Question on for loop gettext.c works fine, password check.c works fine. But on the last part under YOUR TURN - a custom version using getChar() and manually looping through the char array ( I think I got the modifications below right, but ???) - I seem to have hit a snag. The code compiles which makes it difficult to figure out what's wrong - It only cycles through the 1st char of the loop - print("password DOES NOT match text\n"); occurs after input of 1 char doesn't cycle through the other 6 caracters of the password. Going around in circles wondering about combining the 'for' loop and the 'if' statement > maybe problem with the 1 return of !strcmp() vs the 1 return of the 'if' does only the 'false' statement print/ Thanks in advance - appreciate any help...... ( I think I got the correct modification on this code, but ???) #include "simpletools.h" char text[16]; char pass[7] = {"abc 123"}; int main() { print("Enter Password: "); int i; for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { text[i] = getChar(); putChar('*'); if(text[i] == '\r' || text[i] == '\n'); { putChar('\n'); text [i] = 0; break; } if(!strcmp(pass, text)) { print("pass does match text\n", text); } else { print("pass DOES NOT match text\n", text); } } }