syntax error; found `int' expecting `;' --> Things like "for (int i=0;" need the "int i;" moved to start of function #warning no file system specified --> Unknown precessor control warning redeclaration of _cogstop in propeller2.h even though compiling for P1 --> Don't #include "propeller.h" `void function(int,int)' is an illegal field type --> SPI.c uses typedef struct spi{} to form a type of class, need to make it just a bunch of functions instead --> prefix spi functions with "Spi_" and change all SPI. to Spi_ illegal use of type name `uint32_t' --> move declaration to start of function syntax error; found `void' expecting `;' -->change "static __inline__ void setpinB(int pin, int value)" to "void setpinB(int pin, int value)" 3Color_EInk.c:33: illegal statement termination --> Remove int cf = _clockfreq(); (didn't work for P1 in FlexSpin anyway) 3Color_EInk.c:36: illegal statement termination --> move variable definition to start of function Undefined or Redefined symbols: _waitms undefined getpin undefined getcnt undefined waitcnt undefined togglepin undefined setpint undefined PostClock undefined setpin undefined _clockfreq undefined printf undefined --> Change #include "stdio.h" to #include and add -lc -lm to compile line 3Color_EInk.c: ./platform.h:52: undeclared identifier `_DIRA' --> Need to use _dira() function instead 3Color_EInk.c: ./platform.h:53: undeclared identifier `_INA' Problem: #include -->C:\Program Files (x86)\Catalina_4.9\include/propeller2.h:100: redeclaration of `_cogstop' previously declared at C:\Program Files (x86)\Catalina_4.9\include/catalina_cog.h:80 Undefined or Redefined symbols: _waitms undefined -->msleep() --> add defines for this (since can't include propeller.h for some reason) getcnt undefined --> _cnt() waitcnt undefined --> _waitcnt() ./SPI.c:83: warning: declaration of `Spi_PostClock' does not match previous declaration at ./SPI.c:38 --> put Spi_PostClock() definition before use Catalina.spin(2422:5) : error : Undefined symbol Line: or _OUTB, r23 ' ASGNU4 special BOR4 special reg Offending Item: _OUTB --> Remove setpinB() function Catalina.spin : error : Object exceeds runtime memory limit by 4137 longs. --> -lc --> -lci -ltiny Catalina.spin : error : Object exceeds runtime memory limit by 409 longs. --> Remove unused fonts