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When these variables are read, RB is read directly. When these variables are written to, the corresponding RAM is written to, which is then transferred to RB before each instruction. DIRS and DIR0-DIR7 are the port (RB) direction bits: 0=input, 1=output (buffered to overcome the write-only nature of the TRIS registers). This byte of data is transfered to !RB before each instruction. W0-W6, B0-B13, and BIT0-BIT15 are for general-purpose use. W6 (B12,B13) is used as a four-level stack if any GOSUB/RETURNs are executed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANALOG 8-bit resolution I/O via resistor-capacitor circuits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWM pin,duty,cycles Output pwm then return pin to input. This is used to output analog voltages (0-5V) via a pin connected to a resistor connected to a cap connected to ground; the resistor-cap junction being the analog output. PWM should be executed periodically to update/refresh the analog voltage. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Duty is a variable/constant (0-255) which specifies analog level. - Cycles is a variable/constant (0-255) which specifies number of cycles. Each cycle takes about 5ms. POT pin,scale,variable Digitize a 5-50K ohm pot with a .1uf cap and scale result. This is a method of analog input via a pin. The pin must connect to the center- tap of the pot, whose side tap connects to the cap which connects to ground. Use the 'Alt-P' command to determine the scale, while the stamp is connected and the pot circuit is in place. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Scale is a constant (0-255) which is used to scale the initial result by n/256 (result is then limited to 255). - Variable receives the result (0-255). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUND Direct audio output using a cap and high-z speaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUND pin,(note,duration,note,duration...) Play notes with durations. The pin must connect to the plus side of a => 10uf cap whose minus side connects to a => 40 ohm (or peizo) speaker whose other terminal connects to ground. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Note(s) are variables/constants (0-255) which specify type and frequency. Note 0 is silent for the duration. Notes 1-127 are ascending tones. Notes 128-255 are ascending white noises. - Duration(s) are variables/constants (0-255) which specify duration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERIAL Input and output, plus networking via open-drain/source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERIN pin,baudmode,(qualifier,qualifier...) SERIN pin,baudmode,(qualifier,qualifier...),{#}variable,{#}variable... SERIN pin,baudmode,{#}variable,{#}variable... Serial input with optional qualifiers (8 data, no parity, 1 stop). - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Baudmode is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the mode: T2400 true input T1200 true input T600 true input T300 true input N2400 inverted input N1200 inverted input N600 inverted input N300 inverted input - Qualifiers are optional variables/constants (0-255) which must be received in exact order before subsequent bytes can be received and stored in variables. - Variable(s) receive the result(s) (0-255). Optional #'s are for inputting ascii decimal numbers into variables, rather than raw characters. SEROUT pin,baudmode,({#}data,{#}data...) Serial output (8 data, no parity, 1 stop). - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Baudmode is a variable/constant (0-15) which specifies the mode: T2400 true output always driven T1200 true output always driven T600 true output always driven T300 true output always driven N2400 inverted output always driven N1200 inverted output always driven N600 inverted output always driven N300 inverted output always driven OT2400 true output open-drain OT1200 true output open-drain OT600 true output open-drain OT300 true output open-drain ON2400 inverted output open-source ON1200 inverted output open-source ON600 inverted output open-source ON300 inverted output open-source - Data are variables/constants (0-255) which provide the data to be output. Optional #'s are for outputting ascii decimal numbers, rather than raw characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT pin Make pin output. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. LOW pin Make pin output low. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. HIGH pin Make pin output high. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. TOGGLE pin Make pin output and toggle state. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. REVERSE pin Reverse the direction of a pin. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. PULSOUT pin,time Output a timed pulse by inverting a pin for some time. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Time is a variable/constant which specifies the period (0-65535) in 10us units. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL INPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT pin Make pin an input - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. PULSIN pin,state,variable Measure an input pulse. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - State is a variable/constant (0 or 1) which specifies which edge must occur before beginning the measurement in 10us units. - Variable receives the result (1-65536). If timeout occurs (.65536s) the result will be 0. BUTTON pin,downstate,delay,rate,bytevariable,targetstate,address Debounce button, auto-repeat, and branch if button is in target state. - Pin is a variable/constant (0-7) which specifies the i/o pin to use. - Downstate is a variable/constant (0 or 1) which specifies what logical state is read when the button is pressed. - Delay is a variable/constant (0-255) which specifies down-time before auto-repeat in BUTTON cycles. - Rate is a variable/constant (0-255) which specifies the auto-repeat rate in BUTTON cycles. - Bytevariable is the workspace. It must be cleared to 0 before being used by BUTTON for the first time. - Targetstate is a variable/constant (0 or 1) which specifies what state (0=not pressed, 1=pressed) the button should be in for a branch to occur. - Address is a label which specifies where to go if the button is in the target state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEPROM Non-volatile data storage in unused program memory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ location,variable Read eeprom location contents into variable. location 255 holds highest location minus one that is available to user for data storage. - Location is a variable/constant specifying a byte-wise address (0-255). Data storage begins at 0 and builds upward, while program space builds downward from 255. - Variable receives the data byte read. WRITE location,data Write data into eeprom. - Location is a variable/constant specifying a byte-wise address (0-255). Data storage begins at 0 and builds upward, while program space builds downward from 255. - Data is a variable/constant which provides the data byte to be written. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME Accurate-enough timer functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAUSE milliseconds Pause for some time. The duration of the pause is as accurate as the resonator time-base, however extra time (perhaps 1ms) will be spent gathering and executing the adjacent instructions. In other words, the higher the milliseconds, the relatively less-significant is the extra time. Therefore, accurate-enough timer functions can be implemented by PAUSE'ing, say, 100 (ms), then incrementing a variable which counts 1/10 seconds, checking for the end-condition, and if not true, looping back to the PAUSE. In the case of 100 (ms), the error might be +1%. This could be remedied by reducing 100 to 99 (based on a trial test), or increasing 100 to, say, 250, and then counting 1/4 seconds instead. - Milliseconds is a variable/constant (0-65535) which specifies how many milliseconds to pause. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMERICS Math, translation, pseudo-random generation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {LET} variable = {-}value ?? value ... ??: + ;add - ;subtract * ;multiply (returns low word of result) ** ;multiply (returns high word result) / ;divide (returns quotient) // ;divide (returns remainder) MAX ;make less than or equal to MIN ;make greater than or equal to & ;and | ;or ^ ;xor &/ ;and not |/ ;or not ^/ ;xor not Perform variable manipulation (wordsize-to-wordsize). Math is performed strictly from left to right. - Variable will be operated on. - Value(s) are variables/constants which operate on Variable. LOOKUP offset,(data0,data1...dataN),variable Lookup data specified by offset and store in variable (if in range). - Variable receives the result (if any). - Offset is a variable/contant which specifies which data# (0-N) to place in Variable. - Data are variables/constants. LOOKDOWN target,(value0,value1...valueN),variable Get target's match number (0-N) into variable (if match found). - Variable receives the result (if any). - Target is a variable/constant which will be compared to Values. - Values are variables/constants. RANDOM wordvariable Generate next pseudo-random number in a word variable. - Wordvariable is both the workspace and the result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOPING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR variable = start TO end {STEP {-}increment} NEXT {variable} Establish FOR-NEXT loop. - Variable will be used as a counter - Start is the initial value of Variable - End is the terminal value of Variable - Increment is an optional value which overrides the default counter delta of +1. If Increment is preceeded by a '-', it will be assumed that End is greater than Start, and therefore, Increment will be subtracted each time through the loop rather than added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRANCHING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF variable ?? value {AND/OR variable ?? value ...} THEN address ?? can be =, <>, =>, =<, >, < Compare and conditionally branch. - Variable(s) will be compared to Value(s). - Value is a variable/constant. - Address is a label which specifies where to go if condition is true. BRANCH offset,(address0,address1...addressN) Branch to address specified by offset (if in range). - Offset is a variable/constant which specifies which Address# to use (0-N). - Addresses are labels which specify where to go. GOTO address Go to address. - Address is a label which specifies where to go. GOSUB address Go to subroutine at address. Up to 16 GOSUBS are allowed and they can be nested up to 4 deep. - Address is a label which specifies where to go. RETURN Return from subroutine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER CONTROL Achieves maximum battery life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAP period Nap for a short period. Power consumption is reduced to an extent dependent upon the length of the period. - Period is a variable/constant which determines the duration of the reduced-power nap. The duration will be 2^period * ~18ms. Period can range from 0 to 7. SLEEP seconds Sleep for some seconds (resolution is ~2.3s, accuracy is ~99.9%). Power consumption is reduced to 1/100th normal (assuming no loads are being driven). - Seconds is a variable/constant which specifies the duration of sleep in seconds (0-65535). END Sleep terminally until the power cycles (program re-runs) or the pc connects. Power is reduced to an absolute minimum (assuming no loads are being driven). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUGGING Used in program-development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG cls,"Text",cr,var,$var,%var,#var,#$var,#%var Display information in the debug window upon encounter during execution. - Text to be printed can be expressed in quotes; in addition, 'cls' (clear screen) and 'cr' (carriage return) can be used. - Variables can be printed with their current values by simply naming the variable. Decimal is the default, but '$' can be used for hex and '%' can be used for binary. If a '#' preceeds a variable (with optional '$' or '%' in front) the variable name will not be printed, instead only the value will be printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEPROM Preloads EEPROM data locations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEPROM {location},(data,data...) Preload EEPROM data locations (those not used by the program). This is not an instruction, but rather a means to preload otherwise cleared eeprom locations. - Location is an optional constant (0-255) which specifies where to begin storing the data in the eeprom. If no location is specified, storage continues from where it last left off. If no location was initially specified, storage begins at 0. Data storage builds upward from 0 while program storage builds downward from 255. - Data are constants (0-255) which will be stored in the eeprom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL Establishes alias names for variables and constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMBOL symbolname = value Assign a value to a new symbolname. - Symbolname is a text string which must begin with an alpha-character or '_'. After the first character, it can also contains number characters ('0'-'9'). - Value is a variable or constant which is being given an alternate symbolname.