to always execute. This frees the conditional bit field (CCCC) for specifying indirect operations. The top two bits of CCCC are used for indirect D and the bottom two bits are used for indirect S. If only D or S is indirect, the other two bits in CCCC are ignored. Here is the INDA/INDB usage scheme which repurposes the CCCC field: OOOOOO ZCR I CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS ------------------------------------- xxxxxx xxx x 00xx 111110110 xxxxxxxxx D = INDA 'use INDA xxxxxx xxx x 00xx 111110111 xxxxxxxxx D = INDB 'use INDB xxxxxx xxx x 01xx 111110110 xxxxxxxxx D = INDA++ 'use INDA, INDA += 1 xxxxxx xxx x 01xx 111110111 xxxxxxxxx D = INDB++ 'use INDB, INDB += 1 xxxxxx xxx x 10xx 111110110 xxxxxxxxx D = INDA-- 'use INDA, INDA -= 1 xxxxxx xxx x 10xx 111110111 xxxxxxxxx D = INDB-- 'use INDB INDB -= 1 xxxxxx xxx x 11xx 111110110 xxxxxxxxx D = ++INDA 'use INDA+1, INDA += 1 xxxxxx xxx x 11xx 111110111 xxxxxxxxx D = ++INDB 'use INDB+1, INDB += 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx00 xxxxxxxxx 111110110 S = INDA 'use INDA xxxxxx xxx 0 xx00 xxxxxxxxx 111110111 S = INDB 'use INDB xxxxxx xxx 0 xx01 xxxxxxxxx 111110110 S = INDA++ 'use INDA, INDA += 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx01 xxxxxxxxx 111110111 S = INDB++ 'use INDB, INDB += 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx10 xxxxxxxxx 111110110 S = INDA-- 'use INDA, INDA -= 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx10 xxxxxxxxx 111110111 S = INDB-- 'use INDB INDB -= 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx11 xxxxxxxxx 111110110 S = ++INDA 'use INDA+1, INDA += 1 xxxxxx xxx 0 xx11 xxxxxxxxx 111110111 S = ++INDB 'use INDB+1, INDB += 1 If both D and S are the same indirect register, the two 2-bit fields in CCCC are OR'd together to get the post-modifier effect: 101000 001 0 0011 111110110 111110110 MOV INDA,++INDA 'Move @INDA+1 into @INDA, INDA += 1 100000 001 0 1100 111110111 111110111 ADD ++INDB,INDB 'Add @INDB into @INDB+1, INDB += 1 Note that only '++INDx,INDx'/'INDx,++INDx' combinations can address different registers from the same INDx. Here are the instructions which are used to set the pointer and limit values for INDA and INDB: instructions * clocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111000 000 0 0001 000000000 AAAAAAAAA SETINDA #addrA 1 111000 000 0 0011 000000000 AAAAAAAAA SETINDA ++/--deltA 1 111000 000 0 0100 BBBBBBBBB 000000000 SETINDB #addrB 1 111000 000 0 1100 BBBBBBBBB 000000000 SETINDB ++/--deltB 1 111000 000 0 0101 BBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAAA SETINDS #addrB,#addrA 1 111000 000 0 0111 BBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAAA SETINDS #addrB,++/--deltA 1 111000 000 0 1101 BBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAAA SETINDS ++/--deltB,#addrA 1 111000 000 0 1111 BBBBBBBBB AAAAAAAAA SETINDS ++/--deltB,++/--deltA 1 111001 000 0 0001 TTTTTTTTT IIIIIIIII FIXINDA #terminal,#initial 1 111001 000 0 0100 TTTTTTTTT IIIIIIIII FIXINDB #terminal,#initial 1 111001 000 0 0101 TTTTTTTTT IIIIIIIII FIXINDS #terminal,#initial 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * addrA/addrB/terminal/initial = register address (0..511), deltA/deltB = 9-bit signed delta --256..++255 Examples: 111000 000 0 0001 000000000 000000101 SETINDA #5 'INDA = 5, bottom = 0, top = 511 111000 000 0 0011 000000000 000000011 SETINDA ++3 'INDA += 3, bottom = 0, top = 511 111000 000 0 1100 111111100 000000000 SETINDB --4 'INDB -= 4, bottom = 0, top = 511 111000 000 0 0111 000000111 000001000 SETINDS #7,++8 'INDB = 7, INDA += 8, bottoms = 0, tops = 511 111001 000 0 0001 000001111 000001000 FIXINDA #15,#8 'INDA = 8, bottom = 8, top = 15 111001 000 0 0100 000010000 000011111 FIXINDB #16,#31 'INDB = 31, bottom = 16, top = 31 111001 000 0 0101 001100011 000110010 FIXINDS #99,#50 'INDA/INDB = 50, bottoms = 50, tops = 99 STACK RAM --------- Each cog has a 256-long stack RAM that is accessible via push and pop operations. Its contents are not initialized at either reset or cog startup. So, at cog startup, it will contain whatever it happened to power up with, or whatever was last written. There are two stack pointers called SPA and SPB which are used to address the stack memory. Aside from automatically incrementing and decrementing via pushes and pops, SPA and SPB can be set, modified, read back, and checked: SETSPA D/#n set SPA SETSPB D/#n set SPB ADDSPA D/#n add to SPA ADDSPB D/#n add to SPB SUBSPA D/#n subtract from SPA SUBSPB D/#n subtract from SPB GETSPA D get SPA, SPA==0 into Z, SPA.7 into C GETSPB D get SPB, SPB==0 into Z, SPB.7 into C GETSPD D get SPA minus SPB, SPA==SPB into Z, SPA 'execute some code SUBCNT ticks 'get CNTL minus ticks into ticks, took ticks-1 to execute 'Measure time using full 64 bits of CNT (single task) GETCNT ticks_low 'get CNT into {ticks_high, ticks_low} GETCNT ticks_high 'execute some code SUBCNT ticks_low 'get CNT minus {ticks_high, ticks_low} into {ticks_high, ticks_low} SUBCNT ticks_high ' took {ticks_high, ticks_low}-1 clocks to execute 'Do something for some time GETCNT ticks 'get CNTL ADD ticks,#500 'add 500 loop 'execute some code CMPCNT ticks WC 'check if 500 clocks have elapsed yet if_nc JMP #loop 'if not, loop 'Do something every Nth clock (multi-task) GETCNT ticks 'get CNTL loop ADD ticks,#500 'add 500 PASSCNT ticks 'wait for next 500th clock 'execute some code jmp #loop 'loop 'Do something every Nth clock (single-task) GETCNT ticks 'get CNTL ADD ticks,#500 'add initial 500 loop WAITCNT ticks,#500 'wait for next 500th clock, add next 500 'execute some code jmp #loop 'loop 'Wait for pins to equal a value, with time-out GETCNT ticks 'get CNTL ADD ticks,#200 'allow 200 clock cycles for WAITPEQ (CNTL target is last-stored value) WAITPEQ value,mask WC 'wait for (pins & mask) = value if_c JMP #timeout 'if C=1 then timeout occurred, else pin condition was met instructions clocks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000011 ZC0 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000001100 SUBCNT D 'subtracts D from CNTL, then CNTH 1 000011 ZC1 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000001100 CMPCNT D 'compares D to CNTL, then CNTH 1 000011 000 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000001101 PASSCNT D 'loops until CNTL passes D 1* 000011 001 1 CCCC DDDDDDDDD 000001101 GETCNT D 'gets CNTL, then CNTH 1 111111 0CR I CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WAITCNT D,S 'wait for CNTL or CNT (WC), D += S ? 111111 110 I CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WAITPEQ D,S WC 'wait for (pins & S) = D, do timeout ? 111111 111 I CCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS WAITPNE D,S WC 'wait for (pins & S) <> D, do timeout ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 + number of other instructions in the pipeline (0..3) which belong to the executing task BRANCHES -------- As elaborated on in the pipeline section, there are both normal and delayed branching instructions. The normal branching instructions cancel any same-task instructions which are in the pipeline, causing the next instruction that executes in that task to be from the address that was branched to. The delayed branching instructions, intended only for single-task programs, do not cancel any pipelined instructions, allowing the three trailing instructions in the pipeline to execute before the branch appears to take effect. The advantage in using delayed branches is that they only take one clock, but careful programming is required to accommodate the three trailing instructions. In the branch instruction definitions below, only normal branches are shown, though any of them can be made into delayed branches by adding a 'D' to their mnemonic (i.e. JMP becomes JMPD). The JMP (jump), CALL, and RET (return) instructions are specific cases of the JMPRET instruction. CALL works by simultaneously jumping to a labeled subroutine and storing the return address (the address after the CALL) into a RET instruction that has the same label as the subroutine, but with '_RET' added: loop CALL #sub1 'call to sub1, store next address into bits 8..0 of sub1_ret CALL #sub2 'call to sub2, store next address into bits 8..0 of sub2_ret JMP #loop 'loop back to first call sub1 NOTP #0 'start of sub1 routine sub1_ret RET 'return to caller (actually JMP #returnaddress) sub2 NOTP #1 'start of sub2 routine sub2_ret RET 'return to caller (actually JMP #returnaddress) Because the return address is stored in an actual instruction at the end of the subroutine, these kinds of calls cannot be recursive. The WZ and WC suffixes can be used with CALL/RET instructions to control flag updating. For example, if you wish to call a subroutine and preserve either or both of the Z and C flags, you can add the WZ and/or WC suffixes to both the CALL and RET instructions to cause the flags to be initially saved at CALL and subsequently restored on RET: loop CMP a,b WZ,WC 'compare a to b, affect Z and C CALL #sub WZ,WC 'call to sub and save Z/C/PC into bits 10..0 of the RET IF_C_OR_Z JMP #loop 'loop if a =< b JMP #else 'else, branch sub GETP #0 WC 'get pin 0 into C (mess up the flags) GETNP #1 WZ 'get pin 1 into Z SETPC #6 'set pin 6 to C SETPZ #7 'set pin 7 to Z sub_ret RET WZ,WC 'return to caller, restore Z/C/PC from bits 10..0 in RET Here are the discrete JMP/CALL/RET instructions and the general-case JMPRET instruction: JMP S - Jump to address in S[8..0] If WC then C = S[9] If WZ then Z = S[10] JMP #n - Jump to immediate 0..511 If WC then C = bit 9 of JMP instruction (in unused D field) If WZ then Z = bit 10 of JMP instruction (in unused D field) CALL #label - Jump to label which begins subroutine The D field points to the RET instruction at label_RET PC+1 is written to D[8..0] (PC+4 for CALLD) If WC then C is written to D[9] If WZ then Z is written to D[10] D[31..11], plus D[10]/D[9] per WZ/WC, are preserved RET - Jump to bits 8..0 of RET instruction (same as JMP #n) If WC then C = bit 9 of RET instruction (same as JMP #n) If WZ then Z = bit 10 of RET instruction (same as JMP #n) JMPRET D,#n NR - Jump to immediate 0..511 (same as 'JMP #n' and 'RET') If WC then C = bit 9 of JMPRET instruction (in D field) If WZ then Z = bit 10 of JMPRET instruction (in D field) JMPRET D,S NR - Jump to address in S[8..0] (same as 'JMP S') If WC then C = S[9] If WZ then Z = S[10] JMPRET D,#n - Jump to immediate 0..511 (same as 'CALL #label') PC+1 is written to D[8..0] (PC+4 for JMPRETD) If WC then C is written to D[9], else D[9] same If WZ then Z is written to D[10], else D[10] same D[31..11] are preserved JMPRET D,S - Jump to address in S[8..0] PC+1 is written to D[8..0] (PC+4 for JMPRETD) If WC then C is written to D[9] and reloaded from S[9] If WZ then Z is written to D[10] and reloaded from S[10] D[31..11], and D[10]/D[9] per WZ/WC, are preserved TASKSW - Same as 'JMPRET INDA,++INDA WZ,WC' For round-robin switching among threaded tasks Use FIXINDA to set up a ring of Z/C/PC registers Use with register remapping for multiple instances Instructions trailing TASKSWD are in the next thread 'normal' 'delayed' cancelling non-cancelling ---------- -------------- JMP JMPD CALL CALLD RET RETD JMPRET JMPRETD TASKSW TASKSWD CALLA CALLAD CALLB CALLBD RETA RETAD RETB RETBD IJZ IJZD IJNZ IJNZD DJZ DJZD DJNZ DJNZD TJZ TJZD TJNZ TJNZD JP JPD JNP JNPD