Original cognew(color_chase3(@Colors1, 13, color_chase3_delay, color_chase3_start, color_chase3_len),@stack4) New cognew(color_chase3(@Colors1, 13, color_chase3_start, color_chase3_len),@stack4) Pri color_chase3(p_colors, color_count,pstart ,count) | base, idx, ch repeat repeat base from 0 to color_count - 1 ' do all colors in table idx := base ' start at base repeat ch from pstart to count - 1 ' loop through connected leds strip.set(ch, long[p_colors][idx]) ' update channel color if (++idx == color_count) ' past end of list? idx := 0 ' yes, reset pause(color_chase3_delay) ' set movement speed ' I removed the delay parameter from the cognew statement Now I just change the value of color_chase3_delay directly from the main cog. I don't know if it is proper to do this, I may be wasting cycles somewhere. Thanks again for your jm_rgbx_pixel.spin iit really made this easy. Don