// automatically generated by spin2cpp v5.5.1 on Thu Oct 21 16:31:09 2021 // command line: spin2cpp --p2 --ccode VGA_Simple1a.spin2 #ifndef VGA_Simple1a_Class_Defined__ #define VGA_Simple1a_Class_Defined__ #include // Pins to use forVGA // must be a multiple of 4 (8 if using Eval Board A/V adapter) #define VGA_SIMPLE1A_VGA_BASE (32) // cog to launch video assembly drivers into, set to 16 for first available #define VGA_SIMPLE1A_VGA_COG (16) // this sets clock frequency, we also need this value for VGA transfer frequency // needs a faster clock to avoid flicker on Parallax LCD #define VGA_SIMPLE1A__CLKFREQ (250000000) // VGA driver settings // 0..128 #define VGA_SIMPLE1A_INTENSITY (80) #define VGA_SIMPLE1A_FPIX2 (25175000) typedef struct VGA_Simple1a { volatile int32_t cog; // these must be together in this order volatile int32_t PixelBufferAddress, ColorTableAddress; } VGA_Simple1a; void VGA_Simple1a_Start(VGA_Simple1a *self); #endif