# Makefile for the current project # Watch out: work in progress! # Define: # TARGETNAME: name of the target # MEMORY_MODEL: lmm or xmm (defaults to lmm, or use "make mm=xx", but def here supersedes) # BOARD: propeller board type (defaults to ASC, or use "make b=xx", but def here supersedes) # SOURCE_DIRS: any source dirs outside the current dir # LIBS: any non-std libs # Cmd line options and flags: of particular interest might be any "-D..." defines # and the -Ox optimization options # # (c) 2012 Stefan Brantschen # Name the target # --------------- TARGETNAME := toggle # Configuration (note: these defs supersede any cmd line defs via "mm" and "b") # ------------- MEMORY_MODEL = lmm BOARD = propboe # Directories with source files to be used/included, in addition to the current dir # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCEDIRS := # Libraries (non-standard libraries) # ---------------------------------- # Names of libs LIBS := # Dirs of libs LIBDIRS := # Command line options and flags # ------------------------------ DEFS := -Dprintf=__simple_printf -DPARALLAX_I2C_BUS -DBASEPIN=0 CFLAGS := -Os CXXFLAGS := -Os COGCFLAGS := -Os LDFLAGS := LOADFLAGS := # The generic make worker slave :) # -------------------------------- #COMMON := /Users/sbr2/Projects/propeller/gcc/common/makefiles/ COMMON := ./ MAKEFILE := common_makefile #MAKEFILE := common_makefile_builddir # This generic makefile compiles all c, c++, cogc and ecgoc files and links them # to an elf target file that can be loaded to a propeller board. # make b= mm= elf: create the elf file # make b= mm= run: create the elf file and upload to propeller board # make b= mm= lib: create a lib file with all object files # make clean: clean out all created target files # defaults to ASC, defaults to lmm # --------------------------- include $(COMMON)$(MAKEFILE)