Our first program in C is going to be a conversion of “PushButtonLEDTest.spin” from the Propeller Education Kit Labs: Fundamentals Chapter 3: Set Up and Testing Lab Page 35. The schematic and hardware layout that go with this lab are: Figure 3-7: Test Circuit Schematic Page 33 Figure 3-8: Test Circuit Wiring Diagram Page 34 The conversion is a direct replacement for the original spin program. Most of the content is dealt with in finer detail in later labs so don’t worry if there are gray areas all will be clear by the end of the labs. The aim was to introduce some C concepts and also show a small mix of the familiar instructions we saw in Spin. Before making hardware or software changes read the sections on page 37 of the Propeller Education Kit Labs: Fundamentals titled Before Changing or Adjusting Circuits Propeller Supply Voltage Regulation – It’s Important! One thing every C program contains is the “main” function, this is where the main body of our C program resides, contained within a set of curly brackets. Below is the main function written in one of its simplest forms, this will be fine for our conversion. Int main() { return 0; } Here is the full listing of the conversion, there are some things that might have been done differently but this gives us the opportunity to examine some of the basic elements of programming the Propeller using GCC. Line 1 #include The include directive tells the compiler to add a header file or header files to our program. Header files contain information needed by certain functions and instructions contained in our program. In this conversion we have included the header file Propeller.h, all #include files have the .h extension. Which header files you use in the future depends which functions and instructions you intend to use and can be found by looking at the many example programs. Line 2 #define PushButtonPin (x) (1<