# ( n1 -- n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1603, 1605) #> ( n1 -- caddr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1583, 1585) #C ( c1 -- ) ('fs.f', 138, 141) ('fsrd.f', 142, 145) ('lac.f', 202, 205) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 84, 86) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1263, 1266) ('rtc.f', 71, 73) ('sdfs.f', 163, 166) #s ( n1 -- 0 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1609, 1613) % ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1879, 1885) ' ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2208, 2214) (createbegin) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1743, 1746) (createend) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1749, 1751) (dumpb) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 844, 846) (dumpe) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 857, 866) (dumpm) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 850, 852) (fl) ( -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2255, 2334) (forget) ( cstr -- ) ('asm.f', 353, 368) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 774, 789) ('snet.f', 20, 35) ('wordlister.f', 7, 22) (ioconn) ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 589, 592) (iodis) ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 572, 579) (iolink) ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 603, 606) (iounlink) ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 616, 619) (label) ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) ('asm.f', 851, 856) (mcs) ('bootPLAB23.f', 624, 630) ('mcs.f', 603, 609) (mcsinit) (mcsinit) ( addr n1 n2 n3 -- addr ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 517, 531) ('mcs.f', 496, 510) (mcsres) (mcsres) ( addr -- addr ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 536, 542) ('mcs.f', 515, 521) (mcssyn) (mcssyn )( addr -- addr ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 573, 594) ('mcs.f', 552, 573) (mcssyncm) (mcssyncm) ( addr -- addr t/f ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 561, 563) ('mcs.f', 540, 542) (mcssyncs) (mcssyncs) ( addr -- addr t/f ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 566, 568) ('mcs.f', 545, 547) (mcssynsm) (mcssynsm) ( addr -- addr ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 545, 550) ('mcs.f', 524, 529) (mcssynss) (mcssynss) ( addr -- addr ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 553, 558) ('mcs.f', 532, 537) (nfcog) (nfcog) ( -- n1 n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1267, 1278) (prop) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 35, 36) * ( n1 n2 -- n1*n2) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 728, 730) */ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 ) n4 = (n1*n2) ('bootPLAB23.f', 392, 394) ('mcs.f', 372, 374) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 747, 749) */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5 ) n5 = (n1*n2) ('bootPLAB23.f', 379, 387) ('mcs.f', 359, 367) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 736, 742) +loop ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1959, 1961) -1 ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 130, 137) . ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1621, 1627) ." ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1994, 1996) .byte ( n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 222, 224) ('fsrd.f', 226, 228) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 167, 169) ('spinmaker.f', 63, 65) .cogch ( n1 n2 -- ) print as x(y) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 916, 923) .con ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1041, 1048) .conbyte ( c1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1056, 1058) .concstr ( cstr -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1025, 1035) .conemit ( c1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1016, 1019) .conlong ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1072, 1074) .const? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1080, 1096) .conwait ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1002, 1011) .conword ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1064, 1066) .cstr ( addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1310, 1312) .long ( n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 254, 256) ('fsrd.f', 258, 260) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 199, 201) ('spinmaker.f', 95, 97) .num ( n1 -- ) ('lac.f', 229, 231) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1290, 1292) ('sdfs.f', 190, 192) .str ( c-addr u1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1186, 1196) .strname ( c-addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1300, 1307) .word ( n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 238, 240) ('fsrd.f', 242, 244) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 183, 185) ('spinmaker.f', 79, 81) .xstr ( c-addr u1 -- ) ('spinmaker.f', 227, 242) .xstrname ( c-addr -- ) ('spinmaker.f', 246, 253) / ( n1 n2 -- n1/n2) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 766, 768) /mod ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 755, 760) 0<> ( n1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 903, 907) 0= ( n1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 895, 899) 0> ( n1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 911, 915) 0>= ( n1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 972, 974) 1- ( n1 -- n1-1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 919, 923) 1lock ('fs.f', 262, 266) ('fsrd.f', 266, 270) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 455, 460) 2* ( n1 -- n1<<1 ) ('asm.f', 322, 329) ('lac.f', 137, 145) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 219, 225) ('symgen.f', 6, 27) 2- ( n1 -- n1-2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 927, 931) 2drop ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 883, 885) 2dup ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 877, 879) 2lock ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1729, 1730) 3drop ( n1 n2 n3 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 889, 891) 4* ( n1 -- n1<<2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 935, 939) 4/ ( n1 -- n1>>2 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 29, 49) ('sd_init.f', 27, 47) 7lock ('ipserverdebug.f', 10, 11) : ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1863, 1865) :rasm ( asmaddr -- ) ('asm.f', 1081, 1083) < ( n1 n2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 389, 393) <# ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1577, 1579) <= ( n1 n2 -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 966, 968) > ( n1 n2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 373, 385) >= ( n1 n2 -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 960, 962) >bcd ( n1 -- n2 ) ('rtc.f', 90, 92) >con ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 809, 811) >in ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 769, 771) >m ( n1 -- n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2132, 2134) >out ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 762, 764) C! ( c1 addr -- ) \ store 8 bit value (c1) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 308, 312) C+! ('mcs.f', 1041, 1043) C@++ ( c-addr -- c-addr+1 c1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1046, 1048) EC@ ( eeAddr -- c1 ) ('fs.f', 705, 707) ('fswr.f', 76, 78) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 837, 839) ERR ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 566, 568) EW! ( n1 eeAddr -- ) ('fs.f', 715, 720) ('fswr.f', 86, 91) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 484, 489) EW@ ( eeAddr -- n1 ) ('fs.f', 695, 701) ('fswr.f', 66, 72) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 825, 831) L@ ( addr -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 280, 284) W+! ( n1 addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 978, 980) W@ ( addr -- h1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 288, 304) [if ( flag -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2185, 2187) [ifdef ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2191, 2193) [ifndef ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2197, 2199) \ ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2139, 2141) ] ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2201, 2203) _accept ( -- +n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1413, 1442) _append_hex ( cstr -- ) ('http.f', 277, 295) _asmpfa>nfa ( addr -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1383, 1395) _bbo ('PropForthBootOptimzeAsmSrc.f', 82, 385) _bbo0 ('PropForthBootOptimzeAsmSrc.f', 80, 81) _bf ( n1 -- cstr ) ('fs.f', 215, 217) ('fsrd.f', 219, 221) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 160, 162) ('spinmaker.f', 56, 58) _cfo ( n1 -- n2 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 160, 162) ('bootPLAB23.f', 421, 426) ('lac.f', 160, 166) ('mcs.f', 401, 406) ('norom.f', 148, 150) _cnip ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 161, 163) _dgetLocaltime ( -- tlo thi) gets a 64bit (double) ('time.f', 381, 383) _dgettime ( -- tlo thi) gets a 64bit (double) ('time.f', 375, 377) _dictsearch ( nfa cstr -- n1) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2620, 2631) _dl ( c1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2145, 2163) _dsetLocaltime ( tlo thi -- ) ('time.f', 337, 339) _dsettime ( tlo thi -- ) ('time.f', 331, 333) _dtickCNT@ ( -- n1 n2 ) ('time.f', 324, 326) _ec ( cstr -1|n1 -- cstr 0 | n1 -1) ('asm.f', 418, 421) _ecs ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1970, 1972) _eestart ( -- ) ('fs.f', 400, 402) ('fsrd.f', 404, 406) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 439, 441) _eestop ( -- ) ('fs.f', 408, 410) ('fsrd.f', 412, 414) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 447, 449) _fb1 ( addr keys -- addr keys ) ('sdfs.f', 943, 956) _fbR1 ( filename numblocks_to_allocate currentdir_block -- headerblock currentblock bytes_written) ('sdfs.f', 959, 961) _fbR2 ( headerblock currentblock bytes_written addr -- headerblock currentblock bytes_written) ('sdfs.f', 964, 969) _fbR3 ( headerblock currentblock bytes_written --) ('sdfs.f', 973, 975) _femit? (c1 ioaddr -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 821, 833) _fkey? ( ioaddr -- c1 t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 851, 858) _fnf ( --) ('fs.f', 442, 444) ('fsrd.f', 446, 448) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1325, 1327) ('sdfs.f', 225, 227) _forthpfa>nfa ( addr -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1374, 1379) _fsfind ( cstr -- addr ) ('fs.f', 488, 504) ('fsrd.f', 492, 508) _fsfree ( -- n1 ) ('fs.f', 473, 485) ('fsrd.f', 477, 489) _fsk ( n1 -- n2) ('fs.f', 435, 437) ('fsrd.f', 439, 441) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1596, 1598) ('sdfs.f', 496, 498) _fslast ( -- addr ) ('fs.f', 507, 520) ('fsrd.f', 511, 524) _fsload ( cstr -- ) ('fs.f', 596, 604) ('fsrd.f', 600, 608) _fsnext ( addr1 -- addr2 t/f) ('fs.f', 455, 457) ('fsrd.f', 459, 461) _fsp ( -- cstr ) ('fs.f', 574, 582) ('fsrd.f', 578, 586) _fspa ( addr1 -- addr2) ('fs.f', 448, 450) ('fsrd.f', 452, 454) _fsrd ( addr1 addr2 n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 461, 470) ('fsrd.f', 465, 474) _fsread ( cstr -- ) ('fs.f', 551, 571) ('fsrd.f', 555, 575) _fswr ( addr1 addr2 n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 724, 733) ('fswr.f', 95, 104) _ft ( n1 divisor -- cstr ) ('fs.f', 189, 211) ('fsrd.f', 193, 215) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 134, 156) _http_debugmsg ( cstr cstr -- ) ('httpserver.f', 70, 95) _httpend ( --) ('httpserver.f', 448, 458) _httpstart ( -- url block ) ('httpserver.f', 393, 445) _iobufout ( -- ) ('sdfs.f', 888, 896) _ip_currsocket ( n1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 400, 406) _ip_daytimerequest ('daytime.f', 70, 140) _ip_destport _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 246, 249) _ip_dosend ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 11, 22) _ip_emit ( c1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 562, 567) ('ipserver1.f', 706, 707) _ip_emit? ( -- t/f) ('ipserver1.f', 533, 541) _ip_femit? (c1 -- t/f) ('ipserver1.f', 544, 559) _ip_fkey? ( -- c1 t/f ) ('ipserver1.f', 571, 587) _ip_iacresp ( c1 c2 -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 55, 59) _ip_init ( -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 711, 719) _ip_initsocketdata ('ipserver1.f', 408, 421) _ip_int ( n1 -- n1 ) ('ipserver2.f', 365, 385) _ip_k ( -- cnt ) ('ipserver2.f', 93, 152) _ip_keydrop ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 183, 194) _ip_keytosock ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 155, 180) _ip_lastsocketstatus _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 230, 234) _ip_listenport _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 240, 243) _ip_processsockreq ( c1 -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 571, 622) _ip_rdbyte ( n1 -- n2) ('ipserver1.f', 635, 638) _ip_rdlong ( n1 -- n2 ) ('ipserver1.f', 648, 653) _ip_rdword ( n1 -- n2 ) ('ipserver1.f', 641, 645) _ip_rxbuf _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 207, 210) _ip_rxcount _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 223, 226) _ip_sbase _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 199, 203) _ip_scr@ ('ipserver1.f', 692, 693) _ip_sdipr ('ipserver1.f', 448, 450) _ip_sdipr@ ('ipserver1.f', 696, 697) _ip_sdport! ('ipserver1.f', 686, 687) _ip_server ( n1 -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 388, 567) _ip_si ( -- cnt ) ('ipserver2.f', 305, 350) _ip_sir _ip_sbase ('ipserver1.f', 440, 442) _ip_sir! ('ipserver1.f', 682, 683) _ip_smr _ip_sbase ('ipserver1.f', 436, 438) _ip_smr! ( n1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 680, 681) _ip_sockclose ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 197, 201) _ip_sockcr ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 49, 52) _ip_sockcstr ( caddr -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 41, 46) _ip_sockdiscon ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 204, 213) _ip_sockemit ( c1 -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 25, 38) _ip_socketstatus ('ipserverdebug.f', 89, 105) _ip_sockfkey ( -- c1 t/f ) ('ipserver2.f', 62, 83) _ip_sockin ('ipserver2.f', 352, 361) _ip_sockkey ( -- c1 ) ('ipserver2.f', 86, 89) _ip_sockstat1 ('ipserverdebug.f', 16, 30) _ip_sockstat2 ('ipserverdebug.f', 32, 86) _ip_sport ('ipserver1.f', 444, 446) _ip_sport! ('ipserver1.f', 684, 685) _ip_srx_rd ('ipserver1.f', 460, 498) _ip_srx_rd! ('ipserver1.f', 688, 691) _ip_srx_rd@ ('ipserver1.f', 702, 705) _ip_ssr@ ('ipserver1.f', 694, 695) _ip_stx_fsr ('ipserver1.f', 452, 454) _ip_stx_fsr@ ('ipserver1.f', 698, 699) _ip_stx_wr ('ipserver1.f', 456, 458) _ip_stx_wr@ ('ipserver1.f', 700, 701) _ip_telnetin ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 278, 301) _ip_telnetin_1 ( c -- flag ) ('ipserver2.f', 216, 273) _ip_txoffset _ip_socketdata ('ipserver1.f', 213, 216) _ip_wrbyte ( n1 n2 --) ('ipserver1.f', 656, 659) _ip_wrlong ( n1 n2 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 670, 677) _ip_wrword ( n1 n2 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 662, 667) _la_L1 ( n1 -- ) ('lac.f', 404, 406) _la_LST ( n1 -- ) emit n1 in (x) ('lac.f', 409, 424) _la_dStart ( flag flag n1 -- 0 -1 ) ('lac.f', 481, 486) _la_displayPin ( n1 n2 -- ) ('lac.f', 379, 385) _la_h ( -- ) ('lac.f', 544, 556) _la_interval ( n1 -- ) ('lac.f', 439, 477) _la_is1 ( -- ) ('lac.f', 314, 319) _la_k ( -- key flag ) ('lac.f', 560, 616) _la_k1 ( key flag -- key flag ) ('lac.f', 502, 540) _la_pin ( n1 -- ) ('lac.f', 490, 499) _la_sample ( baseaddr numsamples samplecycle triggerbefore triggerafter triggermask -- numSamples ) ('lac.f', 342, 373) _la_sample1 ( baseaddr numsamples samplecycle triggerbefore triggerafter triggermask -- numsamples) ('lac.f', 322, 339) _lacv ( -- ) ('lac.f', 428, 435) _lc ( -- addr) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 653, 655) _lf ( n1 -- cstr ) ('fs.f', 246, 248) ('fsrd.f', 250, 252) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 191, 193) ('spinmaker.f', 87, 89) _mmcs ( -- ) print MISMATCHED CONTROL STRUCTURE(S) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1868, 1874) _nd ( n1 -- n2 ) ('fs.f', 152, 184) ('fsrd.f', 156, 188) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 97, 129) _nf ( n1 -- cstr ) ('lac.f', 211, 223) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1272, 1284) ('sdfs.f', 172, 184) _p+ par ( offset -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 530, 552) _p? ( -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 797, 799) _pna ( pfa -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 561, 564) _pos? ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 ) ('servo.f', 237, 249) _qp ( -- cstr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1981, 1983) _rasm ( asmaddr -- ) ('asm.f', 1034, 1077) _readlong ( addr -- long ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1756, 1766) ('sdfs.f', 656, 666) _rtc_datestr ( yyyy mm dd -- ) ('rtc.f', 349, 352) _rtc_dow ( n1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 341, 342) _rtc_mon ( n1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 345, 346) _rtc_r2 ( -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 ) ('rtc.f', 139, 150) _rtc_r6 ( -- c1 ) ('rtc.f', 172, 175) _rtc_utc-localfixup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 ) ('rtc.f', 278, 305) _rtc_w0 ( c1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 125, 128) _rtc_w2 ( -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 ) ('rtc.f', 161, 169) _rtc_w6 ( c1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 178, 181) _rtcs ( c1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 114, 118) _rtcw ( c1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 105, 110) _sclh ('fs.f', 383, 385) ('fsrd.f', 387, 389) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 423, 425) _scli ('fs.f', 348, 350) ('fsrd.f', 352, 354) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 383, 385) _scll ('fs.f', 376, 378) ('fsrd.f', 380, 382) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 415, 417) _sclo ('fs.f', 355, 357) ('fsrd.f', 359, 361) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 391, 393) _sd_CrEaTe ( n1 n2 -- ) ('sd_scripts.f', 23, 40) _sd_alloc ( n1 -- n2 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1393, 1412) ('sdfs.f', 293, 312) _sd_appendbytes ( src byteoffset nbytes -- updatedsrc ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1773, 1818) ('sdfs.f', 673, 718) _sd_clk_out ('ReleaseSD.f', 233, 234) ('sd_init.f', 249, 250) _sd_clk_out_l ('ReleaseSD.f', 240, 241) ('sd_init.f', 256, 257) _sd_cmdr16 ( crc arg cmd -- n1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 458, 466) ('ReleaseSD.f', 973, 981) ('sd_init.f', 474, 482) ('sd_run.f', 238, 246) _sd_cmdr40 ( crc arg cmd -- n1 n2 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 496, 504) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1012, 1020) ('sd_init.f', 512, 520) ('sd_run.f', 277, 285) _sd_cmdr8 ( crc arg cmd -- n1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 413, 448) ('ReleaseSD.f', 928, 963) ('sd_init.f', 429, 464) ('sd_run.f', 193, 228) _sd_cmdr8data ( datalen crc arg cmd -- n1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 477, 486) ('ReleaseSD.f', 992, 1002) ('sd_init.f', 493, 502) ('sd_run.f', 257, 267) _sd_cs_out ('ReleaseSD.f', 231, 232) ('sd_init.f', 247, 248) _sd_cs_out_l ('ReleaseSD.f', 236, 237) ('sd_init.f', 252, 253) _sd_di_out_l ('ReleaseSD.f', 238, 239) ('sd_init.f', 254, 255) _sd_dn ( dirname -- t/f ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1872, 1880) ('sdfs.f', 772, 780) _sd_fsp ( -- cstr ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1933, 1941) ('sdfs.f', 833, 841) _sd_hash ( cstr -- hash ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1415, 1422) ('sdfs.f', 315, 322) _sd_init ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 511, 727) ('sd_init.f', 527, 743) _sd_initdir ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1377, 1391) ('sdfs.f', 277, 291) _sd_readdata ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 311, 351) ('ReleaseSD.f', 812, 859) ('sd_init.f', 327, 367) ('sd_run.f', 77, 124) _sd_setdirentry ( filename blocknumber -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1426, 1461) ('sdfs.f', 326, 361) _sd_shift_in ( -- c1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 281, 294) ('ReleaseSD.f', 791, 793) ('sd_init.f', 297, 310) ('sd_run.f', 56, 58) _sd_shift_inlong ( -- n1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 298, 303) ('ReleaseSD.f', 796, 798) ('sd_init.f', 314, 319) ('sd_run.f', 61, 63) _sd_shift_out ( c1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 253, 268) ('ReleaseSD.f', 778, 780) ('sd_init.f', 269, 284) ('sd_run.f', 43, 45) _sd_shift_outlong ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 272, 277) ('ReleaseSD.f', 785, 787) ('sd_init.f', 288, 293) ('sd_run.f', 50, 52) _sd_writedata ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 359, 404) ('ReleaseSD.f', 867, 919) ('sd_init.f', 375, 420) ('sd_run.f', 132, 184) _sda? ('fs.f', 390, 392) ('fsrd.f', 394, 396) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 431, 433) _sdah ('fs.f', 369, 371) ('fsrd.f', 373, 375) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 407, 409) _sdai ('fs.f', 334, 336) ('fsrd.f', 338, 340) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 369, 371) _sdal ('fs.f', 362, 364) ('fsrd.f', 366, 368) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 399, 401) _sdao ('fs.f', 341, 343) ('fsrd.f', 345, 347) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 376, 378) _sdblck ( flag offset -- ) ('sdfs.f', 1097, 1155) _sm_cal ( n1 -- n1 ) ('servo.f', 294, 309) _sm_cal1 ( servo key delta -- servo key ) ('servo.f', 283, 291) _sm_cal2 ( n1 -- ) ('servo.f', 272, 280) _sm_idx ( n1 addr -- addr ) ('servo.f', 169, 171) _snet ( -- ) ('snet.f', 51, 59) ('snet.f', 66, 72) _sp ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1987, 1989) _strBsort ( addr -- addr t/f ) ('symgen.f', 91, 107) _strBubbleSort ( endaddr startaddr -- flag ) ('wordlister.f', 124, 135) _strInsertionSort ( endaddr startaddr -- ) ('wordlister.f', 139, 160) _string ( cstr name -- addr) ('symgen.f', 48, 53) ('wordlister.f', 117, 119) _sw ('spinmaker.f', 533, 547) _t>y ( tickslo ticksthi -- remlo remhi y) ('time.f', 206, 228) _t>ymd ( tickslo tickshi -- remlo remhi yy mm dd ) ('time.f', 254, 279) _t>ymdhms ( tickslo tickshi -- y m d h m s rem ) ('time.f', 294, 300) _tickCounter ( addr_dticks _timelock -- ) ('time.f', 451, 477) _udf ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1975, 1977) _waAppend ( addr val -- ) ('symgen.f', 36, 45) ('wordlister.f', 103, 112) _wc1 ( x -- nfa ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2091, 2093) _wf ( n1 -- cstr ) ('fs.f', 230, 232) ('fsrd.f', 234, 236) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 175, 177) ('spinmaker.f', 71, 73) _wnfcog ( -- cog ) ('httpserver.f', 127, 138) _wordArray ( n cstr -- addr) ('symgen.f', 30, 33) ('wordlister.f', 97, 100) _wordlisterbegin ('wordlister.f', 198, 233) _wordlisterend ('wordlister.f', 235, 252) _words ( cstr -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 270, 308) _xc ( c1 c2 cstr -- c1 -1 | cstr -1 0 ) ('spinmaker.f', 7, 14) _xis ( c-addr len base -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1154, 1159) _xnu ( c-addr len base -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1112, 1117) a__ip_rddr ( -- c1 ) ('ipserver1.f', 505, 512) a__ip_wrdr ( c1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 525, 530) a__ip_wridm ( n1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 515, 522) aallot ( n1 -- ) ('asm.f', 334, 340) abs ( n1 -- abs_n1 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 144, 146) ('bootPLAB23.f', 298, 300) ('lac.f', 121, 123) ('mcs.f', 278, 280) ('norom.f', 132, 134) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 638, 640) ('rtc.f', 31, 33) accept ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1451, 1460) addPatch ( dstflag addr cstr1 -- ) ('asm.f', 410, 413) ai1 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 512, 551) ai2 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 554, 593) ai3 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 596, 635) ai4 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 638, 663) alignl ( n1 -- n1) aligns n1 to a long (32 bit) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1034, 1036) alignw ( n1 -- n1) aligns n1 to a halfword (16 bit) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1040, 1042) allot ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1776, 1778) aloha ( t/f -- ) ('fs.f', 84, 113) ('fsrd.f', 88, 117) amacro ('asm.f', 694, 711) and ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 272, 276) andC! ( c1 addr -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 645, 647) andnC! ( c1 addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 990, 992) andnW! ( w1 addr -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 51, 53) asmdone ( cogstart -- ) ('asm.f', 892, 967) asmdst ( n1 -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 837, 847) asmdstsrc ( n1 -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 873, 889) asmerr ( cstr cstr -- ) ('asm.f', 737, 783) asminst ( cstr -- cstr 0 | n1 -1 ) ('asm.f', 716, 732) asminstd ( cstr -- cstr 0 | n1 -1 ) ('asm.f', 681, 683) asminstds ( cstr -- cstr 0 | n1 -1 ) ('asm.f', 666, 678) asminsts ( cstr -- cstr 0 | n1 -1 ) ('asm.f', 686, 689) asmlabel ( x -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2109, 2111) asmline ( -- t/f ) ('asm.f', 970, 1031) asmopend ( n2 n1 -- n3 ) ('asm.f', 859, 870) asmsrc ( n1 -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 814, 834) base ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 729, 731) bcd> ( n1 -- n2 ) ('rtc.f', 79, 84) begin ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1939, 1941) between ( n1 n2 n3 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 996, 998) bootplab1 ('PLAB0boot.f', 296, 307) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 293, 304) bootplab2 ('bootPLAB23.f', 799, 810) bootplab23 ('bootPLAB23.f', 831, 844) bootplab3 ('bootPLAB23.f', 812, 823) bootsubprop ('PLAB0boot.f', 272, 293) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 269, 290) bootsubprop2 ('bootPLAB23.f', 749, 770) bootsubprop3 ('bootPLAB23.f', 774, 795) bounds ( x n -- x+n x ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1028, 1030) build? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 965, 970) c" ( -- c-addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2227, 2244) c, ( x -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1788, 1790) cappend ( c-addr1 c-addr2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1252, 1257) cappendn ( n cstr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1261, 1263) ccopy ( c-addr1 c-addr2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1246, 1248) ccreate ( cstr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1755, 1757) cd.. ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1905, 1908) ('sdfs.f', 805, 808) cds ( -- addr) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 719, 721) checkdict ( n -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1735, 1740) clearkeys ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1836, 1846) cmove ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1225, 1236) cmove> ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) ('wordlister.f', 73, 93) cnd ( cstr -- cstr 0 | n1 -1 ) ('asm.f', 501, 509) cnd1 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 425, 460) cnd2 ( cstr -- cstr -1 | cstr n1 ) ('asm.f', 463, 498) cog, ( x -- ) ('asm.f', 344, 347) cog>pad ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1311, 1313) ('sdfs.f', 211, 213) cog>tbuf7 ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1318, 1320) ('sdfs.f', 218, 220) cog? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 942, 959) cogcds ( n1 -- addr) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 725, 727) cogdump ( adr cnt -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 901, 910) coghere ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 756, 758) cogid ( -- n1 ) return id of the current cog ( 0 - 7 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1631, 1633) cogiochan ( n1 n2 -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 556, 562) cognchan ( n1 -- n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 803, 805) cognumpad ( n1 -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 683, 685) cogpad ( n1 -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 633, 635) cogreset ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 479, 496) cogstate ( n1 -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 791, 793) cogstop ( n -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 472, 475) cogx ( cstr n -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1291, 1296) compile? ( -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 815, 817) constant ( x -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 630, 632) ('ReleaseSD.f', 210, 212) ('sd_init.f', 222, 224) cq ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2219, 2221) cr ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1002, 1004) cr18 ('spinmaker.f', 575, 577) create ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1761, 1766) cstr= ( cstr1 cstr2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2579, 2596) cstr> ( addr1 addr2 -- ) ('symgen.f', 56, 88) ('wordlister.f', 35, 67) cwd ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1911, 1913) ('sdfs.f', 811, 813) d# ( n1lo n1hi -- n2lo n2hi ) ('DoubleMath.f', 131, 133) d#s ( n1lo n1hi -- 0 ) ('DoubleMath.f', 140, 145) d. ( n1lo n1hi -- ) ('DoubleMath.f', 159, 165) d2dup ( n1lo nihi n2lo n2hi -- n1lo n1hi n2lo n2hi n1lo nihi n2lo n2hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 231, 233) d>u ( u1lo u1hi -- u1lo ) ('DoubleMath.f', 199, 201) dL! ( nlo nhi addr -- ) ('DoubleMath.f', 171, 173) dL@ ( addr -- nlo nhi) ('DoubleMath.f', 178, 180) datestr ( yyyy mm dd -- cstr ) ('rtc.f', 359, 362) datetime ( -- ) ('rtc.f', 373, 377) datetimestr ( yy mm dd dow hh mm ss -- cstr ) ('rtc.f', 365, 370) dbglock ('httpserver.f', 47, 48) ddrop ( n1lo n1hi -- ) ('DoubleMath.f', 217, 219) ddup ( n1lo n1hi -- n1lo nihi n1lo n1hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 211, 213) decimal ( -- ) ('daytime.f', 10, 12) ('httpserver.f', 25, 27) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 254, 256) defineLocalLabel ( addr cstr -- ) ('asm.f', 388, 390) definePatch ( -- cstr1 n1) ('asm.f', 402, 408) delms ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2119, 2126) do ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1964, 1966) doloop ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1944, 1951) dothen ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1890, 1897) dover ( n1lo n1hi n2lo n2hi -- n1lo n1hi n2lo n2hi n1lo n1hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 224, 226) dq ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1316, 1318) drot ( n1lo n1hi n2lo n2hi n3lo n3hi -- n2lo n2hi n3lo n3hi n1lo n1hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 192, 195) dswap ( n1lo n1hi n2lo n2hi -- n2lo n2hi n1lo n1hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 185, 188) du* ( u1lo u1hi u2lo u2hi -- u1*u2lo u1*u2hi ) ('DoubleMath.f', 90, 92) du*/ ( u1lo u1hi u2lo u2hi u3lo u3hi -- u4lo u4hi ) u4 = (u1*u2) ('DoubleMath.f', 122, 124) du*/mod ( u1lo u1hi u2lo u2hi u3lo u3hi -- u4lo u4hi u5lo u5hi ) u5 = (u1*u2) ('DoubleMath.f', 114, 116) du. ( n1lo n1hi -- ) ('DoubleMath.f', 151, 153) du/ ( u1lo u1hi u2lo u2hi -- u1/u2lo u1/u2hi) ('DoubleMath.f', 106, 108) du/mod ( u1lo u1hi u2lo u2hi -- remainderlo remainderhi quotientlo quotienthi) ('DoubleMath.f', 97, 99) dump ( adr cnt -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 872, 880) dup ( n1 -- n1 n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 361, 365) edump ( adr cnt -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 885, 896) eereadpage ( eeAddr addr u -- t/f ) ('fs.f', 418, 429) ('fsrd.f', 422, 433) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 806, 819) eewritepage ( eeAddr addr u -- t/f ) ('fs.f', 681, 691) ('fswr.f', 52, 62) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 468, 478) else ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1924, 1926) emit ( c1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 842, 847) evalop ( t/f cstr -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 808, 810) evalop1 ( t/f cstr -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 795, 804) evalop2 ( t/f cstr -- n1 ) ('asm.f', 787, 791) exec ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1824, 1826) exec_test ( params #params menuchar -- t/f ) ('mcs.f', 1314, 1371) ('sd_run.f', 640, 697) execute ( addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 741, 752) execword ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 735, 737) fbwrite ( numblocks_to_allocate -- ) ('sdfs.f', 979, 1040) femit? (c1 -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 837, 838) fill ( c-addr u char -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1334, 1340) find ( c-addr -- c-addr 0 | xt 2 | xt 1 | xt -1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1555, 1573) findConstantsOfInterest ( -- ) ('spinimage.f', 35, 55) findEETOP ( -- n1 ) ('boot.f', 47, 69) ('EEprom_boot.f', 9, 28) ('PLAB0boot.f', 54, 76) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 54, 76) fisnumber ( c-addr len -- t/f -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2001, 2003) fkey? ( -- c1 t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 862, 864) fl ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2338, 2354) fload ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1957, 1975) ('sdfs.f', 857, 873) fnumber ( c-addr len -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2007, 2009) forget ( -- ) ('asm.f', 374, 376) ('boot.f', 41, 43) ('PLAB0boot.f', 48, 50) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 48, 50) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 795, 797) ('ReleaseSD.f', 55, 57) ('sd_init.f', 53, 55) ('snet.f', 41, 43) ('wordlister.f', 28, 30) formatTime ( -- y m d h m s ticks -- cstr) ('time.f', 395, 402) forthentry ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1812, 1814) fread ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1945, 1948) ('sdfs.f', 845, 848) free ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 975, 977) freeDictEnd ( -- addr ) ('lac.f', 243, 245) freeDictStart ( -- addr ) ('lac.f', 236, 238) fsclear ( -- ) ('fs.f', 743, 745) ('fswr.f', 115, 117) fsdrop ( -- ) ('fs.f', 796, 803) ('fswr.f', 168, 175) fsfree ( -- ) ('fs.f', 524, 532) ('fsrd.f', 528, 536) fsload ( -- ) ('fs.f', 607, 614) ('fsrd.f', 611, 618) fsls ( -- ) ('fs.f', 535, 548) ('fsrd.f', 539, 552) fsread ( -- ) ('fs.f', 586, 593) ('fsrd.f', 590, 597) fstart ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2363, 2411) fswrite ( -- ) ('fs.f', 747, 793) ('fswr.f', 119, 165) fwrite ( numblocks_to_allocate -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1951, 1954) ('sdfs.f', 851, 854) fwrite_hex ('http.f', 300, 305) getLocalTime ( -- y m d h m s ticks -- ) ('time.f', 390, 392) getLocalTimeStr ( -- cstr) ('time.f', 410, 412) getTime ( -- y m d h m s ticks -- ) ('time.f', 386, 388) getTimeStr ( -- cstr) ('time.f', 405, 407) hello ( --) ('fs.f', 74, 79) ('fsrd.f', 78, 83) herelal ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1794, 1796) herewal ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1770, 1772) hex ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2115, 2117) hm ( -- ) ('lac.f', 190, 195) http404 ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 484, 486) httpGET ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 489, 534) httpPOST ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 537, 703) httpSEND ( cstr1 cstr2 -- ) ('httpserver.f', 461, 481) httpabort ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 122, 124) httpchunker ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 316, 389) httpfsp ('httpserver.f', 211, 311) httpserver ( -- ) ('httpserver.f', 142, 207) hubopr ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) n2 specifies which hubop (0 - 7) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 332, 336) i ( -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1322, 1324) ibound ( -- n1 ) ('fs.f', 272, 274) ('fsrd.f', 276, 278) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 262, 264) if ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1919, 1921) immediate ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1818, 1820) init_coghere ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 149, 161) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2357, 2359) interpret ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2085, 2087) interpretpad ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2013, 2081) invert ( n1 -- n2 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 104, 106) ('bootPLAB23.f', 305, 307) ('fs.f', 280, 282) ('fsrd.f', 284, 286) ('mcs.f', 285, 287) ('norom.f', 92, 94) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 240, 242) io>cogchan ( addr -- n1 n2 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 929, 936) iobuf ( -- ) ('sdfs.f', 899, 934) ioconn ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 596, 598) iodis ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 583, 585) iolink ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 610, 612) iounlink ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 623, 630) ip_SOCKdaytime ( n1 -- ) ('daytime.f', 20, 66) ip_SOCKdestport ( n1 -- addr ) ('ipserver1.f', 352, 355) ip_SOCKhttp ( n1 -- ) ('httpserver.f', 101, 119) ip_SOCKlistenport ( n1 -- addr ) ('ipserver1.f', 346, 349) ip_SOCKreset ( n1 -- t/f) ('ipserver1.f', 358, 368) ip_SOCKsendmultiplereq ( -1 cmd1 ... cmdn socket -- t/f ) ('ipserver1.f', 328, 343) ip_SOCKstruct ( n1 -- addr ) ('ipserver1.f', 295, 325) ip_SOCKtelnet ( n1 -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 371, 389) ip_init ( -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 722, 731) ip_server ( -- ) ('ipserver2.f', 626, 657) ip_socketstatus ( -- ) ('ipserverdebug.f', 108, 115) isConstantOfInterest? ('spinimage.f', 57, 72) isExecasm ( addr -- t/f) ('spinmaker.f', 417, 422) isExecasmIMM ( addr -- t/f) ('spinmaker.f', 426, 429) isdigit ( c1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1071, 1073) isleap ( yyyy -- t/f) ('rtc.f', 188, 199) ('time.f', 164, 176) isnamechar ( c1 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1368, 1370) isnumber ( c-addr len -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1144, 1150) isunumber ( c-addr len -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1077, 1085) ixnfa ( n1 -- c-addr ) ('spinmaker.f', 212, 223) j ( -- n1 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 697, 699) key ( -- c1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 868, 873) l, ( x -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1800, 1802) l>w ( n1n2 -- n1 n2) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1857, 1860) la_displaySamples ( n1 n2 -- ) ('lac.f', 665, 672) la_sample+Trigger ( n1 n2 -- ) ('lac.f', 688, 697) la_sample-Trigger ( n1 n2 -- ) ('lac.f', 701, 710) la_sampleNoTrigger ( n1 -- ) ('lac.f', 675, 684) lac ( -- ) ('lac.f', 620, 660) lastdef ( c-addr -- t/f ) ('spinmaker.f', 314, 330) lasterr ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 774, 776) lasti? ( -- t/f ) ('fs.f', 130, 132) ('fsrd.f', 134, 136) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 76, 78) ('spinmaker.f', 102, 104) lastnfa ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1362, 1364) leave ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1830, 1832) lecho ('ipserver2.f', 660, 662) lm ('sdfs.f', 1158, 1165) local>utc ( n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 ) ('rtc.f', 333, 338) localLabelPrefix ('asm.f', 383, 385) lock ( lock# -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1642, 1689) lock? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 597, 616) lockdict ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2511, 2515) loop ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1954, 1956) ls ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1884, 1900) ('sdfs.f', 784, 800) mcs? ( mcscog -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 19, 36) ('mcs.f', 69, 272) mcs_stats ('mcs.f', 1171, 1217) mcserr ('bootPLAB23.f', 512, 513) ('mcs.f', 492, 493) mcsinit ('mcs.f', 60, 66) mcsmaster ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 634, 657) ('mcs.f', 613, 636) mcspins! ('bootPLAB23.f', 506, 507) ('mcs.f', 486, 487) mcspins@ ('bootPLAB23.f', 504, 505) ('mcs.f', 484, 485) mcsrecbuf ( addr -- addr) ('bootPLAB23.f', 502, 503) ('mcs.f', 482, 483) mcsreset! ('bootPLAB23.f', 508, 509) ('mcs.f', 488, 489) mcsslave ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 662, 685) ('mcs.f', 641, 664) mcsstate! ('bootPLAB23.f', 510, 511) ('mcs.f', 490, 491) min ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 397, 401) mkdir ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1917, 1929) ('sdfs.f', 817, 829) mlm ('sdfs.f', 1167, 1169) mstart ('mcsnorom.f', 112, 115) name= ( cstr1 cstr2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2599, 2616) namecopy ( c-addr1 c-addr2 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1240, 1242) namelen ( c-addr -- c-addr+1 len ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1218, 1220) negate ( n1 -- 0-n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 464, 468) nextdate ( yyyy mm dd -- yyyy mm dd ) ('rtc.f', 230, 266) nextword ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1518, 1523) nfa>lfa ( addr -- addr ) go from the nfa (name field address) to the lfa (link field address) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1344, 1346) nfa>next ( addr -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1356, 1358) nfa>pfa ( addr -- addr ) go from the nfa (name field address) to the pfa (parameter field address) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1350, 1352) nfacount ( -- n1 ) ('spinmaker.f', 289, 295) nfaix ( c-addr -- n1 ) ('spinmaker.f', 299, 310) nfcog ( -- n ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1282, 1287) npfx ( c-addr1 c-addr2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1200, 1214) number ( c-addr len -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1101, 1108) numpad ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 678, 680) onboot ('bootPLAB23.f', 709, 746) ('fs.f', 622, 629) ('fsrd.f', 626, 633) ('mcsnorom.f', 19, 62) ('norom.f', 260, 274) ('PLAB0boot.f', 237, 270) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 237, 267) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2472, 2487) onreset ('bootPLAB23.f', 698, 700) ('PLAB0boot.f', 226, 228) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 226, 228) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 1105, 1147) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2503, 2505) or ( n1 n2 -- n1_or_n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 405, 409) orC! ( c1 addr -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 984, 986) orW! ( w1 addr -- ) ('ipserver1.f', 43, 45) orlnfa ( c1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1806, 1808) over ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 414, 418) pad>cog ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1297, 1299) ('sdfs.f', 197, 199) pad>in ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 639, 641) pad>out ( -- addr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 689, 691) padbl ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1446, 1448) parse ( c1 -- +n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1464, 1501) parsebl ( -- t/f) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1537, 1539) parsenw ( -- cstr ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1543, 1550) parseword ( c1 -- +n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1528, 1533) patchName ( n -- cstr) ('asm.f', 392, 394) pfa>nfa ( addr -- addr ) gets the name field address (nfa) for a parameter field address (pfa) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1399, 1406) pfa? ( addr -- t/f) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 569, 575) pinhi ( n1 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 136, 138) ('fs.f', 312, 314) ('fsrd.f', 316, 318) ('norom.f', 124, 126) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 346, 348) pinin ( n1 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 112, 114) ('bootPLAB23.f', 313, 315) ('fs.f', 288, 290) ('fsrd.f', 292, 294) ('mcs.f', 293, 295) ('norom.f', 100, 102) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 322, 324) pinlo ( n1 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 128, 130) ('fs.f', 304, 306) ('fsrd.f', 308, 310) ('norom.f', 116, 118) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 338, 340) pinout ( n1 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 120, 122) ('bootPLAB23.f', 321, 323) ('fs.f', 296, 298) ('fsrd.f', 300, 302) ('mcs.f', 301, 303) ('norom.f', 108, 110) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 330, 332) pins? ('pins.f', 1, 4) pos? ( n1 n2 -- ) ('servo.f', 252, 261) prevdate ( yyyy mm dd -- yyyy mm dd ) ('rtc.f', 202, 227) px ( t/f n1 -- ) ('fs.f', 320, 327) ('fsrd.f', 324, 331) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 354, 361) px? ( n1 -- t/f) ('bootPLAB23.f', 365, 367) ('mcs.f', 345, 347) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 668, 670) qHzb ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 189, 194) ('bootPLAB23.f', 440, 449) ('lac.f', 171, 174) ('mcs.f', 420, 429) ('norom.f', 177, 182) ramboot ( n1 n2 n3 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 236, 244) ('norom.f', 224, 232) rambootnx ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 249, 267) ('norom.f', 237, 255) rcogx ( cstr cog channel -- ) ('PLAB0boot.f', 164, 175) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 164, 175) reset ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 500, 504) rev ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 652, 654) ('rtc.f', 39, 41) revb ( n1 -- n2 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 660, 662) ('rtc.f', 47, 49) rfsend ( cog channel -- ) ('PLAB0boot.f', 180, 195) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 180, 195) rnd ( -- n1 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 399, 402) ('mcs.f', 379, 382) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 984, 986) rndand ( n1 -- n2) ('bootPLAB23.f', 414, 416) ('mcs.f', 394, 396) rndtf ( -- t/f) ('bootPLAB23.f', 407, 409) ('mcs.f', 387, 389) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 992, 994) rot ( n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 423, 427) rot2 ( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 944, 950) rs? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 580, 591) rtccorrect ( n1 -- ) ('rtc.f', 391, 403) rtccorrect? ( -- n1 ) ('rtc.f', 407, 417) saveforth ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 495, 512) sc ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 540, 556) sd_append ( addr size filename -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1861, 1868) ('sdfs.f', 761, 768) sd_appendblk ( addr size headerblk -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1821, 1858) ('sdfs.f', 721, 758) sd_blockread ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1029, 1056) ('sd_run.f', 294, 321) sd_blockwrite ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1064, 1108) ('sd_run.f', 329, 373) sd_cd ( cstr -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1580, 1591) ('sdfs.f', 480, 491) sd_cd.. ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1572, 1575) ('sdfs.f', 472, 475) sd_cogbufclr ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 219, 224) ('ReleaseSD.f', 747, 752) ('sd_init.f', 231, 236) ('sd_run.f', 11, 16) sd_createdir ( cstr -- n1 ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1534, 1549) ('sdfs.f', 434, 449) sd_createfile ( cstr n1 -- n2) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1504, 1528) ('sdfs.f', 404, 428) sd_cwd ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1371, 1374) ('sdfs.f', 271, 274) sd_find ( filename -- blocknumber/0) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1464, 1498) ('sdfs.f', 364, 398) sd_init ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 162, 200) ('sd_init.f', 174, 212) sd_load ( cstr -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1709, 1713) ('sdfs.f', 609, 613) sd_loadblk ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1717, 1721) ('sdfs.f', 617, 621) sd_lock ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 87, 89) ('sd_init.f', 111, 113) sd_ls ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1553, 1568) ('sdfs.f', 453, 468) sd_lsdbg ( -- ) ('sdfs.f', 1049, 1092) sd_mount ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1366, 1368) ('sdfs.f', 266, 268) sd_read ( filename -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1704, 1706) ('sdfs.f', 604, 606) sd_readblk ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1658, 1701) ('sdfs.f', 558, 601) sd_stat ( filename -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1741, 1752) ('sdfs.f', 641, 652) sd_test ( -- ) ('sd_run.f', 750, 793) sd_trunc ( length filename -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1725, 1736) ('sdfs.f', 625, 636) sd_uninit ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 153, 159) sd_unlock ( -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 92, 94) ('sd_init.f', 116, 118) sd_write ( numblocks filename -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1603, 1654) ('sdfs.f', 503, 554) serflags? ( n1 -- n2 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 18, 20) serial ( n1 n2 n3 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2459, 2465) ('serial.f', 49, 58) sersendbreak ( n2 n1 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 32, 34) sersetflags ( n2 n1 -- O ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 25, 27) serstr ('fsrd.f', 635, 651) setDriftCorrection ( n1 -- ) ('time.f', 419, 430) setHza ( n1 n2 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 182, 184) ('bootPLAB23.f', 432, 435) ('mcs.f', 412, 415) ('norom.f', 170, 172) setHzb ( n1 n2 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 200, 202) ('lac.f', 180, 185) ('norom.f', 188, 190) setLocalTime ( y m d h m s -- ) ('time.f', 369, 371) setTime ( y m d h m s -- ) ('time.f', 365, 367) setTimeZone ( h m -- ) ('time.f', 342, 362) set_mcs_cogs ('mcs.f', 1027, 1034) set_mcs_pins ('mcs.f', 1018, 1025) set_num_active ('mcs.f', 1166, 1168) set_xmt/rec_cog ('mcs.f', 1036, 1039) setdatetime ( yy mm dd dow hh mm ss -- ) ('rtc.f', 386, 388) setdatetime_utc ( yy mm dd dow hh mm ss -- ) ('rtc.f', 380, 383) seti ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1328, 1330) sign ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 372, 374) ('mcs.f', 352, 354) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 721, 723) skipbl ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1505, 1514) sm_calibrate ( n1 -- ) ('servo.f', 313, 345) sm_servo ( n1 -- ) ('servo.f', 193, 234) sm_setminmax ( min max n1 -- ) ('servo.f', 265, 268) sm_setpos ( n1 u -- ) ('servo.f', 175, 187) sm_start_servos ( -- ) ('servo.f', 352, 376) snet ( -- ) ('snet.f', 76, 79) space ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1008, 1010) spaces ( n -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1014, 1024) spinImage ('spinimage.f', 74, 129) spindcmp ( addr -- addr t/f) ('spinmaker.f', 449, 509) spindcmp1 ('spinmaker.f', 433, 436) spindcmp2 ('spinmaker.f', 440, 444) spinmaker ( -- ) ('spinmaker.f', 580, 654) spinname ( c-addr -- ) ('spinmaker.f', 338, 352) spinword ('spinmaker.f', 549, 571) spinwordasm ( addr -- ) ('spinmaker.f', 375, 378) spinwordconstant ( addr -- addr t/f ) ('spinmaker.f', 382, 413) spinwordforth ( addr1 -- addr2 ) ('spinmaker.f', 514, 531) spinwordheader ( n1 -- addr ) ('spinmaker.f', 356, 370) st? ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 519, 534) stackdepth ( -- n1 ) ('mcs.f', 997, 999) ('sd_run.f', 589, 591) start ('mcsnorom.f', 92, 101) start_mcs ('mcs.f', 1219, 1276) startbrb ('serial.f', 62, 69) startdemo ('serial.f', 82, 88) startprot ('serial.f', 72, 79) state ( -- addr) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 786, 788) stats ('mcsnorom.f', 70, 90) strBsort ( addr -- addr ) ('symgen.f', 110, 114) strBubbleSort ( addr -- addr ) ('wordlister.f', 163, 174) strInsertionSort ( addr -- addr ) ('wordlister.f', 179, 196) swap ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 458, 460) symgen ( -- ) ('symgen.f', 117, 164) t ('mcsnorom.f', 103, 110) t0 ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 661, 663) t1 ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 666, 668) tbuf ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 672, 674) tbuf>cog7 ( n1 -- ) ('ReleaseSD.f', 1304, 1306) ('sdfs.f', 204, 206) tempPROMPT ('boot.f', 11, 35) ('PLAB0boot.f', 18, 42) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 18, 42) term ('bootPLAB23.f', 41, 45) ('bootPLAB23.f', 208, 212) ('bootPLAB23.f', 455, 459) ('mcs.f', 435, 439) ('norom.f', 196, 200) ('PLAB0boot.f', 205, 209) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 205, 209) ('snet.f', 9, 13) test ('time.f', 491, 498) test_cogbufdump ( -- ) ('sd_run.f', 538, 541) test_decimal ( -- ) ('mcs.f', 991, 994) ('sd_run.f', 572, 575) test_dumptimes ( -- ) ('sd_run.f', 578, 585) test_getnumber ( -- n1 t/f) ('http.f', 229, 251) ('mcs.f', 1375, 1397) ('sd_run.f', 701, 723) test_help ( -- ) ('mcs.f', 1281, 1291) ('sd_run.f', 595, 611) test_hex ( -- ) ('mcs.f', 985, 988) ('sd_run.f', 566, 569) test_mcs ( -- ) ('mcs.f', 1424, 1467) test_params ( -- n1 .. ncount count) ('http.f', 254, 271) ('mcs.f', 1400, 1417) ('sd_run.f', 726, 743) test_patternfill ( n1 -- ) ('sd_run.f', 546, 556) test_rndpattern ( -- ) ('sd_run.f', 560, 562) then ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1902, 1904) thens ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1907, 1916) time ( -- ) ('time.f', 415, 417) timeStamp ( -- lo hi) gets a number which is the time stamp in microseconds (UTC) ('time.f', 441, 443) tochar ( n1 -- c1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1589, 1599) todigit ( c1 -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1052, 1067) tt1 ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 177, 178) ttd ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 180, 181) ttest ('time.f', 482, 490) ttf ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 182, 183) tuck ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 954, 956) u* ( u1 u2 -- u1*u2) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2520, 2533) u*/ ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 ) u4 = (u1*u2) ('bootPLAB23.f', 174, 176) ('norom.f', 162, 164) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 713, 715) ('rtc.f', 63, 65) u*/mod ( u1 u2 u3 -- u4 u5 ) u5 = (u1*u2) ('bootPLAB23.f', 167, 169) ('lac.f', 150, 155) ('norom.f', 155, 157) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 705, 707) ('rtc.f', 55, 57) u. ( n1 -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1616, 1618) u/ ( u1 u2 -- u1/u2) ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 171, 173) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2574, 2576) u/mod ( u1 u2 -- remainder quotient ) ('PropForthBootOptimize.f', 164, 166) u>= ( u1 u2 -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2537, 2570) u>d ( u1lo -- u1lo u1hi ) ('DoubleMath.f', 205, 207) unixTimeStamp ( -- lo hi) gets a number which is the time stamp in seconds (UTC) ('time.f', 447, 449) unlock ( lock# -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1693, 1715) unlockall ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1718, 1727) until ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1929, 1936) unumber ( c-addr len -- u1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1089, 1097) utc ( -- ) ('time.f', 433, 435) utc>local ( n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 ) ('rtc.f', 318, 323) utt ('time.f', 500, 506) variable ( -- ) ('asm.f', 314, 316) ('bootPLAB23.f', 98, 99) ('bootPLAB23.f', 290, 292) ('ipserver1.f', 31, 36) ('lac.f', 113, 115) ('norom.f', 86, 87) ('PLAB0_boot.f', 336, 341) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 622, 624) ('ReleaseSD.f', 21, 23) ('sd_init.f', 19, 21) w, ( x -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1782, 1784) w>l ( n1 n2 -- n1n2 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1850, 1853) waitcnt ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 153, 155) ('bootPLAB23.f', 328, 330) ('lac.f', 129, 131) ('mcs.f', 308, 310) ('norom.f', 141, 143) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 676, 678) ('servo.f', 8, 10) waithi ( n1 -- ) ('bootPLAB23.f', 597, 622) ('mcs.f', 576, 601) waitpeq ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 683, 685) waitpne ( n1 n2 -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 690, 692) wconstant ( x -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2097, 2099) wordlister ( -- ) ('wordlister.f', 258, 268) words ( -- ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 314, 316) wvariable ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2103, 2105) xc1 ( c1 -- cstr -1 | c1 0 ) ('spinmaker.f', 109, 136) xc2 ( c1 -- xx t/f ) ('spinmaker.f', 140, 163) xc3 ( c1 -- xx t/f ) ('spinmaker.f', 167, 192) xisnumber ( c-addr len -- t/f ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1163, 1182) xlatnamechar ( c1 -- xx t/f ) ('spinmaker.f', 196, 208) xmt/rec ('mcs.f', 1119, 1163) xnumber ( c-addr len -- n1 ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 1121, 1140) xor ( n1 n2 -- n1_xor_n2 ) ('PropForthDevKernel.f', 207, 213) xstrlen ( c-addr u1 -- u2 ) ('spinmaker.f', 257, 274) xstrnamelen ( c-addr -- n1 ) ('spinmaker.f', 278, 285) y>t ( yyyy -- tickslo tickshi ) ('time.f', 184, 201) ymd>t ( yyyy mm dd -- tickslo tickshi ) ('time.f', 240, 251) ymdhms>t ( y m d h m s -- tlo thi ) ('time.f', 284, 290) zeroFreeDict ( -- ) ('lac.f', 250, 255) { ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2168, 2170) } ( -- ) ('PropForthStartKernel.f', 2172, 2181)