C:\Projects\P2\Assert>C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\spin-tools\spinc.exe -dbrp com4 -t 230400 jm_nstrTest.spin2 Spin Tools Compiler - Version 0.40.0 Copyright (c) 2021-24 Marco Maccaferri and others. All rights reserved. Compiling... jm_nstrTest.spin2 +-- jm_nstr.spin2 +-- Assert.spin2 jm_nstrTest.spin2: 113:4 : warning : method "doTest1" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 131:4 : warning : method "doTest2" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 149:4 : warning : method "doTest3" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 167:4 : warning : method "doTest4" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 185:4 : warning : method "doTest5" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 203:4 : warning : method "doTest6" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 221:4 : warning : method "doTest7" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 239:4 : warning : method "doTest8" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 257:4 : warning : method "doTest9" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 275:4 : warning : method "doTest10" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 293:4 : warning : method "doTest11" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 311:4 : warning : method "doTest12" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 329:4 : warning : method "doTest13" is not used jm_nstrTest.spin2: 347:4 : warning : method "createSomeStuff" is not used jm_nstr.spin2: 27:4 : warning : method "null" is not used jm_nstr.spin2: 32:4 : warning : method "fmt_number" is not used jm_nstr.spin2: 52:4 : warning : method "dec" is not used jm_nstr.spin2: 52:33 : warning : local variable "sign" is not used jm_nstr.spin2: 52:39 : warning : local variable "len" is not used Assert.spin2: 78:4 : warning : method "null" is not used Assert.spin2: 89:4 : warning : method "executeTestsWithoutTrace" is not used Assert.spin2: 121:4 : warning : method "assertFalseFunc" is not used Assert.spin2: 133:4 : warning : method "assertTrueFunc" is not used Assert.spin2: 145:4 : warning : method "assertEmptyStrFunc" is not used Assert.spin2: 157:4 : warning : method "assertEqualsStrFunc" is not used Assert.spin2: 170:4 : warning : method "assertEqualsNumFunc" is not used Assert.spin2: 271:4 : warning : method "assertByteArrayEquals" is not used Assert.spin2: 315:4 : warning : method "assertWordArrayEquals" is not used Assert.spin2: 359:4 : warning : method "assertLongArrayEquals" is not used Program size is 13538 bytes Uploading... Propeller 2 on port com4 13544 bytes sent Verifying checksum ... OK Done. Entering terminal mode. CTRL-C to exit. Cog0 INIT $0000_0000 $0000_0000 load Cog0 INIT $0000_0EC0 $0000_24AC jump Cog0 test_case = 1 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 2 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 3 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 4 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 5 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 6 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 7 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 8 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 9 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 10 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 11 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 12 Cog0 Cog0 test_case = 13 Cog0 ^C C:\Projects\P2\Assert>