( EXTEND.fth ) CREATE EXPLORER ( if not needed then enter a \ before loading this module, otherwise this sets the default ) \ CREATE SMALL \ define SMALL before a load to specify a SMALL build to limit the sections included TACHYON ( EXTEND.fth ) IFDEF EXTEND.fth COLD ( force a clean system as EXTEND.fth should be added first ) } 1 flags CLR \ don't echo while loading - more advanced filter set later IFNDEF EXPLORER pub EXTEND.fth ." Primary extensions to TACHYON kernel" } IFDEF EXPLORER pub EXTEND.fth ." Tachyon Forth Propeller hardware debugger and explorer" } ." - 150902-0100" ; ( link to the latest Tachyon kernel web document ) { CONTENTS DESCRIPTION NOTES CHANGELOG (link) ( PIN I/O OPERATIONS ) ( CONVERSION ) ( CHARACTER OUTPUT ) ( LOCAL VARIABLES ) ( FIXED POSITION VARIABLES ) ( MATHS FUNCTIONS ) ( RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR ) ( MORE OPERATORS ) ( NUMBER PRINT FORMATING ) ( ANSI ) ( SPI and RUNMOD ) ( COG CONTROL ) ( SYSTEM CLOCK MODES ) ( COG TASK CONTROL ) ( INTERTASK COMMUNICATIONS ) ( STRINGS ) ( SAN FILTER ) ( MCP3208 8 channel ADC ) ( DICTIONARY LIST ) ( LIST MODULES ) ( PBASIC STYLE SERIAL I/O ) ( EXAMINE SPECIAL PURPOSE REGISTERS ) ( I2C BUS ) ( EEPROM ) ( COUNTERS ) ( Block diagram of a Propeller counter ) ( FREQUENCY GENERATION ) ( DIGITAL to ANALOG - DUTY DAC ) ( BACKGROUND TIMER COG FUNCTIONS ) ( WATCHDOG TIMER ) ( Virtual RTC words ) ( TIMERS ) ( 32 channel 7.6kHz 8-bit PWM ) PWM USAGE ( HEX FILE LOAD & DUMP ) ( REPORTING ) DESCRIPTION The Spin compiled Tachyon kernel provides the basic kernel needed to run Forth but many of the extra high level functions are easier to code in Forth itself, rather than the Spin compiler. So EXTEND.fth provides a lot of these functions including EEPROM support. NOTES Words that are mainly designed for interactive console and debugging use are coloured red while private words are plain. Code that has been commented out because it is optional or for testing etc is subdued in gray.. CHANGELOG (link) 150902 Expand ANSI support to include colors 150827 Fix bug with DUMP's read methods - remove upper/lower-case conflicts - now uses "dmm" array for methods 150810 Add EVAL$ which parses strig as if it were console input 150727 Add AVG which will caclulate with fractions and return an average 150724 Add +POLL ?POLL polling array to expand keypoll with up to 8 seperate poll vectors 150724 Add PINS! to store a data to a group of pins. 150612 Included DS3231 RTC driver integrated with VirtualRTC. Added PING and DHT22 drivers (minimal footprint) 150527 Add UMSQRT method for generating 64-bit result scaled to 5 decimal places. Modified PRINTNUM.DP into .DP and specify decimal places to handle a double number always as decimal. Added UM+ to add a long to a double. Uses "c" carry operator. 150522 MCP3208 driver uses the new [MCP32] RUNMOD and also allows for a combined Dout/Din (Prop to Din with 4k7 to Dout) 150521 Updated SQRT to use Tristan Muntsinger algorithm with consistent execution time of around 300us Updated SQRT again to use a RUNMOD for 5.2us execution (after loading) 150520 AUTORUN has now been moved to EXTEND, fixed some open IF THENs ( in DUMPA and lsclk ) Improved SQRT speeds 150518 Improved BACKUP speed - check blocks with fast compare and skip if identical - typical backup reduced from 3.5s to <2s 150309 Fixed compilation order of CLKFREQ and ms 150303 Modified HEXLOAD so that an EE prefix will load directly to EEPROM 150116 Added signatures for hardware scan to help identify hardware platform 150110 Added Hardware Explorer functions 141217 Fixed virtual RTC to use decimal notation, maintain day of week, 141202 Made CLKFREQ a constant at compile time - prevents errors if location 0 gets written inadvertenty as in ' unknown 1+ ! 141112 Fixed bug in SERIN, an INVERT had been added at some stage? Also missing a DUP for the iomask? 141111 Moved "us" microsecond timing from kernel to here and trimmed to work from 21us accuratey so 50 us = 50us 141107 Changed all compile NFA' to constants as COMPACT removes these entries, so use a compile time constant instead 141104 Fixed bugs in .STATS, added PRINTDEC to accept a digit length (replace use of $400A .NUM) 141030 Changes to use of % symbol. PWM speed is now PWM%. The % returns a percentage value, and %% returns the 8-bit percentage (per byte) value 141027 Minor fixes 141023 Minor fixes .LAP 140905 Define BITS as it may be added as an opcode 140827 MJB adding in selectable module loader Fixed load bugs and added an ALIAS word (more efficient than cascaded or redefinitions) Added MODULE selection method and reporting 140824 Building in support for EEPROM dictionary with 16-bit hash keys in RAM 140721 Adding in mods for V2.4, mostly to do with KEY } DECIMAL { BASIC CODE which is NOT optional } \ therefore not in a module: pub @NAMES ( -- addr \ put the address of the names register on the stack ) names W@ ; { HELP @HATR ( -- atrptr ) Return with the pointer to the latest header attribute } pri @HATR @NAMES C@++ + ; pub IMMEDIATE ( -- \ Set the "immediate" tag of the latest name in the dictionary ) BL @HATR SET ; IMMEDIATE IFNDEF UNSMUDGE pub UNSMUDGE ( -- ) $40 @HATR CLR ; IMMEDIATE } pub PRIVATE ( -- ) 8 @HATR SET ; pub PUBLIC ( -- ) 8 @HATR CLR ; \ 140827 Added ALIAS which also copies the attributes and bytecode - no extra vectors or code used pub ALIAS ( -- ) IMMEDIATE [COMPILE] NFA' [COMPILE] GRAB C@++ + [COMPILE] CREATEWORD @HATR 3 CMOVE ; ALIAS { HELP: ALIAS { {HELP \ preferred form to be compatible with Kernel source compiled through Prop Spin compiler \ Same as NOP but high-level defs can be used as vectors, but kernel bytecodes such as NOP can't pub NOOP ( -- \ do nothing - vectorable ) ; pub OK ( on/off -- \ enable/disable OK prompts including the autospace ) IF 0 ELSE ' NOOP THEN prompt 2+ W! ; IFNDEF BIT! pub ECHO ( on/off -- \ set the ECHO flag on/off for controlling output ) 1 flags ROT pub BIT! ( mask addr set/clr -- ) IF SET ELSE CLR THEN ; } IFDEF BIT! pub ECHO ( on/off -- \ set the ECHO flag on/off for controlling output ) 1 flags ROT BIT! ; } \ Strip out annoying linefeeds from the output during a source code load pri LEMIT DUP $0A <> IF 8 REG W@ ?DUP IF CALL ELSE (EMIT) THEN ELSE DROP THEN ; \ start of load symbol - suppress console interaction pub [~ OFF ECHO OFF OK uemit W@ 8 REG W! ' LEMIT uemit W! ukey W@ 0= IF $7F00 rx W@ - rx 2+ W! THEN ; \ end of load symbol - reenable interactive console pub ]~ ON ECHO ON OK 8 REG W@ uemit W! ; [~ \ Now run in quiet mode with no echo and LF suppression { Looking at creating a general-purpose control character handler and remove the dedicated version that is in the kernel TABLE ctrltab BL 2* ALLOT --- Make room for 32 control characters BL 0 DO I I 2* ctrltab + W! LOOP --- init this table with their controls codes (default) ^B CTRL BLKDMP ^C CTRL REBOOT ^D CTRL DEBUG ^I CTRL RETAB ^X CTRL REDO ^Z CTRL COLD pri CTRLS 2* ctrltab + W@ DUP $1F > IF DROP CALL 0 THEN ; ' PROCESS CONTROL CHARACTERS ' ctrls ' byte _BYTE,$80,OVER,_AND,_IF,05,_1,REG,flags+1,XCALL,xSET ' IAC or binary – pass special control characters byte _BYTE,$0A,OVER,EQ,_IF,03,DROP,_FALSE,EXIT ' LF - discard byte _BYTE,$18,OVER,EQ,_IF,03,DROP,_TRUE,EXIT ' ^X reeXecute previous compiled line byte _1,REG,flags+1,XCALL,xSETQ,ZEQ,_IF,@ignore2-@ignore1 ignore1 byte _3,OVER,EQ,_IF,02,XCALL,xREBOOT ' ^C RESET byte _4,OVER,EQ,_IF,05,DROP,XCALL,xDEBUG,_FALSE,EXIT ' ^D DEBUG byte _2,OVER,EQ,_IF,09,DROP,_0,_WORD,$80,00,XCALL,xDUMP,_FALSE,EXIT ' ^B Block dump byte _BYTE,$1A,OVER,EQ,REG,lasttwo+1,CFETCH,_BYTE,$1A,EQ,_AND byte _IF,07,DROP,XCALL,xCOLDST,XCALL,xSCRUB,_FALSE,EXIT ' ^Z^Z cold start ignore2 byte _BYTE,$1B,OVER,EQ,_IF,05,DROP,XCALL,xSCRUB,_TRUE,EXIT ' ESC will cancel line byte _BYTE,$09,OVER,EQ,_IF,03,XCALL,xEMIT,BL ' TAB - substitute with a space byte _BYTE,$1C,OVER,EQ,_IF,04,DROP,XCALL,xCR,BL ' ^| - multi-line interactive byte _BYTE,$0D,OVER,EQ,_IF,03,DROP,_TRUE,EXIT ' CR - Return & indicate completion ' byte _8,OVER,EQ,_IF,@ischar-@bksp1 ' BKSP - null out last char bksp1 byte REG,wordcnt,CFETCH,_IF,@bksp3-@bksp2 ' don't backspace on empty word bksp2 byte XCALL,xEMIT,XCALL,xSPACE,_8,XCALL,xEMIT ' backspace and clear byte MINUS1,REG,wordcnt,CPLUSST,_0,XCALL,xPUTCHAR ' null previous char byte _FALSE,EXIT ' ' bksp3 byte _BYTE,7,XCALL,xEMIT,DROP,_FALSE,EXIT ' can't backspace anymore, bell ' } \ ******************* TACHYON FORTH KERNEL EXTENSIONS + I2C BUS ROUTINES ********************* \ Create a dummy word to ignore form feed characters - renamed to the ^L control character pub Q ; $0C @NAMES 1+ C! { maybe a module with debug tools and maybe a second with interactive terminal words - would be great to put somewhere near the end of the file to optionally load in } IFNDEF SMALL \ if you later decide you need a private word for debugging etc. \ use this before issuing RECLAIM to keep the word around accessible pub UNPRIVATE ( -- ) 8 [COMPILE] NFA' [COMPILE] GRAB DUP C@ + 1+ CLR ; IMMEDIATE } { \ meanwhile kernel version is already public - no need for this any more \ Now redefine pub to enforce a non-private attribute - so disable kernel version first 0 NFA' pub 1+ C! \ disable kernel version of pub : pub [COMPILE] : PUBLIC ; IMMEDIATE } \ Set the default for all names to PRIVATE pub [PRIVATE 8 flags SET ; pub PRIVATE] 8 flags CLR ; IFNDEF SMALL ALIAS \ Published ( -- \ quick and easy way to ignore Google footer when "selecting all" from webpage docs ) pub ... ( -- \ separator for readability ) ; IMMEDIATE ALIAS ... ok \ To be able to copy&paste from the terminal including "ok" responses } \ Commenting aliases - a bit of flexibility to make comments stand out besides the \ and ( ) methods ALIAS \ \\\ \ normally used to disable a section of code ALIAS \ // \ alt C++ style comment ALIAS \ --- \ spaces out the comment from the code. --- ----- use space + more dashes for more spacing \ Aliases for readability (and preferred over easily obscured traditional dot forms) ALIAS . PRINT ALIAS ." PRINT" ALIAS OFF NO --- using NO instead of OFF can read better (i.e. OFF PUMP or NO WATER) ALIAS TRUE YES ALIAS ; RETURN ALIAS FOR TIMES { Add plain as day words such as TIMES instead of FOR etc. Use it like this: #P28 == LED // assign port pin as the LED pub BLINKY 10 TIMES LED HIGH 100 ms LED LOW 100 ms NEXT RETURN } {HELP CREATE$ ( str -- ) Create a new header in the dictionary } pub CREATE$ ( str -- ) DUP LEN$ DUP word 1- C! word SWAP CMOVE (CREATE) ; { MJB each variable in memory takes the bytecode for var plus the size. since the content is aligned to the content size some memory is lost bytes following each other take 2 bytes memory each, alignment is no issue words following each other need 3 bytes plus 1 byte wasted longs following each other take 5 byte + 3 bytes wasted so if you want to optimize before a long var there might be room for a free byte var PBJ: If you want contiguous mixed variables it is best to use the ORG and DS words which allocate space in the ORG region for "Data Storage". The "variable" name is actually a constant that points to this data area. } pub AVAR ( size align -- \ Create a variable of 1,2 or 4 bytes etc ) [COMPILE] GRAB \ grab anything that has been entered earlier "," delim C! \ allow for comma delimited list BEGIN codes W@ OVER 1- ANDN OVER 1- + codes W! \ align to a byte before [COMPILE] CREATE \ compile a VARB bytecode just before storage area OVER IF OVER FOR 0 [COMPILE] C, NEXT THEN \ zero the variable area delim 1+ C@ "," <> \ check for comma seperated lists of names UNTIL 2DROP BL delim C! ; IMMEDIATE { pub ARRAY ( element size align -- ) [COMPILE] GRAB "," delim C! HERE SWAP ALIGN here W! BEGIN codes W@ OVER 1- ANDN OVER 1- + codes W! \ align to a byte before [COMPILE] CREATE DUP FOR 0 [COMPILE] C, NEXT delim 1+ C@ "," <> \ check for comma seperated lists of names UNTIL DROP BL delim C! ; IMMEDIATE ; } \ Define common variable sizes pub DOUBLE 8 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE pub LONG 4 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE pub WORD 2 2 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE --- pub BYTE 1 1 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE \ Usage: #256 LONGS pwmmap pub LONGS ( n -- ) [COMPILE] GRAB 4* 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE pri WORDS: ( n -- ) [COMPILE] GRAB 2* 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE --- always align start of bytes array as a long pub BYTES ( n -- ) [COMPILE] GRAB 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; IMMEDIATE \ TABLE creates a long align structure which returns the address at runtime but does not allocate any memory yet pub TABLE ( -- | -- addr ) IMMEDIATE 0 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; { \ TABLE creates a long align structure which returns the address at runtime but does not allocate any memory yet pub TABLE ( -- | -- addr ) IMMEDIATE codes W@ 3 ANDN 3 + codes W! '' align to a byte before a long address [COMPILE] CREATE ; } pub CONSTANT IMMEDIATE [COMPILE] GRAB [COMPILE] TABLE '' create and step back to override VARB -1 ALLOT ' 0 1+ [COMPILE] BCOMP '' compile a CONL instead (!!!! must be 23140602 kernel or later ) codes W@ 1+ ! 4 ALLOT ; ALIAS CONSTANT == pub !!SP !SP $DEADBEEF ; --- Init the datastack but leave a $DEADBEEF marker on it for stack debug 0 @ == CLKFREQ --- Create a constant for CLKFREQ rather than accessing location 0 BYTE pstkwr 8 LONGS pstk {HELP PUSH ( n -- ) PUSH value onto global stack } pub PUSH pstkwr C@ $1F AND pstk + ! 4 pstkwr C+! ; pub POP -4 pstkwr C+! pstkwr C@ $1F AND pstk + @ ; LONG radix \ 4 level deep radix stack pub RADIX ( base -- \ Set number base ) ?DUP IF base C! THEN ; pub >RADIX ( base -- \ backup and set number base ) radix @ 8 SHL base C@ + radix ! RADIX ; pub RADIX> ( -- \ restore previous radix ) radix @ DUP RADIX 8 SHR radix ! ; pub CONIO \ Change input and output device back to the default CONSOLE 0 ukey W! pub CON ( -- \ Changeoutput device back to the default CONSOLE ) 0 uemit W! \ 30 MASK 6 COGREG! --- this is the standard P30 transmit line in case the output has been changed ; pri nout DROP ; pub NULLOUT ( -- \ set EMIT to discard characters like \dev0 ) ' nout uemit W! ; \ almost all of the above is BASIC non optional, so should go before the optional modules, maybe some words from further down as well MJB. \ minimal overhead EXTEND module loader LONG mod2load \ collects the bitfield of the modules to be loaded LONG modloaded \ collects the bitfield of the modules that have been loaded 0 modloaded ! { Create an INCLUDE pseudo-constant before loading EXTEND.fth to specify options : INCLUDE \ ........I.ASS.ARR.MSSNHP.PCLOM..... \ ........T.DAT.NET.APEUEW.IHORA..... \ ........C.CNR.SPC.PRRMXM.NRCGT..... \ 33_2222222222_1111111111_0000000000 \ 10_9876543210_9876543210_9876543210 %00_0000000001_1100000100_1101100000 ; Then load EXTEND.fth --> reports: 0269 INCLUDING #9 PIN_I/O_OPERATIONS 0425 INCLUDING #8 CHARACTER_OUTPUT 0485 INCLUDING #6 FIXED_POSITION_VARIABLES 0541 INCLUDING #5 MATHS_FUNCTIONS 0676 INCLUDING #12 NUMBER_PRINT_FORMATING 0791 INCLUDING #19 ANSI_TERMINAL 0971 INCLUDING #20 STRINGS 1810 INCLUDING #18 COMPILER REPORTING } \ until the module loader is functional, all potential modules are set active -1 mod2load ! { If we have defined a MODULES constant before loading EXTEND.fth then use it for mod2load Usage: : INCLUDE 7 MASK #24 MASK OR #17 MASK OR #13 MASK OR #18 MASK OR #15 MASK OR #14 MASK OR INVERT ; alt - : INCLUDE !SP #7 #24 #17 #13 #18 #15 #14 #10 #21 #22 0 DEPTH 1- FOR SWAP MASK OR NEXT INVERT ; alt - define INCLUDES in kernel: INCLUDES 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,16,19,20,23,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 alt = there must be a better way So INCLUDE would NOT load those specified modules due to the INVERT mask } IFDEF INCLUDE INCLUDE mod2load ! } \ used to define the module table below : SETMOD ( id -- ) BL names W@ C@++ + SET \ IMMEDIATE \ the is only for comment purposes and ignored [COMPILE] GRAB \ make id available on stack mod2load @ OR mod2load ! \ set the id bits in mod2load [COMPILE] \ \ consume and ignore the module from the input line ; { The following table gives the modules that are required for a certain feature multiple dependencies are possible, the OR of all active (uncommented) lines defines what gets loaded. Within EXTEND all required modules need to precede the module using them ( as usual ) before setting up the table we will start by defining the modules - which will take some time and will require some restructuring as well } \ ------- e.g. to include PWM in the build uncomment line 10 PWM in modules table ------- \ \ \ s \ c \ i \ M s \ W a \ P B \ \ 3 2 1 0 \ 10987654321098765432109876543210 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 0 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 1 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 2 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 3 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 4 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 5 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 6 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 7 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 8 \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ 9 \ %00000000000000000000010000000001 SETMOD PWM \ 10 \ 1s for all required other modules \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ \ %00000000000000000000000000000001 SETMOD BASICS \ \ now mod2load contains the mask for all EXTEND modules to be loaded \ FORGET SETMOD \ not needed any more pri MODULE: ( modulenumber0..31 ) \ the module name is just consumed and discarded [COMPILE] GRAB \ put the module number on the stack \ GETWORD \ the module name is just consumed and discarded DUP MASK DUP mod2load @ AND IF modloaded @ OR modloaded ! \ SET \ load the module by just executing the definitions uemit W@ CON PRINT" INCLUDING #" DECIMAL SWAP . SPACE BEGIN KEY DUP EMIT $0D = UNTIL \ treat anything that follows on this line as a comment (but echoed) CR uemit W! ELSE 2DROP [COMPILE] { \ else treat the block as a { } comment, similar to IFDEF ... } THEN ; IMMEDIATE { usage: #10 MODULE: PWM \ module goes here } \ ends the module } #9 MODULE: PIN_I/O_OPERATIONS ( PIN I/O OPERATIONS ) IFNDEF P@ --- allow for removal of seldom used P@ and P! from kernel pub P@ $1F2 COG@ ; pub P! $1F4 COG! ; } pub PIN! ( state pin -- ) MASK '' Set one or more pins to high or low state pub OUT ( state pinmask -- ) DUP OUTPUTS SWAP SHROUT 2DROP ; '' Read a single input pin pub PIN@ ( pin -- state ) MASK pub IN ( pinmask -- state ) P@ AND 0<> ; \ Simple PIN set and clear operations - also set's pin to an output pub PINSET ( pin -- ) MASK OUTSET ; pub PINCLR ( pin -- ) MASK OUTCLR ; ALIAS PINSET HIGH ALIAS PINCLR LOW pub HIGH? ( pin -- flg ) PIN@ ; pub LOW? ( pin -- flg ) PIN@ 0= ; \ Switch PIN to an input pub PININP ( pin -- ) MASK INPUTS ; ALIAS PININP FLOAT \ Read input pins and right justify and mask - #P8 4 PINS@ - reads P8..P11 as a nibble pub PINS@ ( pin for – n ) P@ ROT SHR SWAP MASK 1- AND ; \ Build up a mask using a starting pin number and the number of consecutive pins \ Useage: #16 8 MASKS CONSTANT dbus pub MASKS ( pin cnt -- mask ) 0 ROT ROT ADO I MASK OR LOOP ; pub PINS! ( data pin for -- ) ROT 3RD SHL ( pin for data< L> 2DROP BRANCH> R> 2DROP ; IFNDEF BOUNDS \ Format a start and cnt into a to and from for DO (not required for ADO) pub BOUNDS ( addr cnt -- to from ) OVER + SWAP ; } pub MIN ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) --- signed minimum of two items OVER OVER > IF SWAP THEN DROP ; pub MAX ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) --- signed maximum of two items OVER OVER > IF SWAP THEN NIP ; --- cacluate an average while maintaining fractional parts and return the average --- Usage: 1000 AVG pub AVG ( val var -- avg ) DUP @ 2/ 2/ ROT SWAP - OVER +! @ 2/ 2/ ; IFNDEF >VEC pub >VEC DUP 1+ C@ 4* XCALLS + SWAP C@ ' CALL 3 + - 3 XOR SWAP OVER 1 AND 2* + SWAP 2 AND IF $400 + THEN ; } \ Convert the PFA (start address of code) into an NFA pub PFA>NFA ( pfa -- nfa \ find the nfa else false ) @NAMES 1+ BEGIN DUP NFA>CFA >PFA 3RD = IF NIP EXIT THEN NFA>CFA 3 + DUP C@ 0= UNTIL 2DROP 0 ; ( CONVERSION ) \ Conversion between longs, words, bytes IFDEF BITS pub >W ( long -- word \ extract lower word from long ) 16 BITS ; } IFNDEF BITS pub >W ( long -- word \ extract lower word from long ) 16 pub BITS ( n1 bits -- ) MASK 1- AND ; } IFNDEF >B pub >B ( long -- byte \ extract lower byte from long ) $FF AND ; pub >N ( long -- byte \ extract lower nibble from long ) $0F AND ; } pub L>W ( long - loword hiword \ split long into 2 words ) DUP >W SWAP 16 SHR ; pub W>B ( word - lobyte hibyte \ split word into 2 bytes ) DUP >B SWAP 8 SHR >B ; pub W>L ( loword hiword -- long \ merge to words to long ) 16 SHL OR ; pub B>W ( lobyte hibyte -- word \ merge to bytes to word ) 8 SHL OR ; pub B>L ( lobyte byte2 byte3 byte4 -- long \ merge 4 bytes to long ) B>W >L B>W L> W>L ; \ Increment and decrement variables at address pub ++ ( longAddr -- \ increment long ) 1 SWAP +! ; pub -- ( longAddr -- \ decrement long ) -1 SWAP +! ; pub W++ ( wordAddr -- \ increment word ) 1 SWAP W+! ; pub W-- ( wordAddr -- \ decrement word ) -1 SWAP W+! ; pub C++ ( byteAddr -- \ increment byte ) 1 SWAP C+! ; pub C-- ( byteAddr -- \ decrement byte ) -1 SWAP C+! ; \ Clear and set variable at address pub ~ ( longAddr -- \ clear long ) 0 SWAP ! ; pub ~~ ( longAddr -- \ set long ) -1 SWAP ! ; pub W~ ( wordAddr -- \ clear word ) 0 SWAP W! ; pub W~~ ( wordAddr -- \ set word ) -1 SWAP W! ; pub C~ ( byteAddr -- \ clear byte ) 0 SWAP C! ; pub C~~ ( byteAddr -- \ set byte ) -1 SWAP C! ; IFNDEF SMALL pub SWAPB ( word -- word2 \ Swap the bytes in a 16-bit word ) DUP 8 SHR SWAP >B 8 SHL OR ; pub LBIT! ( mask addr state -- \ Set or clear the bits of a long in memory that match the bit mask. ) >L SWAP OVER @ L> IF OR ELSE SWAP ANDN THEN SWAP ! ; pub LONGFILL ( addr cnt longval -- \ Fill longs at addr for long cnt with longval ) 3RD ! \ Store long at start address OVER 4 + \ Set destination as next long address SWAP 1- 4* \ Adjust to byte count less the first long CMOVE \ and copy over and over itself ; } #8 MODULE: CHARACTER_OUTPUT ( CHARACTER OUTPUT ) pub KEY@ ( -- keycode ) lastkey C@ ; pub KEY! ( keycode -- ) lastkey 1+ C! ; IFNDEF WKEY \ V2.4 changes the way KEY is used so as to standardize with stream devices other than serial (file,network,etc) \ So WKEY works like the old KEY did in that it would wait indefinitely pub WKEY KEY ; } pub ( -- \ send a CR = $0D to output ) $0D EMIT ; pub TAB ( -- \ send a TAB = $09 to output ) 9 EMIT ; pub ESC? ( -- flg \ true if an escape has been pressed ) lastkey C@ $1B = ; pub GETLINE ( buf -- len ) DUP BEGIN 0 OVER C! WKEY DUP $0D <> WHILE OVER C! 1+ REPEAT DROP SWAP - ; \ Use alternative name to avoid conflict with FTP commands, also ensure controls are converted to spaces pub CTYPE ( str cnt -- \ Type out the string for cnt characters ) ADO I C@ BL MAX EMIT LOOP ; \ ALIAS CTYPE TYPE pub SPACES ( cnt -- \ print many spaces ) BL SWAP pub EMITS ( ch cnt -- \ emit the same character many times ) ?DUP IF FOR DUP EMIT NEXT THEN DROP ; \ Wait for a period and if no key is received then return with a null \ wait timer = wait*42us so #225 = 10ms IFDEF KEY? pub WAITKEY ( wait -- key ) BEGIN KEY? 0= 3RD 0<> AND WHILE DROP 1- REPEAT NIP ; } IFNDEF KEY? pub WAITKEY ( wait -- key ) lastkey C~ BEGIN KEY@ 0= OVER 0<> AND WHILE 1- REPEAT KEY ; } pub UPPER ( char -- uppercaseChar \ convert char to uppercase ) DUP $60 > IF BL - THEN ; { changed MJB LONG consav PRIVATE pub [CON uemit @ consav ! CON ; pub CON] consav @ uemit ! ; } WORD consav PRIVATE pub [CON uemit W@ consav W! CON ; pub CON] consav W@ uemit W! ; { --- Generate a CRC16 for string or buffer - " PETER" 6 --> BD27 = 489us pub CRC16 ( str cnt -- crc ) 0 ROT ROT ADO I C@ SWAP 8 FOR 2DUP XOR 1 AND ROT 2/ ROT 2/ ROT IF $A001 XOR THEN NEXT NIP LOOP ; } } \ end of #8 MODULE: CHARACTER_OUTPUT #7 MODULE: LOCAL_VARIABLES IFNDEF SMALL ( LOCAL VARIABLES ) { Saving stack parameters to local variables can simplify the stack manipulation required A specified number of parameters are removed and copied to the local variables area but first the existing local variables are pushed up so that they are saved and can be restored with a RELEASE Example of using LOCALs: pri (RECT) X4 X3 X2 HLINE X4 X3 X1 1- + X2 1- HLINE X4 X2 + 1- X3 X1 VLINE X4 X3 X1 VLINE ; \ Draw a rectangle pub RECT ( x1 y1 width height -- ) ( X4 X3 X2 X1 ) 4 LOCAL (RECT) 4 RELEASE } \ space for up to 16 locals 16 LONGS locals pri @X ( index -- ) 4* locals + ; pub X1 ( -- local1 \ push local 1 on the stack ) locals @ ; pub X2 ( -- local2 \ push local 2 on the stack ) 1 @X @ ; pub X3 ( -- local3 \ push local 3 on the stack ) 2 @X @ ; pub X4 ( -- local4 \ push local 4 on the stack ) 3 @X @ ; pub LOCAL ( n -- \ pop the n top stack elements to the local space, TOS => X1, TOS+1 => X2 .. ) locals OVER @X 3RD 2* 2* $40 SWAP - -- \ allocate bytes and assign it the literal following the DS word ) [COMPILE] GRAB \ get the name _org @ \ get org, which is the start of this new variable SWAP _org +! \ increment org by bytes length of this variable as base for next variable [COMPILE] CONSTANT \ and compile the old org value into a constant named ; IMMEDIATE \ this needs to be done at compile time so make DS IMMEDIATE {HELP The CONSTANT word is redefined to == to reduce the clutter and increase readability (IMO) Since CONSTANT is an immediate word it is forced to compile with [COMPILE] At some point the == word may work differently from CONSTANT by forcing the compilation of the literal constant rather than the call to the definition. This is in part to allow constants to be defined simply for compilation without consuming runtime memory } \ pub == [COMPILE] CONSTANT ; IMMEDIATE IFNDEF SMALL ( SPR COG REGISTERS ) $1F0 ORG 0 DS SPR 1 DS PAR 1 DS CNT 1 DS INA 1 DS INB 1 DS OUTA 1 DS OUTB 1 DS DIRA 1 DS DIRB 1 DS CTRA 1 DS CTRB 1 DS FRQA 1 DS FRQB 1 DS PHSA 1 DS PHSB 1 DS VCFG 1 DS VSCL \ Store data in the SPR (original version did not add offset) pub SPR! ( data offset -- ) SPR + COG! ; } } \ end of #6 MODULE: FIXED_POSITION_VARIABLES ( MATHS FUNCTIONS ) --- basic maths functions - always load pub U> SWAP U< ; pub / ( n1 n2 -- n3 ) \ 18us signed divide (org 47us) vs 10us U/ OVER ABS OVER ABS U/ \ perform unsigned division ROT ROT XOR -NEGATE \ now get signs set result accordingly ; pub UM*/ ( u1 u2 u3 -- Du1*u2/u3 ) ROT ROT UM* ROT UM/MOD64 ROT DROP ; {HELP MOD ( n1 modulus -- rem ) Extract the remainder after division of n1 by modulus Usage: 1234 10 MOD . 4 ok } pub MOD ( n1 mod -- rem ) U/MOD DROP ; LONG (rnd) PRIVATE CNT@ (rnd) ! \ seed it at compile time \ COMMENT: RND ( -- n ) Generate a 32-bit pseudo-random number enhanced with the system counter pub RND ( -- n \ 32 bit pseudo random number enhanced with system counter ) \ to seed with custom value use “seed (rnd) !” (rnd) @ DUP #13 SHL XOR DUP #17 SHR XOR DUP 5 SHL XOR CNT@ * DUP (rnd) ! \ randomize the result as well using the system CNT ; { loop: y = y – 1/16 * x x = x + 1/16 * y pub Minsky ( xOld yOld step -- xNew yNew ) >L SWAP OVER IX SAR - SWAP ( xNew yOld ) OVER L> SAR + ( xNew yNew ) ; } ( MORE OPERATORS ) pub ALIGN ( address align -- val00 \ given align = 2^n set the n-1 lowest bits to 0 \ align the address to a ‘align’ bytes border \ n = 0 is byte align, n = 1 is word align, n = 2 is long align ) 1- SWAP OVER + SWAP ANDN ; ; LONG ulong PRIVATE pub U! ( long addr -- \ Unaligned store long ) SWAP ulong ! ulong SWAP 4 CMOVE ; pub U@ ( addr -- long \ Unaligned fetch long ) ulong 4 CMOVE ulong @ ; ALIAS SHR >> ALIAS SHL << ALIAS MASK |< ( bit -- mask \ SPIN syntax for MASK, bit is the 0-based position of the only one bit to set ) pub >| ( mask -- bit \ give the 0-based position of the highest bit set ) BL 0 DO 2/ DUP 0= IF DROP I LEAVE THEN LOOP ; pub => ( n1 n2 -- flg \ true if n1 is equal to or greater than n2 ) 1- > ; pub <= ( n1 n2 -- flg \ true if n1 is smaller than or equal to n2 ) SWAP => ; pub @. ( longAddr -- \ Fetch long and print number ) @ U. ; --- redefine ms and us to suit clkfreq pub ms ?DUP 0EXIT CLKFREQ #1000 / UM* DROP DELTA ; { doesn't appear to be used anymore 16 == indent pub .HEAD ( str -- \ Print the string as a header on a new line and space up to column 16 ) \ or per user settings \ change the constant indent to your indent level DUP #100 < IF ' indent 1+ ! ELSE CR DUP PRINT$ LEN$ indent SWAP - SPACES THEN ; } pub DPL ( -- n ) \ Return with number of decimal places digits 1+ C@ DUP IF digits C@ SWAP - THEN ; \ Flag next number print routine to use leading spaces instead of leading zeros pub LSP 4 flags SET ; #5 MODULE: MATHS_FUNCTIONS pub % ( val % -- val2 ) * 100 / ; --- 8-bit binary percentage so that 256 %% = 100 % pub %% ( val bin% -- val2 ) SWAP 1+ * 8 SHR ; ( RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR ) \ Return with a random number between the specified limits from min to max-1 pub GETRND ( max min -- n ) SWAP OVER - RND 2/ SWAP MOD SWAP + ; {HELP ROUND Round a number to the nearest rounding value Usage: 474 10 ROUND -> 470 474 5 ROUND -> 475 } pub ROUND ( n1 rounder -- n1rnd ) SWAP OVER U/MOD --- now round it off to the nearest 0.25MHZ SWAP 2* 3RD => 1 AND + * ; pub /ROUND ( val1 divisor -- val2 \ Scale down a value by a divisor but round it up \ if the remainder is => half the divisor \ Usage:4567 100 /ROUND . 46 ) DUP >L U/MOD SWAP L> 2/ > IF 1+ THEN ; IFNDEF SMALL pub COS ( angle -- cosine \ the angle is in radians scaled to ?? bits ?? ) $800 + pub SIN ( angle -- sine \ the angle is in radians scaled to ?? bits ?? ) DUP $1000 AND SWAP \ test quadrant 3|4 DUP $800 AND IF NEGATE THEN \ test quadrant 2|4 and negate if true $7000 OR 2* W@ \ lookup word from sin table SWAP IF NEGATE THEN \ if quadrant 3|4, negate sample ; --- Powers pub SQR ( value -- value*value ) DUP * ; pub POW ( n pwr -- n^pwr ) 1 SWAP FOR OVER * NEXT NIP ; IFDEF [SQRT] --- RUNMOD version also loads the module - just use RUNMOD inside of loops pub SQRT [SQRT] RUNMOD ; } { Square root method based on this Tristan Muntsinger algorithm which uses multiplication: unsigned int c = 0x8000; unsigned int g = 0x8000; for(;;) { if(g*g > n) g ^= c; c >>= 1; if(c == 0) return g; g |= c; } Timing: 1234 DUP * LAP SQRT LAP .LAP SPACE . 296.800us 1234 ok 200000000 LAP SQRT LAP .LAP SPACE . 300.200us 14142 ok 355.000000 113 / LAP SQRT LAP .LAP SPACE . 294.600us 1772 ok } IFNDEF SQRT pub SQRT ( n -- sqrt ) $8000 DUP ( n c g ) BEGIN DUP DUP * 4TH > --- if (g*g > n) IF OVER XOR THEN --- g ^= c SWAP 2/ ( n g c ) --- c >>= 1 ?DUP --- while c <> 0 WHILE SWAP ( n c g ) OVER OR --- g |= c REPEAT NIP --- leave only g on stack ; } IFDEF c ( c added 150526 to fetch carry in lsb from last +/- op) pub UM+ ( dbl n -- dbl ) ROT + c 1 AND ROT + ; --- UMSQRT square root of long with scaled double to 5 decimal places 88.8us pub UMSQRT ( n - dbl.5 ) DUP SQRT DUP DUP * ROT SWAP - 50000 3RD */ SWAP 100000 UM* ROT UM+ ; } 3.14159265 == PI pub CIRC ( radius -- circumference ) 2* 355 113 */ ; --- calculate the hypotenuse --- 14 25 LAP HYPOT LAP .LAP 360.000us ok pub HYPOT ( A B -- hypot ) DUP * SWAP DUP * + SQRT ; --- return with the hypot as a double scaled to 5 decimal places pub DHYPOT ( A B -- hypot.nnnnn ) DUP * SWAP DUP * + UMSQRT ; { Quick hypotenuse calculation - longerside + shorterside*? Error is less than 6.78% max - 3% mean error Execution time: 14.4us } pub QHYPOT ( A B -- hypot ) 2DUP < IF SWAP THEN DUP 2* + 3 SHR + \ *3/8 ; { TEST: HYPOT function pub HDEMO ( addr -- ) $40 DECIMAL ADO I W@ $7FFF AND I 2 + W@ $7FFF AND CR OVER .DEC TAB DUP .DEC TAB ." APPROX HYPOT=" 2DUP HYPOT DUP 0 REG ! .DEC TAB ." HYPOT = " ^2 SWAP ^2 + SQR DUP .DEC DUP 0 REG @ - ABS #10000 * SWAP / TAB ." ERROR=" <# # # "." HOLD #S #> PRINT$ ." %" \ calulate % error scaled to 2 decimal places 4 +LOOP ; } } } \ end of #5 MODULE: MATHS_FUNCTIONS ( NUMBER PRINT FORMATING ) #12 MODULE: NUMBER_PRINT_FORMATING \ Check and insert separators (subfunction of .NUM) pri (SEP) I IF 1 REG C@ $40 AND 0EXIT base C@ #10 = IF I 3 MOD 0= IF "," HOLD THEN \ Process decimal numbers with a decimal point ELSE I 4 MOD 0= IF "_" HOLD THEN \ or else use underscore for a separator THEN THEN ; { Usage: - testing WORD sep pri InitSep ( digits base -- digits base ) DUP #10 = IF $2C03 sep W! THEN DUP ":" = IF DROP #10 $3A02 sep W! THEN DUP "/" = IF DROP #10 $2F02 sep W! THEN } pri (.NUM) ( n val -- ) <# 5 BITS ?DUP --- If there is a count (b4..b0) specified then lock to that IF DUP #31 = IF 1+ THEN 0 DO (SEP) # LOOP --- fixed width also 31(max) indicates 32 binary digits ELSE BL 0 DO (SEP) # DUP 0= IF LEAVE THEN LOOP --- variable width, don't print lz THEN 0 REG C@ ?DUP IF HOLD THEN #> PRINT$ ; {HELP PRINTNUM ( number format -- ) Format the number as to it's base, the number of digits, whether it's signed, and should it have separators This is a very versatile print number routine and can be incorporated into other print words A single word is passed with options: b07..00 = base b12..08 = digits b13 = use spaces in place of leading zeros b14 = force separators (decimals have a , every 3 places while others have a _ every 4 places) b15 = force sign (always + or - depending upon the number) Usage: $C00A will force separators, sign, no leading zeros (0 digits), and a base of 10 i.e. 0 @ $C00A .NUM +80,000,000 ok $4810 will force separators, no sign, and 8 digits with a base of 16 i.e. 0 @ $4810 .NUM 04C4_B400 ok } pub PRINTNUM ( number sign+sep+6BitForDigits+8BitForBase -- \ format number according to format spec ) W>B SWAP \ InitSep >RADIX 0 REG C~ --- clear prefix for sign DUP 1 REG C! --- save sign+sep+digits byte DUP BL AND IF LSP THEN --- select leading zero suppression DUP $80 AND --- signed? IF OVER 0< IF "-" ELSE "+" THEN 0 REG C! THEN (.NUM) RADIX> ; --- deprecated name - prefer PRINTNUM for readability ALIAS PRINTNUM .NUM pub .DP ( dblnum decimals --- ) DUP >L 1 SWAP FOR #10 * NEXT UM/MOD64 $400A PRINTNUM L> ?DUP IF "." EMIT 8 SHL $0A + PRINTNUM THEN ; pub .DECX ( number -- \ Print a formatted decimal number with 4 digits ) 4 pub PRINTDEC ( number n -- \ Print a formatted decimal number with at least n digits ) 8 SHL $400A OR PRINTNUM ; pub .INDEX ( -- \ Print the current loop index on a newline ) CR I .WORD PRINT" : " ; pub .ADDR ( addr -- \ print address plus : ) CR $4810 .NUM PRINT" : " ; pub U.N ( data digits -- \ Print the unsigned number with the specified number of digits ) <# FOR # NEXT #> PRINT$ ; } \ end of #12 MODULE: NUMBER_PRINT_FORMATING { built full version into kernel so DEBUG uses this too 1 NFA' .S ?DUP IF 1+ C! THEN pub .DS ." Data Stack (" DEPTH $A .NUM ." ) " DEPTH 0EXIT #10 >RADIX 16 COGREG@ 8 + DEPTH 2* 2* OVER + ( stkptr end ) BEGIN CR "$" EMIT DUP @ DUP .LONG ." - " PRINT 4 - 2DUP 4 - = UNTIL 2DROP RADIX> ; } CLKFREQ #1,000,000 / == #us --- microsecond timing - trimmed to compensate down to 21us including stack parameter --- So 21 us = 21 us but anything less will just exit early with 11us pub us DUP #21 < IF DROP EXIT THEN #us UM* DROP #1610 - DELTA ; --- DUMP LISTING REDIRECTION 3 WORDS: dmm --- dump methods for C@ W@ @ --- define vectorable versions of memory fetches pri _C@ C@ ; pri _W@ W@ ; pri _@ @ ; --- Select RAM as the memory for DUMP methods pub RAM ' _C@ dmm W! ' _W@ dmm 2+ W! ' _@ dmm 4 + W! ; RAM BYTE bdw PRIVATE --- controls word length of dump listing (bytes,words,longs) 1 bdw C! pri (BDW) bdw C@ SWITCH 2 CASE dmm 2+ W@ CALL .WORD BREAK 4 CASE dmm 4 + W@ CALL .LONG BREAK dmm W@ CALL .BYTE ; pub BDUMP ( addr cnt buffer -- \ Dump listing from a buffer but use source addresses ) 4 REG ! SWAP 8 REG ! 0 SWAP ADO I 8 REG @ + .ADDR 16 0 DO I 3 AND 0= I 7 AND 0= + NEGATE SPACES I J + 4 REG @ + (BDW) SPACE bdw C@ +LOOP 2 SPACES I 4 REG @ + 16 ADO I dmm W@ CALL DUP BL $7E WITHIN 0= IF DROP "." THEN EMIT LOOP 16 +LOOP 1 bdw C! RAM --- reset defaults for byte wide and RAM ; pub DUMPL ( addr cnt -- ) 4 bdw C! pub DUMP ( addr cnt -- ) OVER BDUMP ; pub DUMPW ( addr cnt -- ) 2 bdw C! DUMP ; #64 == dwidth pub DUMPA ADO I 7 BITS 0= IF CR I .LONG ." : " I dwidth ADO I dmm W@ CALL DUP BL $7E WITHIN IF EMIT ELSE DROP ." ." THEN LOOP THEN dwidth +LOOP ; pub QD ( addr -- ) BL DUMP ; IFNDEF SMALL pub .RETSTK STACKS 4 + #22 CR ." RETURN STACK" COGDUMP ; } #19 MODULE: ANSI_TERMINAL ( ANSI ) { SECTION: Minimal ANSI terminal controls Minicom, Teraterm, and even Hyperterminal support ANSI control sequences.These are just the basics. } 0 == black 1 == red 2 == green 3 == yellow 4 == blue 5 == magenta 6 == cyan 7 == white pub ESC ( ch -- ) $1B EMIT EMIT ; pri ESCB ( ch -- ) "[" ESC EMIT ; pub PEN ( col -- ) "3" pri COL ( col fg/bg -- ) ESCB "0" + EMIT "m" EMIT ; pub PAPER ( col -- ) "4" COL ; { optional - normally not supported pri ESCH ( ch -- ) "#" ESC EMIT ; pub DHT "3" ESCH ; pub DHB "4" ESCH ; pub NARROW "5" ESCH ; pub WIDE "6" ESCH ; } pri .PAR SWAP #10 .NUM EMIT ; pri CUR ( cmd n -- ) "[" ESC SWAP .PAR ; pub XY ( x y -- ) ";" SWAP CUR "H" .PAR ; pub HOME "H" ESCB ; pub CLS $0C EMIT HOME --- Erase the screen from the current location pub ERSCN "2" ESCB "J" EMIT ; --- Erase the current line pub ERLINE "2" ESCB "K" EMIT ; pub CURSOR ( on/off -- ) "?" ESCB ." 25" IF "h" ELSE "l" THEN EMIT ; pub PLAIN "0" pri ATR ( ch -- ) ESCB "m" EMIT ; pub REVERSE $37 ATR ; pub BOLD $31 ATR ; pub MARGINS ( top bottom -- ) $5B ESC SWAP ";" .PAR "r" .PAR ; { 0 == black 1 == red 2 == green 3 == yellow 4 == blue 5 == magenta 6 == cyan 7 == white pri (ESC) ( ch -- ) $1B EMIT EMIT ; pri VC ( cmd n -- ) "[" (ESC) SWAP pri VP SWAP #10 .NUM EMIT ; pub XY ( x y -- \ ANSI set cursor to x y ) ";" SWAP VC "H" VP ; pub HOME ( -- \ ANSI set cursor home ) "H" pri ESC[ ( ch -- ) "[" (ESC) EMIT ; pub ERLINE ( -- \ ANSI erase line ) "2" ESC[ "K" EMIT ; pub VCLS ( -- \ ANSI Home + clear screen ) HOME pub ERSCN ( -- \ ANSI erase screen ) "2" ESC[ "J" EMIT ; pub CURSOR ( on/off -- \ ANSI cursor on/off ) "?" ESC[ ." 25" IF "h" ELSE "l" THEN EMIT ; pub PLAIN "0" pri (VA) ( ch -- ) ESC[ "m" EMIT ; pub REVERSE $37 (VA) ; pub BOLD ( -- \ ANSI bold ) $31 (VA) ; } { VT100 1B 5B 3F 31 3B 32 63 MINICOM 1B 5B 3F 31 3B 32 63 VT102 1B 5B 3F 36 63 Esc[?1;Value0c } IFNDEF SMALL 8 BYTES ansi pub ANSI? ( -- code ) "c" ESCB ansi 8 ERASE ansi 8 ADO #1000 WAITKEY I C! LOOP ansi @ $313F5B1B = IF ansi 5 + C@ ELSE FALSE THEN ; } } \ end of #19 MODULE: ANSI_TERMINAL \ ### ( SPI and RUNMOD ) { SPI functions normally require high speeds which can be achieved in PASM and in many Spin implementations are handled in a separate cog. TF has both dedicated instructions for SPI built into each TF cog and also a more general-purpose RUNMOD instruction for running software selectable precompiled modules. These RUNMOD functions cover various SPI like environments including specialized modules for SD cards etc. } { COGREGS: '****************** COG VARIABLES (long) ***************** ' for those who know what they do ... Index Name ------------------------------ For kernel SPI functions -5 spisck long 0 -4 spiout long 0 -3 spiinp long 0 -2 spice long 0 -1 spicnt long 0 ' Registers used by PASM RUNMOD modules to hold parameters such as I/O masks and bit counts etc 0 REG0 long 0 1 REG1 long 0 2 REG2 long 0 3 REG3 long 0 4 REG4 long 0 5 txticks long (80_000_000 / baud ) ' set transmit baud rate 6 txmask long |B \ only operates on the lowest byte !! higher bytes are ignored DUP BL < IF MASK ELSE DROP 0 THEN ; [PRIVATE \ Define COGREG constants for most SPI operations based on kernel code, usually not for RUNMODs \ COGREGS for RUNMODS are 0 up \ -6 CONSTANT @CLOCKPINS -5 CONSTANT @SPISCK \ -4 CONSTANT @SPIOUT \ -3 CONSTANT @SPIINP \ -2 CONSTANT @SPICE \ -1 CONSTANT @SPICNT PRIVATE] { Kernel I/O mask registers used by Kernel SPI words clockpins long 0 ' I/O mask for CLOCK instruction spisck long 0 ' I/O mask for SPI clock spiout long 0 ' I/O mask for SPI data out (MOSI) spiinp long 0 ' I/O mask for SPI data in (MISO) spice long 0 ' I/O mask for SPI CE (not really required unless we use CE instr) spicnt long 0 ' bit count for variable size Kernel SPI ' Registers used by PASM modules to hold parameters such as I/O masks and bit counts etc REG0 long 0 REG1 long 0 REG2 long 0 REG3 long 0 REG4 long 0 } --- Set the SPI pins using a long as 4 octets = ce.miso.mosi.clk as this allows passing a single long pub SPIPINS ( ce.miso.mosi.clk --- ) @SPISCK pub SETPINS ( mask dst -- ) ( ~190us) 8 OVER 4 + COGREG! \ set default count 4 ADO DUP MASK? IX I - 2 > IF DUP OUTCLR THEN --- make sck and mosi outputs I COGREG! 8 SHR LOOP DROP ; pub MODPINS @SCK SETPINS ; { 2 byte XOP version IFDEF (OPCODE) --- V2.4 allows opcodes to be created and run just like constants --- Usage: $24FF6210 OPCODE ROL16 --- 12345678 ROL16 . 56781234 pub OPCODE IMMEDIATE [COMPILE] GRAB --- grab number out of compiled code (execute) codes W@ 2+ 1 ANDN codes W! [COMPILE] CREATE -1 codes W+! NFA' (OPCODE) NFA>CFA U@ codes W@ W! codes W@ 2+ ! 6 ALLOT ; } IFDEF (OPCODE) --- V2.4 allows opcodes to be created and run just like constants --- Usage: $24FF6210 OPCODE ROL16 --- 12345678 ROL16 . 56781234 NFA' (OPCODE) NFA>CFA C@ == (op) --- avoide compiled NFA's as dictionary changes will affect them pub OPCODE IMMEDIATE [COMPILE] GRAB --- grab number out of compiled code (execute) codes W@ 4 + 3 ANDN 1- codes W! [COMPILE] CREATE -1 codes W+! (op) codes W@ C! codes W@ 1+ ! 5 ALLOT ; } IFDEF OPCODE STACKS == tos --- cog address of top of stack $38BC_0000 tos 9 << + tos 1+ + OPCODE SAR ( n bits -- res bits ) ' AND COG@ $1FF AND 9 << $38FC.0010 OPCODE SARX --- find address of tos and form opcode with default #16 pub SAR ( n bits -- result \ arithmetic shift right ) ' SARX 1+ C! SARX ; } IFNDEF SAR pub SAR ( n bits -- result \ arithmetic shift right ) $38FF6800 + PASM DROP ; } ( COG CONTROL ) \ Note: The "par" address must be word aligned. \ 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------010 { IFNDEF OPCODE pub COGINIT ( cog codeAddress par -- \ COG # 0..7 is loaded with code from codeAddress and assigned par ) #18 SHL SWAP 4 SHL OR OR %000011_0001_1111_000000000_000000010 STACKS 9 SHL + PASM DROP ; } { IFDEF OPCODE %000011_0001_1111_000000000_000000010 STACKS 9 SHL OR OPCODE (COGINIT) pub COGINIT ( cog codeAddress par -- \ COG # 0..7 is loaded with code from codeAddress and assigned par ) #18 SHL SWAP 4 SHL OR OR (COGINIT) ; } { This is actually handled by STOP \ 03 0C 7C 0C | cogstop 6 pub COGSTOP ( cog -- \ stop the COG with number cog 0..7 ) 9 SHL %000011_0001_1111_000000000_000000011 OR PASM DROP ; } IFNDEF SMALL ( SYSTEM CLOCK MODES ) ( Forum link ) %000011_0001_1111_000000000_000000000 STACKS 9 SHL + OPCODE (CLKSET) pub CLK ( multiple0..4 -- ) 3 + 4 C@ 7 ANDN OR pub CLKSET ( n -- ) DUP 4 C! (CLKSET) 2DROP ; pub RCFAST 0 CLKSET ; pub RCSLOW 1 CLKSET ; } \ ### ( COG TASK CONTROL ) { Run a task in the specified cog (assumes Tachyon is preloaded and has not been assigned yet (IDLE) Usage: ' >PFA 4 RUN NOTE: V2 changes ' to return with the actual PFA (most sensible), so it's: ' 4 RUN V2.0 120915+ now uses 8 bytes per task rather than 2. The run address is not cleared. Use ATN for commands. } pub TASK? ( -- task | Find the next available cog that's free to run a task - ready and in IDLE ) 8 BEGIN 1- DUP TASK @ $1.0000 = OVER 0< OR UNTIL ; pub RUN ( pfa cog -- | USAGE: ' MYTASK TASK? RUN ) DUP 0 7 WITHIN IF TASK W! ELSE CR PRINT" Error - cog out of range " THEN ; \ Set starting address of a task's registers pub TASKREGS ( addr -- ) 7 COGREG! ; IFNDEF SMALL pub .TASKS ( -- \ List tasks ) 8 0 DO I TASK 2+ C@ DUP IF .INDEX I TASK W@ ?DUP IF PFA>NFA DUP PRINT$ BL SWAP LEN$ - SPACES ELSE PRINT" IDLE" #28 SPACES THEN THEN I COGID = DUP IF .INDEX PRINT" CONSOLE" #25 SPACES THEN OR IF I TASK DUP W@ .WORD SPACE 2+ 6 ADO I C@ .BYTE SPACE LOOP THEN LOOP ; ALIAS .TASKS lscogs ( INTERTASK COMMUNICATIONS ) #24 MODULE: INTERTASK_COMMUNICATIONS { USAGE: Communications can be effected by means of an equivalent to KEY and EMIT which are used in serial communications. So rather than these the indexable words ENQ@ and ATN! with word values !! xxxxxzzz Task space is 4 words per COG in HUB \ here is what I MJB found in TF2.3 and EXTEND w0 - T01 = pfa of the word we want to run in this COG/TASK - this is set with RUN ( pfa cog -- ) W1 - T23 = set byte task+2 = 1 to indicate Tachyon running w3 - T45 = 16 bit command w4 - T67 = 16 bit response xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx } ( To listen for a command ) \ ATN? ( -- cmd ) read in a command from the tasks variable and return with it and also clear the tasks variable pub ATN? \ alias for newer command ATN@ pub ATN@ ( -- cmdWord \ read in a 16 bit command from the tasks variable and return with it and also clear the tasks variable ) COGID TASK 4 + DUP W@ SWAP W~ \ Clear the command (ack) ; ( To send a response ) pub ENQ! ( dataWord -- \ send a 16 bit response to the command ) COGID TASK 6 + W! ; ( To talk to tasks in other cogs ) pub ATN! ( cmdWord cog -- \ Send a 16 bit command to another task ) TASK 4 + W! ; { for synchronization MJB pub ATN? ( cog -- flag \ if command has been read this reads 0 ) TASK 4 + W@ ; pub ENQ? ( cog -- flag \ if response has been read this reads 0 ) TASK 6 + W@ ; } ( To listen to tasks in other cogs ) pub ENQ@ ( cog -- dataWord \ fetch the 16 bit response to the command and acknowledge ) TASK 6 + DUP W@ SWAP W~ \ clear data (ack) ; } \ end of #24 MODULE: INTERTASK_COMMUNICATIONS } #20 MODULE: STRINGS ( STRINGS ) { Tachyon strings return with just the start address of the actual string which is null terminated. The STRING word constructs strings that are long aligned with an additional header in the preceding bytes: HEADER: ATR[1] SIZE[1] LEN[1] OP[1] The SIZE is either the size of the string or the maximum allocated size LEN is the compiled length of the string - only necessary if the string atr indicates binary ATR is normally set to $80 but can be used to indicate element size etc CONSOLE: HERE . 3F13 ok " NOW IS THE TIME" $20 STRING A$ ok Create a string but allocate more room 3F13 30 DUMP ** AtrSizLen Op String-------- 0000_3F13: B6 80 20 10 83 4E 4F 57 20 49 53 20 54 48 45 20 .. ..NOW IS THE 0000_3F23: 54 49 4D 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TIME............ 0000_3F33: 00 00 00 00 00 71 3F 13 72 40 B5 B2 03 03 00 00 .....q?.r@...... ok A$ . 3F18 ok Executing a string always returns with the address of the string itself - just like a variable ' A$ . 3F17 ok This is the code address of the string " - RIGHT NOW" A$ APPEND$ ok With the extra room allocated we can append to it like this A$ PRINT$ NOW IS THE TIME- RIGHT NOW ok NOTES: ** The string is always long aligned The allocated size parameter could be used for error checking when appending but has not been at present - KISS OPERATORS: STRING ( str max -- ) \ Create a string and allocate max bytes Usage: " This is a string" $20 STRING A$ LEN$ ( str -- len ) \ return with the length of the string .STR ( str -- ) \ print the string PRINT$ } ( Create a string variable/constant and allocate max bytes for it to allow appending ) pub STRING ( str maxsize -- \ Create a string constant and specify size of string allocation else use 0 = default ) [COMPILE] GRAB \ "uncompile" str and max and push onto stack ?DUP 0= IF DUP LEN$ 1+ THEN SWAP \ Use LEN$ if maxsize = 0 codes W@ 4 ALIGN codes W! ALLOCATED ( size str ) \ Set new code pointer to long boundary HERE 5 + OVER LEN$ 1+ L + L> pub LEFT$ ( str len -- str \ Destructive LEFT$ - uses same string ) OVER + C~ ; pub RIGHT$ ( str len -- str \ give a copy of the rightmost len chars of str ) OVER LEN$ SWAP - + ; pub ERASE$ ( str -- \ Fully erase the string - reads max len from header ) DUP 3 - C@ ERASE ; pub LOCATE$ ( ch str -- str \Locate the first ch in the string and return else null ) 0 SWAP DUP LEN$ ADO OVER I C@ = IF DROP I LEAVE THEN LOOP NIP ; pub $= pub COMPARE$ ( str1 str2 -- flg \ Compare two strings for equality ) OVER LEN$ OVER LEN$ = IF DUP LEN$ ADO C@++ I C@ <> IF DROP 0 LEAVE THEN LOOP 0<> ELSE 2DROP FALSE THEN ; pub >CSTR word $! word LEN$ word 1- C! word 1- ; pub FIND ( str -- cfa ) >CSTR @NAMES FINDSTR DUP IF NFA>CFA >PFA THEN ; pub CALL$ FIND ?DUP IF CALL THEN ; CR ( #################################################################### ) } \ end of #20 MODULE: STRINGS #21 MODULE: SAN_FILTER IFNDEF SMALL ( SAN FILTER ) { Successive Approximation Normalization Filter - Beau Schwabe Modified for Tachyon Forth Code size = 36 bytes Execution time = 206us for 12 bits (Spin version takes around 1,390us) Uses temp registers for variables offsets: 0 = low ; 4 = high fast approximation for ----- even faster see below ( data bits low high -- result ) result = ( data - low) * 2^bits / (high - low) } pub NORMALIZE ( data bits low high -- result ) 4 REG ! 0 REG ! --- store low and high to register variables 0 SWAP --- Init temp FOR ( data temp ) --- Execute loop for number of bits of resolution 2* --- temp<<1 0 REG @ 4 REG @ + 2/ ( data temp mid ) --- calc new mid DUP 4TH > --- Compare mid > data IF 4 REG ! ELSE 0 REG ! 1+ THEN --- Set new low or high and track NEXT NIP --- discard original data ; { Usage: #4328 #12 #204 #8453 NORMALIZE .DEC } { MJB's direct implementation of the slightly rearranged equation NormalizedData = ((Data - RefLOW) SHL BitResolution) / (RefHIGH - RefLOW) Forum Link code size 17 bytes?, 24us pub NORMALIZEFAST ( data bits low high -- result ) OVER - ( data bits low high-low ) SWAP ( data bits high-low low ) 4TH SWAP ( data bits high-low data low ) - ( data bits high-low data-low ) 3RD SHL SWAP / --- fortunately Tachyon’s divide is fast NIP ; } { Usage: #2834 #12 #204 #8453 LAP NORMALIZEFAST .LAP SPACE .DEC \ 24us 1305 ok } } } \ end of #21 MODULE: SAN_FILTER #22 MODULE: MCP3208_8_channel_ADC ( MCP3208 8 channel ADC ) IFNDEF SMALL { 8 channel 12-bit ADC interface for MCP32O8 Code size = 87 bytes including init and pin reassignment words SPI speed set for 2MHz } { pub MODPINS ( ce.miso.mosi.clk --- ) example pins #12 |< CONSTANT =mcp \ Select mcp3208 chip #09 |< CONSTANT =sck \ SCK mask #11 |< CONSTANT =mosi \ MOSI #10 |< CONSTANT =miso \ MISO data &cs.mi.mo.ck & MODPINS } \ Init the ADC using the pins specified pub !ADC ( &cs.mi.mo.ck -- ) \ long encoded pin descriptor DUP MODPINS \ set pin masks 24 SHR HIGH --- make cs a high output [MCP32] --- load the module ; ALIAS RUNMOD ADC@ ( ch -- data ) pub ADCBUF ( buffer -- ) \ Read all 8 ADC channels into specified word buffer 8 0 DO I ADC@ OVER I 2* + W! LOOP DROP ; \ Convert the ADC ouptut to a scaled voltage reading - 2.5V = 2500 pub VOLTS@ ( ch -- volts.00 ) \ Read back the pin as a voltage scaled to 2 decimals ADC@ #3300 * #12 SHR ; IFDEF EXPLORER \ Setting pins: & !ADC \ List all 8 channels like a bar graph pub lsadc 8 0 DO CR I .BYTE ." : " I ADC@ DUP .DEC SPACE 5 SHR 1+ FOR "*" EMIT NEXT LOOP ; \ Read the voltage from a pin scaled to 2 decimals - assumes vref = 3.3V } } } \ end of #22 MODULE: MCP3208_8_channel_ADC \ Program pausing - (NOTE: these definitions are cascaded, do not separate) pub second ( n1 - ) pub seconds ( n1 -- ) 1000d * ms ; ( DICTIONARY LIST ) pri LISTKEY ( flg -- flg+ ) KEY@ DUP IF DUP BL = IF DROP WKEY $1B = OR EXIT THEN DUP $1B = IF 2DROP TRUE THEN THEN DROP ; \ Control filters for WORDS listing 16 BYTES matchstr \ Usage: MATCH SD WORDS to list all words beginning with SD pub MATCH matchstr 16 ERASE matchstr 1+ BEGIN WKEY DUP EMIT DUP BL <> WHILE OVER C! 1+ 1 matchstr C+! REPEAT 2DROP ; IMMEDIATE BYTE any PRIVATE any C~ \ List any words which have ANY such character in them pub ANY WKEY DUP EMIT any C! ; IMMEDIATE pri MATCH? ( name -- name flg ) DUP matchstr C@++ ( name matchstr+ matchchar ) ADO C@++ I C@ <> IF DROP FALSE LEAVE THEN LOOP \ exits with either the current address (as an implied TRUE) or an explicit FALSE any C@ IF OVER 1- C@++ ADO I C@ any C@ = IF TRUE OR THEN LOOP ELSE matchstr C@ 0= OR THEN ; { Dictionary entries: - cnt,string,atrs,bytecodes @NAMES 10 DUMP 63A1: 04 43 4F 4C 44 82 B9 BB 04 42 4F 4F 54 82 BA BB .COLD....BOOT... cntatr codes } \ List only the most current words up to the first module name encountered pub MY " .fth" 0 REG 4 CMOVE \ signal listing to stop once a ".fth" module name is encountered ; { hd = |<7 'indicates this is a an attribute (delimits the start of a null terminated name) sm = |<6 'smudge bit - set to deactivate word during definition im = |<5 'lexicon immediate bit pr = |<3 'private (can be removed from the dictionary) ' code attributes 00 = single bytecode, 02 = XCALL bytecode (2 bytes), 03 = WCALL bytecode (3 bytes) sq = |<2 'indicates the bytecode is a sequence of two instructions (as opposed to an XCALL+) xc = |<1 'XCALL bytecode ac = xc+|<0 'WCALL - 2 byte address - interpret header CFA as an absolute address } \ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F WORD atr \ attribute mask byte to list and atrribute match byte atr C~~ \ list all by default atr 1+ C~ pub LIKE atr C~~ [COMPILE] NFA' [COMPILE] GRAB DUP IF C@++ + C@ atr C~ THEN atr 1+ C! ; IMMEDIATE pri .ATRS ( atr -- ) 8 0 DO DUP 7 I - MASK AND IF " hsi-p2xc" I + C@ ELSE "." THEN EMIT LOOP DROP { 2 SPACES >N 2* 2* \ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F " codercalpub wcal4 5 codx7 pri$pricpri priwpri4pri5prx$pri7" + 4 CTYPE } SPACE ; BYTE lpace PRIVATE NFA' EMIT NFA>CFA C@ == =X NFA' flags NFA>CFA C@ == =R pri .BC2 SPACE DUP 2+ C@ .BYTE DROP ; pri .NAME: ( @atr -- ) DUP 1+ C@ SWITCH =X CASE PRINT" XCALL " .BC2 BREAK =X 1 - CASE PRINT" YCALL " .BC2 BREAK =X 2 - CASE PRINT" ZCALL " .BC2 BREAK =X 3 - CASE PRINT" VCALL " .BC2 BREAK =R CASE PRINT" REG " .BC2 BREAK DUP C@ $28 ANDN $83 = IF PRINT" CALL16" DROP 3 SPACES BREAK PRINT" CODE " .BC2 ; pri .NAME ( nfa+1 -- nfa2+1 ) 5 REG C@ 0= IF --- if format = 0 then list all CR 8 REG DUP W++ W@ .DEC ." : " --- line count DUP .WORD SPACE DUP NFA>CFA ( nfa cfa ) --- print NFA (header) DUP >PFA .WORD SPACE --- print PFA (code) DUP 1- .NAME: SPACE DUP 1- C@ .ATRS --- List the attribute flags ( cnt,string,atrs,bytecode1,bytecode2) SWAP PRINT$ ( cfa ) --- Print the name of the word ELSE --- only print the name DUP NFA>CFA ( cfa ) --- Print the name of the word SWAP DUP PRINT$ 5 REG C@ "W" = IF #20 ELSE 1 THEN --- spacing between words, wide or single space DUP 4 REG C+! SWAP LEN$ DUP 4 REG C+! - 1 MAX SPACES 4 REG C@ #79 > IF CR 4 REG C~ THEN THEN lpace C@ ms ; pri .WORDS CR PRINT" NFA CODE EXT ATRS def NAME " CR "-" #40 EMITS 0 pri (WORDS) ( format -- ) lpace C~ 8 REG W~ --- init pace delay and word count delim 1+ C@ 9 = IF #20 lpace C! THEN --- WORDS mode can use spacebar to pause/cont 4 REG C~ 5 REG C! --- REG4 = xpos, REG5 = format @NAMES 1+ CR --- list the words in the selected formated until end or escape pri (.WORDS) BEGIN IFNDEF SMALL MATCH? OVER DUP LEN$ + C@ DUP atr C@ AND SWAP atr 1+ C@ = OR AND } IFDEF SMALL TRUE } --- The SMALL build does not have any fancy match features IF .NAME ELSE NFA>CFA THEN 3 + ( nfa ) --- point to next name string which is 3 bytes after previous bytecodes DUP C@ 0= --- end of this word list? DUP IF SWAP 1+ DUP C@ 0= ROT AND THEN --- double null is end of dictionary OVER 1- DUP C@ 3 - + U@ 4 REG C@ = OR --- test? (forget) 6 REG W@ 1 = OR 6 REG W-- --- simple counter to limit list LISTKEY UNTIL DROP 0 REG ~ matchstr 16 ERASE any C~ ; --- quick and recent words list pub QW $80 6 REG W! --- quick words list pub QWORDS "Q" (WORDS) ; --- wide words pub WWORDS "W" (WORDS) ; --- for interactive use directly followed by CR/TAB - if BLANC follows an array of WORD is created pub WORDS IMMEDIATE delim 1+ C@ BL = IF [COMPILE] WORDS: EXIT THEN --- if something is following this then use the "N WORDS array" .WORDS --- detailed format, print headers ; IFNDEF SMALL \ List any help information available for the word, else just the normal WORDS info pub HELP ( -- ) 4 REG ~ [COMPILE] NFA' ?DUP IF [COMPILE] GRAB 1+ .NAME DROP ELSE NOTFOUND THEN ; IMMEDIATE \ Revector the old word to the new word so that all compiled references will point to the new word. \ very useful for debugging or for redefining a compiled word. pub REVECTOR ( -- ) [COMPILE] NFA' [COMPILE] GRAB NFA>CFA >VEC [COMPILE] ' [COMPILE] GRAB SWAP W! ; IMMEDIATE } pri (STRIP) ( nameptr -- nameptr+ ) CR ." Removing " DUP 1+ PRINT$ \ Ok, strip it out DUP DUP C@ 4 + ( nameptr cnt ) DUP >L @NAMES + @NAMES ROT SWAP - ( newnames len ) @NAMES ROT ROT DUP names W+! + \ add to names pointer and to current pointer for next word ; \ Strip a single header from the dictionary pub STRIP [COMPILE] NFA' [COMPILE] GRAB (STRIP) DROP ; IMMEDIATE pri (RECLAIM) ( -- \ Strip private headers from dictionary ) @NAMES DUP >L BEGIN DUP C@++ + ( nameptr atrptr ) C@ 8 AND \ Test to see if this is private IF (STRIP) ELSE C@++ + 3 + THEN DUP C@ 0= UNTIL DROP CR ." Reclaimed " @NAMES IX - 0 PRINTDEC ." bytes " \ Report results L> @NAMES OVER - ?DUP IF ERASE ELSE DROP THEN \ Clear the reclaimed area (not needed) ; pub FORGET ( -- ) IMMEDIATE [NFA'] \ find the NFA of the word pub (FORGET) ( nfa -- ) ?DUP IF DUP NFA>CFA >PFA SWAP BEGIN @NAMES NFA>CFA >PFA codes W! \ release code space @HATR 1+ >VEC W~ \ release vector @HATR 3 + names W! \ release name space DUP @NAMES < UNTIL DROP XCALLS $800 \ clear all vectors from here on inc. "private" ADO I W@ OVER => IF I W~ THEN 2 +LOOP DROP codes W@ here W! \ update ELSE SPACE word PRINT$ PRINT" not found " \ non-fatal warning THEN ; --- keep this word from being reclaimed by making it public pub KEEP ( -- ) IMMEDIATE [NFA'] ?DUP IF 8 SWAP C@++ + CLR THEN ; { Create a defintion that becomes a module header pub MODULE ( -- ) IMMEDIATE [NFA'] DUP (FORGET) \ Forget any previous versions (CREATE) (:) ; } ( LIST MODULES ) {HELP .MODULES Modules are marked by the use of a word at the start of the module which is suffixed as ".fth" The default word action should be to print a description of the module and it's version and date The MODULES word lists out all these .fth words and also executes each one } pri (.MODS) --- common sub used by .SDMOD in SDWORDS.fth BEGIN DUP C@ WHILE DUP C@ 4 > --- name must be longer than 4 chars IF DUP C@ 3 - OVER + U@ " .fth" U@ = --- is the end of the name = ".fth" ? IF DUP NFA>CFA >PFA DUP >L CR .WORD PRINT" : " --- print it's PFA DUP 1+ DUP PRINT$ LEN$ #20 SWAP - SPACES --- display the module name and try to line up the description L> CALL --- execute the .fth word to display it's message THEN THEN DUP C@ + 4 + REPEAT DROP ; pub .MODULES CR PRINT" MODULES LOADED: " @NAMES (.MODS) CR ; } IFNDEF .MODULES : .MODULES ; } #13 MODULE: PBASIC_STYLE_SERIAL_I/O ( PBASIC STYLE SERIAL I/O ) \ baudcnt is a task register so each cog can have it's own baudrate (if used) pub SERBAUD ( baud -- \ Set the baudrate for SEROUT and SERIN for each COG individually ) CLKFREQ SWAP / baudcnt ! ; #9600 SERBAUD {HELP SEROUT Bit-bashed Serial output - transmit asynchronous data Fixed start bit timing Code size: 18 bytes Tested to 250K baud } pub SEROUT ( dataByte pin -- \ send data byte to pin at rate set with SERBAUD ) MASK DUP OUTSET \ ensure pin is an output (very first time perhaps) SWAP 2* \ Include start bit (0) baudcnt @ DELTA \ setup delay and wait 9 FOR WAITCNT SHROUT NEXT \ data bits DROP WAITCNT OUTSET \ final stop bit ; {HELP SERIN ( pin -- data ) Receive 8-bit serial data from pin. Will block until data received. This version is optimized to return with the data from the middle of the last data bit but it will check to ensure that it does not start until the line is idle } pub SERIN ( pin -- data \ receive 8 bit serial data from pin at rate set with SERBAUD, blocks ) MASK DUP 3 COGREG! --- [5.8us] baudcnt @ 2/ 200 - --- [4.8us] serup half-bit delay with high speed compensation (WAITPEQ) --- [0.4us+] make sure we are not detecting the last data bit - wait for stop (WAITPNE) DELTA --- wait for start bit then wait haf bit time 0 --- [5.4us] setup pin mask and inital data to SHRINP 8 data baudcnt @ DELTA --- delay to sample 1 bit later in 1st data bit SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP WAITCNT SHRINP --- last data bit NIP #24 SHR --- right justify 8-bit data ; } \ end of #13 module: PBASIC_STYLE_SERIAL_I/O #14 MODULE: EXAMINE_SPECIAL_PURPOSE_REGISTERS IFNDEF SMALL ( EXAMINE SPECIAL PURPOSE REGISTERS ) pub lsregs PRINT" COG #" COGID $0A .NUM PRINT" registers" pub .SPRS ( -- \ Dump the cog's SPRs with labels in both HEX and BINARY ) 16 0 DO CR I $1F0 + "$" EMIT .WORD PRINT" : " I 4* " PAR CNT INA INB OUTAOUTBDIRADIRBCTRACTRBFRQAFRQBPHSAPHSBVCFGVSCL" + 4 CTYPE PRINT" = $" I $1F0 + COG@ DUP $4810 .NUM DROP \ PRINT" %" $5F02 .NUM LOOP ; pri .PIN MASK AND 0<> 1 AND IF "H" ELSE "L" THEN EMIT ; pub PINLOAD? ( pin# -- flg \ check if a pin is pulled down, up or highZ = floating ) OUTA COG@ >R DIRA COG@ >R DUP PINSET DUP MASK INPUTS #100 us DUP PIN@ \ returned to low if pulled down 0= "D" AND OVER PINCLR OVER MASK INPUTS #100 us SWAP PIN@ \ returned to high if pulled up "U" AND OR R> DIRA COG! R> OUTA COG! DUP 0= IF DROP "X" THEN ; pub .PINLOAD SPACE PINLOAD? SWITCH "D" CASE PRINT" down " BREAK "U" CASE PRINT" up " BREAK PRINT" float" ; TABLE signature 16 ALLOT signature == iosig signature 8 + == i2csig {HELP SignIO Each pin can have a 2-bit signature indicating up/down/float I/O direction is irrelevant for this test as it assumes all pins will be inputs until it is known what they are To simplify the encoding firstly one long will hold the up/down states for each I/O and another long will indicate float or } pub SignIO iosig 8 ERASE 0 #30 ADO I PINLOAD? DUP "U" = IF I MASK iosig +! THEN "D" = IF I MASK iosig 4 + +! THEN LOOP ; {HELP lsio List I/O pin states as input/output and whether the pin is connected to a pullup/pulldown or floating. Even if it's an output it will test the loading so that if it is connected to an LED that is pulled up then this would report as an output with pullup. } pub lsio PRINT" PORT PINS" OUTA COG@ DIRA COG@ ( out dir ) --- save I/O states CR "+" EMIT "-" BL EMITS "+" EMIT P@ DIRA COG@ ( port dir ) 16 0 DO CR PRINT" P" I $20A .NUM --- display Port number DUP I MASK AND --- test for input/output IF PRINT" out" ELSE PRINT" inp" THEN --- display inp or out SPACE OVER I .PIN --- display pin state H or L I .PINLOAD --- display load as up/down/float PRINT" ||" --- over to right hand section --- RIGHT SIDE #31 I - DUP #30 < IF .PINLOAD SPACE ELSE DROP 7 SPACES THEN OVER #31 I - .PIN DUP #31 I - MASK AND IF PRINT" out P" ELSE PRINT" inp P" THEN #31 I - $20A .NUM LOOP CR "+" EMIT "-" BL EMITS "+" EMIT 2DROP $4000.0000 OUTA COG! --- ensure all pins are inputs to build I/O sig SignIO DIRA COG! OUTA COG! --- restore I/O states ; } } \ end of #14 MODULE: EXAMINE_SPECIAL_PURPOSE_REGISTERS NFA' *end* STREND 3 + == (end) #15 MODULE: Memory Map Reporting IFNDEF SMALL pri (MAP) DUP 0= IF DROP PRINT" .." EXIT THEN DUP $FF = IF DROP PRINT" ##" EXIT THEN .BYTE ; LONG blksz PRIVATE \ Map memory in 256 byte chunks by OR'ing bytes and printing byte result/256 bytes pub .BLOCK ( src cnt blksz -- ) PLAIN DUP ." x" $0A .NUM blksz ! SWAP OVER ADO CR I .WORD PRINT" : " I OVER blksz @ 4 SHL MIN ADO 0 I blksz @ ADO I C@ + LOOP 8 SHR (MAP) SPACE blksz @ +LOOP blksz @ 4 SHL +LOOP DROP ; pub .MAP CR BOLD PRINT" REGISTERS" 0 REG $100 16 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" VECTORS" XCALLS $800 #64 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" KERNEL CODE" ' EMIT ' EXTEND.fth OVER - $100 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" CODE" ' EXTEND.fth HERE OVER - $100 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" SPARE @" PLAIN @NAMES HERE DUP .WORD - PRINT" : for " 0 PRINTDEC CR BOLD PRINT" DICTIONARY" @NAMES (end) OVER - $100 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" SPARE @" PLAIN BUFFERS (end) DUP .WORD PRINT" : for " - 0 PRINTDEC CR BOLD PRINT" BUFFERS" BUFFERS $800 #64 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" RX BUFFER" BUFFERS $800 + $200 #64 .BLOCK CR BOLD PRINT" HUB STACK" 16 COGREG@ $8000 OVER - 16 .BLOCK CR ; } } ( I2C BUS ) { SECTION: I2C BUS INTERFACE I2C bus routines are bit-bashed and run at a bus speed of 400kHz. This is a standard single master with no clock stretching used It is recommended that the EEPROM I2C bus lines be used as I2C is meant to be a shared bus. 142 CODE BYTES, 94 NAME BYTES } \ I/O "Constants" - variable to allow for redirection and direct use (rather than @ ) #P28 |< == SCL #P29 |< == SDA BYTE i2cflg pub EEPROM ( -- \ Assign the default Prop's EEPROM pins ) #P29 #P28 \ Specify which pins to use for the I2C bus (default is the P29 and P28 pub I2CPINS ( sda scl -- \ Assign the pins to use for the I2C bus ) |< ' SCL 1+ ! |< ' SDA 1+ ! ; { I2C START CONDITION also makes I2C pins outputs SCL--------------_______________________ SDA---__________________________________ } pub ?I2CSTART BEGIN i2cflg C@ 0= UNTIL pub I2CSTART i2cflg C~~ --- flag that the bus is busy SCL @SCL COGREG! --- setup clock SDA INPUTS SCL OUTSET 0 DROP \ short delay SDA OUTCLR 0 DROP SCL OUTCLR ; \ I2C STOP CONDITION also releases I2C lines pub I2CSTOP SDA OUTCLR SCL OUTSET 0 DROP SDA OUTSET --- Patch 140319 - leave SDA as a high output (in case it's shared) 1 us SCL INPUTS SDA INPUTS --- free up I2C lines i2cflg C~ --- i2c bus free ; \ Write a byte to the I2C bus and return with the ack flag \ This routine runs at an I2C speed of 400kHz \ 38.4us pub I2C!? ( data -- flg \ write a byte to the I2C bus and return with the ack 0=ack ) #24 REV \ put into lsb first format for SHROUT SDA DUP OUTSET SWAP \ data masks 8 FOR SHROUT \ Shift out next data bit CLOCK NOP CLOCK NEXT \ loop DROP DUP INPUTS \ Float SDA CLOCK IN 0<> CLOCK \ ack clock ; \ Write to the I2C bus but ignore the ack \ This version has a faster cycle time as it clocks but does not check for ack \ 32.4us { pub I2C! ( data -- \ write a byte to the I2C bus but ignore the ack ) #24 REV \ put into lsb first format for SHROUT SDA DUP OUTSET SWAP \ data masks 8 FOR \ start loop for 8 times SHROUT \ Shift out next data bit CLOCK NOP CLOCK NEXT \ loop DROP INPUTS \ Float SDA CLOCK NOP CLOCK \ dummy ack clock ; } --- write a byte to the I2C bus but ignore the ack pub I2C! ( data -- ) #24 REV \ put into lsb first format for SHROUT SDA DUP OUTSET SWAP \ data masks SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCKD SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK SHROUT CLOCK CLOCK DROP INPUTS \ Float SDA CLOCK CLOCK \ dummy ack clock ; pub ackI2C@ 0 pub I2C@ ( ack -- data \ Fetch a byte from the I2C bus - mirror ack signal 0 in = 0 out ) \ 36.6us SDA DUP INPUTS 0 ( ack iomask dat ) 8 FOR CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK NEXT ROT 0= IF OVER OUTCLR THEN CLOCK NOP CLOCK SWAP INPUTS BL REV --- flip 8 msbs of long back into 8 lsbs ; pub FI2C@ SDA DUP INPUTS 0 ( iomask dat ) CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK CLOCK SHRINP CLOCK OVER OUTCLR CLOCK CLOCK SWAP INPUTS BL REV --- flip 8 msbs of long back into 8 lsbs ; ( EEPROM ) BYTE eeadr PRIVATE --- EEPROM addressing - select default device and write 16-bit address --- Updated to take an address >64K and automatically select the next device pub @EE ( addr -- flg ) --- use full 32-bit address to select a device and issue the lower 16-bit address to it I2CSTOP L>W 2* $A0 + DUP eeadr C! --- calculate the device address with base $A0 (8-bits) I2CSTART I2C!? --- send the device address OVER 8 SHR I2C!? --- send the 16-bit memory address (msb) OR SWAP I2C!? OR --- send the lsb and return with a combined ack flag. ; --- Switch EEPROM to read mode pub EERD ( -- flg ) I2CSTART eeadr C@ 1+ I2C!? ; --- revision 140602 - Added timeout loop counter to prevent hanging pub @EEWAIT ( adr -- ) #200 BEGIN 1- OVER @EE 0= OVER 0= OR UNTIL 2DROP ; --- Store byte to EEPROM pub EC! ( byte addr -- ) @EEWAIT I2C! I2CSTOP ; --- Fetch byte from EEPROM pub EC@ ( addr -- byte ) @EEWAIT EERD DROP 1 I2C@ I2CSTOP ; pub EW! ( word addr -- ) \ Store a non-aligned word in EEPROM @EEWAIT W>B SWAP I2C! I2C! I2CSTOP ; --- Fetch a word from EEPROM pub EW@ ( addr -- word ) @EEWAIT EERD DROP ackI2C@ 1 I2C@ B>W I2CSTOP ; --- Fetch a long from EEPROM pub E@ ( addr -- long ) @EEWAIT EERD DROP ackI2C@ ackI2C@ B>W ackI2C@ 1 I2C@ B>W I2CSTOP W>L ; pub E! ( long addr -- ) \ Store a non-aligned long in EEPROM - 395us @EEWAIT L>W SWAP W>B SWAP I2C! I2C! W>B SWAP I2C! I2C! I2CSTOP ; pri ENDRD ( -- \ read last byte [no ack] and stop ) 1 I2C@ DROP I2CSTOP ; pub ESAVEB ( ram eeprom cnt -- \ byte by byte method - safer for non-page aligned addresses and counts ) ADO C@++ I EC! 5 ms SPINNER LOOP DROP ; pub ESAVE ( ram eeprom cnt -- \ Save a block of RAM to EEPROM. Will backup 32K to EEPROM in 4.963 seconds ) #64 ALIGN --- round up to nearest 64 byte page ROT SWAP --- use ram address for loop index, leave eeprom addr on stack ADO ( eeprom ) DUP @EEWAIT --- Wait for the EEPROM write cycle EERD DROP 0 I #64 ADO FI2C@ I C@ <> OR DUP IF LEAVE THEN LOOP 1 I2C@ DROP IF DUP @EE DROP 0 I #64 ADO I C@ I2C!? OR LOOP I2CSTOP --- Write 64 bytes and check acks IF $0D EMIT ." FAIL @" DUP .WORD THEN THEN SPINNER --- console spinner to show it's busy #64 + #64 +LOOP DROP ; { pub ESAVE ( ram eeprom cnt -- \ Save a block of RAM to EEPROM. Will backup 32K to EEPROM in 4.963 seconds ) $40 ALIGN --- round up to nearest 64 byte page ROT SWAP --- use ram address for loop index ADO DUP @EEWAIT --- Wait for the EEPROM write cycle 0 I #64 ADO I C@ I2C!? OR LOOP I2CSTOP --- Write 64 bytes and check acks IF $0D EMIT ." FAIL @" DUP .WORD THEN SPINNER --- Just let the poor human know we're busy #64 + #64 +LOOP DROP ; } pub ELOAD ( eeprom ram cnt -- \ Load a block of EEPROM to RAM. Will load 32K from EEPROM in 4.325sec ) ROT @EEWAIT EERD DROP \ select the device - might have to wait ADO FI2C@ I C! LOOP \ sequential reading from EEPROM into RAM ENDRD \ signal last byte read ; pub EFILL ( src cnt ch -- \ fill EEPROM from src address with cnt times byte ch) SWAP 0 DO ( src ch ) OVER @EEWAIT $40 FOR DUP I2C! NEXT I2CSTOP SWAP $40 + SWAP $40 +LOOP 2DROP ; IFNDEF SMALL $7FC0 CONSTANT eebuf \ Just need a page aligned area in RAM - this should be ok pub ECOPY ( eesrc eedst cnt -- \ copy cnt bytes from eesrc to eedst ) ADO DUP eebuf #64 ELOAD eebuf I #64 ESAVE 5 ms #64 + #64 +LOOP DROP ; pub EVERIFY ( ram cnt -- \ compare cnt bytes of EEPROM with RAM starting at address ram ) OVER @EEWAIT EERD DROP ADO ackI2C@ DUP I C@ <> IF .INDEX I C@ .BYTE SPACE .BYTE ELSE DROP THEN LOOP ENDRD ; } IFNDEF SMALL \ SLOW I2C! (100kHz) \ This routine runs at a slow I2C speed of >125kHz pub SI2C!? ( data -- ) \ write a byte to the I2C bus and return with the ack (0=ack) #24 REV \ put into lsb first format for SHROUT SCL SWAP SDA DUP OUTSET SWAP \ position clock and data masks ( scl sda dat ) 8 FOR SHROUT \ Shift out next data bit 3RD OUTSET 3RD OUTCLR \ clock NEXT \ loop DROP DUP INPUTS \ Float SDA OVER OUTSET IN SWAP OUTCLR \ ack clock ; pub SI2C! SI2C!? DROP ; \ SLOW I2C@ (100kHz) \ Fetch a byte from the I2C bus - mirror ack signal 0 in = 0 out pub SI2C@ ( ack -- data ) SDA DUP INPUTS 0 ( ack iomask dat ) 8 FOR CLOCK 0 DROP SHRINP CLOCK 0 DROP NEXT ROT 0= IF OVER OUTCLR THEN CLOCK 0 DROP CLOCK SWAP INPUTS BL REV ; pri .SUB ( n -- ) PRINT" #" >N 2/ $0A .NUM ; pri 64K? 8 E@ $8008 E@ <> ; pub .DEVICE ( adr -- ) SWITCH $A0 CASE 64K? IF PRINT" 64K" ELSE PRINT" 32K" THEN PRINT" BOOT EEPROM " BREAK $98 CASE PRINT" MMA7660 SENSOR " BREAK SWITCH@ DUP 4 SHR SWITCH 3 CASE PRINT" TEMP SENSOR? " .SUB BREAK $0A CASE PRINT" EEPROM or RTC " .SUB BREAK 4 CASE PRINT" I/O EXPANDER " .SUB BREAK 7 CASE PRINT" I/O-KEYS-LED " .SUB BREAK 6 CASE PRINT" SEIKO RTC? " .SUB BREAK $0D CASE PRINT" RTC/ADC? " .SUB BREAK DROP PRINT" Unknown device " ; ( Scan I2C bus at 100kHz and 400kHz for devices and report ) pub SignI2C i2csig 8 ERASE I2CSTOP 0 $100 0 DO I2CSTART 5 us I SI2C!? 0= --- detect slow (any) devices first IF I2CSTART I I2C!? 0= 1 AND --- Flag true if fast device detected I + OVER 7 AND i2csig + C! 1+ --- append address and fast/slow flag to sig string I2CSTOP 5 us THEN 2 +LOOP DROP I2CSTOP \ some devices signal busy unless a stop is detected ; pub lsi2c PRINT" Scanning I2C bus" SignI2C i2csig BEGIN DUP C@ WHILE DUP C@ 1 AND CR IF ." Fast" ELSE ." Slow" THEN SPACE DUP C@ .DEVICE PRINT" at $" DUP C@ .BYTE PRINT" : " I2CSTART DUP C@ 1 OR SI2C! 16 FOR 0 SI2C@ .BYTE SPACE NEXT \ and list first 8 bytes we read 1 SI2C@ DROP I2CSTOP \ then a dummy nak read 1+ REPEAT DROP ; } pub ?BACKUP ( -- \ Only backup if there are no errors recorded ) errors C@ ?EXIT pub BACKUP ( -- \ V2 - Backup the current Tachyon Forth session ) EEPROM 0 0 (end) $40 ALIGN OVER - ESAVE ; --- Select EEPROM device for DUMP command access --- Usage: 0 $100 EE DUMP pub EE ' EC@ dmm W! ' EW@ dmm 2+ W! ' E@ dmm 4 + W! ; #23 MODULE: COUNTERS IFNDEF SMALL ( COUNTERS ) ( Block diagram of a Propeller counter ) \ There are two counters per cog or 16 total BYTE ctr PRIVATE \ latch the selected counter A or B (0 or 1) pri CTR ( -- addr ) $01F8 ctr C@ + ; pri CTR@ ( -- val ) CTR COG@ ; ( Select the desired target CTR A or B before use ) pub A ctr C~ ; pub B 1 ctr C! ; \ Set NCO counter mode pub NCO 4 pub CTRMODE ( n -- \ Writes to the CTRMODE field of the current CTR channel without disturbing the other bits of the counter ) #26 SHL \ Shift n left 26 bits CTR@ \ Read current CTR so we can OR our data in with it $7C.00.00.00 ANDN \ mask it OR \ blend in our value pri CTR! ( val -- ) CTR COG! ; pub DUTY ( -- \ SetDuty counter mode ) 6 CTRMODE ; pub PLL 2 CTRMODE ; pub PLLDIV ( n -- ) #23 SHL \ move up to the PLLDIV field in the CTR CTR@ \ mask out this field ready for merging 7 #23 SHL ANDN OR \ merge it CTR! \ save it ; pub APIN ( pin -- \ Set the APIN of the current CTR ) \ DUP PINCLR CTR@ $1F ANDN OR CTR! ; pub BPIN ( pin -- \ Set the BPIN of the current CTR ) \ DUP PINCLR 9 SHL CTR@ $1F 9 SHL ANDN OR CTR! ; pub FRQ ( n -- \ Set the value of the current FRQ either A or B ) $01FA ctr C@ + COG! ; ( FREQUENCY GENERATION ) { Generate frequencies via NCO mode - only need to select A or B beforehand Pin number can be changed anytime Multiply hz by 53.6870912 to convert from Hz to FRQ value USAGE: Generate a 150kHz signal on pin 21 using the A counter and APIN (vs complementary BPIN) A #21 APIN #150 KHZ The A sets a variable and is normally defaulted to this so specifing it is optional unless changed HZ = FRQ/32 . CLKFREQ for 96MHZ CLKFREQ use *44.74 to convert NOTE: Some of these definitions cascade into the next rather than call and exit } --- 2^32 / clkfreq / freq -1 2/ CLKFREQ 10000 / 2/ / == HZCON pub MHZ ( MHz -- ) #1000 * pub KHZ ( khz -- ) #1000 * pub HZ ( hz -- ) NCO HZCON #10000 */ FRQ CTR@ $1F AND LOW ; pub MUTE CTR@ $1F AND FLOAT OFF CTRMODE ; pub BLINK ( pin -- ) A APIN 2 HZ ; ( DIGITAL to ANALOG - DUTY DAC ) { By using the high frequency duty-mode (variable frequency PWM) we can filter the output with a simple RC network to achieve 0 to 3.3V analog output. The RC values vary depending upon filtering, response, and output impedance but 1K and 0.1uF values are typical. Example of an RC digital to analog converter buffered by an opamp to convert 0..3.3V to 0..5V } --- Write an 8-bit value to the pin as a duty cycle - filter output for a voltage pub DAC! ( byte pin -- ) DUP PINCLR APIN DUTY #24 SHL FRQ ; } \ } ( BACKGROUND TIMER COG FUNCTIONS ) { DESC: COUNTER TIMERS - BACKGROUND COG POLLING Soft timers are primarily count down to zero and stop with an optional autoexecute vector (ALARM) Any double variable can be linked automatically when invoked Elapsed runtime in ms is also maintained TIMER STRUCTURE: 00: timer long in milliseconds 04: timeout alarm vector 06: link to next timer (1=last) USAGE:
ALARM \ demo LED flasher which takes 5 seconds before it starts flashing every 100ms DOUBLE blinktimer WORD blinky : BLINKY #16 PIN@ 0= #16 PIN! \ toggle pin 16 blinky W@ blinktimer TIMEOUT \ reload timer ; \ Setup the timeout vector for TIMER 0 ' BLINKY 0 ALARM \ Write a reload value to timer's memory which we can change anytime #100 blinky W! \ Setup timer 0 to timeout in 5 seconds #5,000 blinktimer TIMEOUT } --- create a timer variable (replaces DOUBLE) --- ms(4), alarm/mode(2), link(2), tid(1), nu(1), nu(2) pub TIMER IMMEDIATE #12 4 [COMPILE] AVAR ; \ Define variables used by the background timer cog WORD timers PUBLIC \ link to timers BYTE tid PRIVATE 1 timers W! \ last link CLKFREQ #1000 / == ttint \ define the timing constant ( writable constant ) ( Background timer API ) { New timer methods that allow modules to link their timers into the background countdown process add a timer to the list of timers to countdown, addr points to 2 longs, first is the timer, second is both the alarm word and the link word last timer has a link word of 0 link->TIMER3->TIMER2->TIMER1->0 } pub TIMEOUT ( ms addr -- \ Set the timeout period in ms for this timer - link and init if not already set ) SWAP OVER ! --- set it and link it if it has not been linked yet pri +TIMER ( addr -- ) DUP 8 + C@ tid C@ = IF DROP EXIT THEN --- discard and ignore if already linked tid C@ OVER 8 + C! --- set tid timers W@ OVER 6 + W! --- link in new timer (first one is set to 1 ) timers W! --- save latest in timers ; pub COUNTUP ( addr -- \ countup timer mode ) 1 SWAP pub ALARM ( pfa addr -- \ Set an alarm action to perform once timeout occurs ) 4 + W! ; pub TIMEOUT? ( addr -- flg \ check if this timer has timed out ) @ 0= ; IFNDEF SMALL \ List the timers and their status pub .TIMERS SPACE CLKFREQ ttint / ." ticks = 1/" 0 PRINTDEC timers W@ BEGIN DUP $FF > WHILE CR DUP .WORD ." : " DUP 1- PFA>NFA DUP PRINT$ LEN$ #20 SWAP - SPACES DUP @ 6 PRINTDEC ." ms " ." =" DUP @ .LONG ." L" DUP 6 + W@ .WORD SPACE DUP 4 + W@ IF ." ALARM=" DUP 4 + W@ PFA>NFA PRINT$ THEN 6 + W@ --- fetch the link to the next timer REPEAT DROP ; } ( WATCHDOG TIMER ) { Watchdog timer, default action is to reboot, activate from application by specifying a timeout period: #3000 WATCHDOG --- reload the watchdog timer, if not reloaded within 3 seconds it will reboot OFF WATCHDOG --- disable watchdog } TIMER wdt pub WATCHDOG ( ms -- ) wdt TIMEOUT ; { test timer method TIMER timer1 TIMER timer2 -1 timer1 TIMEOUT -1 2/ timer2 TIMEOUT .TIMERS TIMER lockout #10,000 lockout TIMEOUT .TIMERS } ( REAL-TIME CLOCK ) LONG runtime 10 BYTES time --- DS3231 I2C RTC DRIVER --- $D0 == @rtc --- device I2C address --- selects type of I2C RTC chip used pub DS3231 $D0 ' @rtc 1+ ! ; pub MCP79410 $DE ' @rtc 1+ ! ; pub RTC! ( byte addr -- ) I2CSTART @rtc I2C! I2C! I2C! I2CSTOP ; pub RTC@ ( addr -- byte ) I2CSTART @rtc I2C! I2C! I2CSTART @rtc 1+ I2C! 1 I2C@ I2CSTOP ; 8 BYTES rtcbuf \ Read first 8 timekeeping bytes of RTC into rtcbuf pub RDRTC I2CSTART @rtc I2C! 0 I2C! I2CSTART @rtc 1+ I2C! rtcbuf 8 ADO 0 I2C@ I C! LOOP 1 I2C@ DROP I2CSTOP ; \ Write first 8 timekeeping bytes of RTC from rtcbuf pub WRRTC I2CSTART @rtc I2C! 0 I2C! rtcbuf 8 ADO I C@ I2C! LOOP I2CSTOP ; pub BCD>DEC ( bcd -- dec ) DUP >N SWAP 4 SHR #10 * + ; pub DEC>BCD ( dec -- bcd ) #10 U/MOD 4 SHL + ; pub TIME@ ( -- #hhmmss ) \ read time in decimal format RDRTC rtcbuf 2+ C@ $3F AND BCD>DEC #10000 * rtcbuf 1+ C@ BCD>DEC #100 * + rtcbuf C@ $7F AND BCD>DEC + DUP time ! ; pub TIME! ( #hh.mm.ss -- ) \ write time in decimal format DUP time ! RDRTC #100 U/MOD SWAP DEC>BCD $80 OR rtcbuf C! #100 U/MOD SWAP DEC>BCD rtcbuf 1+ C! DEC>BCD rtcbuf 2+ C! WRRTC ; --- read international date in decimal format pub DATE@ ( -- #yymmdd ) RDRTC rtcbuf 6 + C@ BCD>DEC #10000 * rtcbuf 5 + C@ $3F AND BCD>DEC #100 * + rtcbuf 4 + C@ $3F AND BCD>DEC + DUP time 4 + ! --- copy to hub memory rtcbuf 3 + C@ 7 AND time 8 + C! ; --- Usage: #130630 DATE! \ set the date to the 30th June 2013 pub DATE! ( #yy.mm.dd -- ) DUP time 4 + ! --- copy date to hub memory RDRTC #100 U/MOD SWAP DEC>BCD rtcbuf 4 + C! #100 U/MOD SWAP DEC>BCD rtcbuf 5 + C! DEC>BCD rtcbuf 6 + C! WRRTC ; pub DAY@ ( -- day ) --- read the day of the week as 0-6 time 8 + C@ ; pub DAY! ( day -- ) rtcbuf 3 + C@ 7 ANDN + rtcbuf 3 + C! WRRTC ; 1 == MON 2 == TUE 3 == WED 4 == THU 5 == FRI 6 == SAT 7 == SUN pub .TIME TIME@ ":" pri .DTF ( value sep -- ) SWAP #10 >RADIX <# # # OVER HOLD # # SWAP HOLD # # #> PRINT$ RADIX> ; --- Print date in international format YYYY/MM/DD (otherwise 1/12/2013 could be 1st of December or 12th of January) pub .DATE PRINT" 20" DATE@ "/" .DTF ; pub .DAY DAY@ 1- 3 * " MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN" + 3 CTYPE ; pub .ASMONTH ( index -- ) >N 1- 3 * " JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" + 3 CTYPE ; pub .DT .DATE SPACE .DAY SPACE .TIME ; --- read temperature from DS3231 pub 'F ( -- 'F*100 ) $12 RTC@ $11 RTC@ B>W ; pub 'C ( -- 'C*100 ) 'F #3200 - 5 * 9 / ; ( TIMERS ) --- Maintain chained list of TIMERS by counting down 32-bits to zero every millisecond if set pri CountDown timers W@ --- next timer BEGIN DUP $FF > --- another timer? WHILE DUP 4 + W@ 1 = --- count up mode? (ALARM=1) IF --- count up mode DUP ++ --- count up without anything else ELSE --- count down mode DUP @ ?DUP --- non-zero? IF 1- DUP 3RD ! --- decrement non-zero timer and udate 0= IF DUP 4 + W@ DUP 4 SHR --- if now zero then execute valid alarm if set IF CALL ELSE DROP THEN THEN THEN THEN 6 + W@ --- follow link to next timer REPEAT DROP ; #12 LONGS timerstk --- allot space for timer data stack (typ. 4 levels) WORD timerjob pub TIMERJOB ( cfa -- ) BEGIN timerjob W@ 0= UNTIL timerjob W! ; pub TIMERTASK ( DESC: Provide background timing functions including alarm actions on timeouts ) timerstk SP! --- Setup a datastack for this cog 1 timers W! --- reset timer chain 3 tid C+! --- timer boot id - if timer id is same as this then it has already been added since boot runtime ~ --- clear variables ttint DELTA --- set the WAITCNT DELTA for every millisecond wdt 8 ERASE --- disable watchdog 0 wdt TIMEOUT --- but link it into the timer list ' REBOOT wdt ALARM --- set default watchdog behaviour BEGIN timerjob W@ ?DUP IF CALL timerjob W~ THEN --- allow other cogs to get this cog to handle I/O inits etc runtime ++ CountDown --- maintain the linked chain of countdown timers $F000.0000 INPUTS --- make sure no alarm routine affects these lines. WAITCNT --- synch to next heartbeat AGAIN ; --- ------------------------------------------------- --- PING MODULE --- pub PING ( trig echo -- us ) MASK 3 COGREG! --- setup WAITPxx mask DUP HIGH >R R> LOW --- 10us trigger (dummy cycles) (WAITPEQ) (WAITPNE) --- detect high period 0 COGREG@ 1 COGREG@ - --- calculate high period CLKFREQ #1,000,000 / / --- convert cycles to us ; --- return with the range in mm using trig pin and echo pin pub DISTANCE ( trig echo -- distance.mm ) PING 170145 1,000,000 */ ( #1,000 / 954 * ) ; { --- Generates a differential output frequency pub HZ2 5 CTRMODE HZCON #10000 */ FRQ ; --- simple proximity alert pub PROX #P19 APIN #P20 BPIN --- setup piezo to be driven differentially #P19 LOW #P20 LOW BEGIN #P16 #P17 DISTANCE 2000 SWAP - 2* 0 MAX HZ2 50 ms 0 HZ2 100 ms ESC? UNTIL MUTE ; } --- DHT22 HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE --- #P14 == DHTPIN LONG httime --- last time DHT was polled WORD htref,rh,htsav --- timing reference and last valid readings BYTE htck --- checksum pri DHTBIT ( -- cnt ) (WAITPEQ) --- wait for it to go high 0 COGREG@ --- get captured CNT (WAITPNE) --- until it goes low 0 COGREG@ SWAP - --- calculate timing of high period ; pri DHTBYTE ( -- byte ) 0 8 FOR 2* DHTBIT htref W@ > 1 AND OR NEXT DUP htck C+! ; {HELP DHT@ ( pin -- rh temp | -1 ) Read the relative humidity and temperature from the DHT22 Return with rh and temp in Celsius If an error occurred in the checksum then return last valid reading If the sensor is polled more than once every 2 seconds then use last valid readings Typical acquisition time ~6ms } pub DHT ( pin -- rh temp ) ' DHTPIN 1+ ! runtime @ httime @ - 2000 => --- don't poll more than once every 2 seconds IF runtime @ httime ! --- mark runtime when this was polled htck C~ DHTPIN MASK 3 COGREG! DHTPIN LOW 1 ms DHTPIN FLOAT --- Generate reset pulse DHTBIT DROP --- wait for start of response DHTBIT 3 / 2* htref W! --- use start bit as reference DHTBYTE 8 SHL DHTBYTE + --- 2 bytes humidity reading DHTBYTE 8 SHL DHTBYTE + --- 2 bytes temperature reading htck C@ DHTBYTE = --- if checksum does not match then use last reading IF htsav W! rh W! ELSE 2DROP THEN --- latch readings if valid THEN rh W@ htsav W@ --- return with latest valid result ; --- WS2812 --- pub RGBLEDS ( buffer cnt pin – ) MASK DUP OUTCLR --- Start a RET to synch the chips 4 COGREG! --- setup the I/O pin for the RUNMOD to use [WS2812] --- select the WS2812 module for RUNMOD RUNMOD --- pass the address of the array and the byte count to the RUNMOD \\\ #50 us --- WS2812 needs at least 50us to RET although there are delays elsewhere ; #10 MODULE: PWM IFNDEF SMALL ( 32 channel 7.6kHz 8-bit synchronous PWM ) ( youtube link ) WORD pwmtbl,pwmfreq \ set the PWM duty cycle as a percentage pub PWM% ( %duty -- dutyval ) 8 SHL #100 / ; { PWM32 - max freq is 7.6kHz Task that runs the PWM engine in a COG } LONG pwmmask \ output mask pri PWMCOG.TASK pwmmask @ OUTCLR \ set outputs & dir in PWM cog [PWM32] \ load PWM32 runtime module pwmtbl W@ pwmfreq W@ RUNMOD \ and run it ; --- Main PWM start method pub PWM.START ( mask table hz -- | Start up a task to run the multichannel PWM "object" ) CLKFREQ SWAP / 8 SHR pwmfreq W! DUP $400 ERASE pwmtbl W! \ pass the table address pwmmask ! \ pass the I/O mask ' PWMCOG.TASK TASK? RUN ; pub PULSEWIDTH ( duty pin -- ) pub SETPWM ( duty8 pin -- ) MASK pub PWM! ( duty8 mask -- ) pwmtbl W@ [PWM32!] RUNMOD ; pub PULSEWIDTHS ( duty firstpin lastpin -- ) pub SETPWMS ( duty8 firstpin lastpin -- ) 1+ OVER - MASKS PWM! ; pub SETPWMW ( on on+off pin -- ) \ to be implemented ; { PWM USAGE DECIMAL --- 1 - allocate memory for a table 256 LONGS pwms \ allocate a 256 longs table for the PWM samples --- 2 - specify the outputs and the address of the table then the freq and start the PWM cog --- Start up PWM using from P0..7, P16..P23 for 16 channels PWM.START ( iomask table freq -- ) %00000110_00000000_11111111_11111111 pwms 7600 PWM.START --- 3 - set the duty cycle for individual pins or groups of pins 25 % 0 31 SETPWMS \ set all PWM outputs to 25 % 50 % 2 SETPWM \ set P2 to 50 % duty 10 #P4 SETPWM \ set P4 to 10/256 duty } } } \ end of #10 MODULE: PWM \ Fix the binary header and checksum so that the Spin tool will recognize the final binary pub FIXBIN ( src cnt -- ) 5 C~ \ zero our cksum 0 0 $16 ESAVEB \ backup header into EEPROM (with checksum zeroed) SWAP @EE DROP EERD DROP \ Setup EEPROM for sequential read FOR ackI2C@ 5 C+! NEXT \ add up all the bytes in memory ENDRD \ terminate EEPROM read 5 C@ NEGATE 5 EC! ; #11 MODULE: HEX FILE LOAD & DUMP IFNDEF SMALL \ SMALL inside Module is still possible ( HEX FILE LOAD & DUMP ) \ Allocate enough memory for typical 16 bytes/line + headers etc $20 BYTES hexbuf PRIVATE LONG hexptr,dst,hexadr BYTE hexflg,hexch \ Write bytes from hexbuf to dest pri WRITEHEX 2 hexflg SET hexbuf C@++ ( ptr cnt ) --- Process 1st byte = count SWAP C@++ 8 SHL ( cnt ptr adrh ) --- next 2 bytes are the destination address SWAP C@ + ( cnt addr ) 2DUP + DUP hexadr ! --- Update last unwritten address pointer (external use) .WORD ." : " dst @ + ( cnt dst ) --- add in the offset hexbuf 4 + SWAP ROT ( src dst cnt ) --- and write this line to the destination dmm 4 + W@ ' E@ = IF SWAP @EEWAIT ADO I C@ I2C! LOOP I2CSTOP --- write directly to EEPROM if "EE" is selected ELSE CMOVE THEN --- else write directly to hub ram ; pri +HEX ( nibble -- ) hexch C@ 4 SHL + hexch C! 1 hexflg SET? IF hexch C@ hexptr @ C! hexptr ++ 1 hexflg CLR ELSE 1 hexflg SET THEN ; pri HEX: ( char -- \ Process Intel Hex input ) DUP ":" = IF DROP hexch C~ hexflg C~ hexbuf hexptr ! EXIT THEN DUP "0" "9" WITHIN IF "0" - +HEX EXIT THEN DUP "A" "F" WITHIN IF $37 - +HEX EXIT THEN DUP $0A = 2 hexflg SET? 0= AND SWAP $0D = OR IF hexptr @ hexbuf - 5 > --- terminate on an empty line else write a valid line IF WRITEHEX ELSE R> DROP THEN THEN ; {HELP HEXLOAD ( dst -- ) Load an Intel hex file into the destination area If EE is specified prior to execution then the EEPROM will be loaded } pub HEXLOAD ( dst -- \ Load an Intel Hex file into the dst area ) dst ! BEGIN KEY HEX: AGAIN ; {HELP IDUMP ( src cnt -- ) Dump EEPROM memory in Intel hex format so that a binary can be created on a PC but calculate the checksum of a Propeller binary image first includes the boot spin method located at the end of memory 17 bytes at the end of memory are used for buffers and are not included. 00 clkfreq 04 clkmode 05 chksum 06 pbase 08 vbase 0A dbase 0C pcurr 0E dcurr 7FEF temp checksum 7FF0 temp hex buffer } pri IDUMP ( src cnt -- ) OVER @EEWAIT --- Wait until the EEPROM is ready EERD DROP --- Init sequential read from EEPROM ADO $7FEF C~ --- Proceed with Intel hex dump 0 $7FF0 16 ADO ackI2C@ DUP I C! + LOOP IF --- skip line if eeprom is blank CR ":" EMIT --- Header symbol : 16 DUP $7FEF C+! .BYTE --- byte count :10 I >B $7FEF C+! I 8 SHR >B $7FEF C+! I .WORD --- address :10aaaa 0 .BYTE --- control byte :10aaaa00 $7FF0 16 --- 16 bytes of data ADO I C@ DUP $7FEF C+! .BYTE LOOP --- data bytes :10aaaa $7FEF C@ NEGATE .BYTE THEN 16 +LOOP CR ." :00000001FF" CR ENDRD ; {HELP DUMPROM Adjust and dump the current Tachyon binary image in Intel hex format for conversion at the PC end to a bin file The bin file should be renamed as .binary to suit the Prop tool } pub DUMPROM ( -- \ dump the current Tachyon binary image in Intel hex format ) 0 $7F00 2DUP FIXBIN CLS IDUMP ; } } \ end of #11 MODULE: HEX FILE LOAD & DUMP ( REPORTING ) #18 MODULE: COMPILER REPORTING WORD resets pri .diff ?DUP IF ." bytes (" DUP 0< NOT IF "+" EMIT THEN 0 PRINTDEC ")" EMIT THEN ; pub lsclk ." FREQ: " CLKFREQ #1,000,000 U/MOD SWAP ?DUP IF 0 PRINTDEC ELSE 0 PRINTDEC ." MHZ" THEN PRINT" (" 4 C@ $40 AND IF PRINT" PLLEN " THEN 4 C@ $20 AND IF PRINT" OSCEN " THEN 4 C@ 3 SHR 3 AND 6 * " XINPUTXTAL1 XTAL2 XTAL3 " + 6 CTYPE SPACE 4 C@ 7 AND 6 * " RCFASTRCSLOWXINPUTPLL1X PLL2X PLL4X PLL8X PLL16X" + 6 CTYPE PRINT" )" ; --- BUILD INFO $FFF0 == build build == build.time build 4 + == build.date pub .BUILD ." FIRMWARE BUILD DATE " build.date E@ $60A .NUM ." :" build.time E@ $60A .NUM ; --- DATE@ build.date E! TIME@ build.time E! ' LAP $FF > IF 64 ELSE 32 THEN == %L --- adjust LAP readings for instruction itself 150526 --- 140811 Modified for any clock frequency, 150526 compensate for type of LAP op (single or XOP) --- 150614 Fixed bug in calculation and switch to 64-bit to increase range and resolution up to CNT limit. pub .LAP ( -- \ prints time since last LAP ) #18 COGREG@ %L - 0 MAX ( cnt ) 1000 CLKFREQ #1,000,000 U/ UM*/ --- result is in ns OVER 999,999,999 U> OVER 0= AND OVER OR IF 1,000,000 UM/MOD64 3 .DP PRINT" secs" DROP ELSE DROP DUP 999,999 U> IF 1,000 / 0 3 .DP PRINT" ms" ELSE 0 3 .DP PRINT" us" THEN THEN ; pub END ( -- \ denotes end of source code module, does some housekeeping ) ]~ \\\ ukey W@ 0= IF $100 rx 2+ W! rx W@ 4 - DUP W~ BEGIN DUP W@ OVER 2+ W@ = UNTIL THEN CR CR IFDEF .TIME .TIME } ." End of source code, " lines W@ .DEC ." lines processed and " errors W@ DUP IF BELL THEN .DEC ." errors found " CR ." Load time = " LAP .LAP .MODULES 2 flags CLR {HELP .STATS Display current Tachyon status thus: VER: Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V24150105.2330 FREQ: 80MHZ (PLLEN OSCEN XTAL1 PLL8X ) NAMES: $64EF...74B6 for 4,039 CODE: $0924...5B92 for 21,102 CALLS: 2 vectors free RAM: 2,397 bytes free BOOTS: 153 } pub .STATS CR ." VER: " .VER lsclk #10 >RADIX --- allow signed decimal numbers to be printed (.DEC is unsigned) --- NAMES CR ." NAMES: $" @NAMES DUP .WORD ." ..." ( @names ) --- display dictionary usage (end) DUP .WORD ( @names @end ) ." for " SWAP - 0 PRINTDEC names 2- W@ @NAMES - .diff --- display difference from start of load --- CODE CR ." CODE: $" XCALLS $800 + DUP .WORD --- display CODE usage ." ..." HERE .WORD ." for " HERE SWAP - 0 PRINTDEC --- x HERE here 2- W@ - .diff --- display code difference from start of load --- .VECTORS 0 XCALLS $800 ADO I W@ 0= 1 AND + 2 +LOOP --- count the number of free vectors CR PRINT" CALLS: " 0 PRINTDEC ." vectors free" --- FREE RAM CR ." RAM: " @NAMES HERE - 0 PRINTDEC ." bytes free" --- BUILD CR PRINT" BUILD: " .BUILD BELL RADIX> pub .BOOTS --- RESETS CR ." BOOTS: " resets W@ 0 PRINTDEC autorun W@ pri .AUTORUN ( pfa -- ) ?DUP IF CR PRINT" BOOT: " PFA>NFA PRINT$ THEN pub .POLL CR PRINT" POLL: " keypoll W@ ?DUP IF PFA>NFA PRINT$ THEN CR ; --- EXTENDED KEY POLLING – UP TO 8 ENTRIES 8 WORDS polls pub ?POLL polls 16 ADO I W@ ?DUP IF CALL THEN 2 +LOOP ; pub +POLL ( cfa -- ) polls 16 ADO I W@ 0= IF DUP I W! LEAVE THEN LOOP DROP ' ?POLL keypoll W! ; { pub .POLLS \ MJB ." KEYPOLL routines" CR polls 16 ADO I W@ ?DUP IF PFA>NFA PRINT$ CR THEN ; } { --- stop any background polling in case it's been locked in keypoll W~ polls 16 ERASE } } \ end of #18 MODULE: REPORTING --- simple string evaluation using I/O channel WORD evp PRIVATE LONG evio PRIVATE pri (EVAL) evp W@ C@ evp W++ DUP 0= IF DROP evio @ uemit ! $0D THEN ; pub EVAL$ ( str -- ) evp W! uemit @ evio ! ' (EVAL) ukey W! NULLOUT ; \ some code for initialization ?? just right at the end of the file - NOT optional ? MJB --- Set TACHYON's baudrate for next reboot (or hit ^C or send break to reboot now) pub CONBAUD ( baud -- \ Set TACHYON's baudrate for next reboot ) $20 2DUP ! E! --- change baudrate location directly ; pub RECLAIM (RECLAIM) .STATS ; IFDEF EXPLORER {HELP lshw List the results of the hardware scan routines including clock, I/O pins, registers and I2C bus. } pub lshw CR lsclk CR lsio CR lsregs CR lsi2c CR CR PRINT" Hardware signature = " iosig @ .LONG "," EMIT iosig 4 + @ .LONG i2csig 4 FOR "," EMIT DUP @ .LONG 4 + NEXT DROP DECIMAL ; {HELP CLKFREQ? ( -- freq ) Measure a space character entered at 115,200 baud and return with the clock frequency rounded to 0.25MHz to allow for measurement errors. } pub CLKFREQ? ( -- freq ) !SP #31 MASK >L IX WAITPNE 0 COGREG@ IX WAITPEQ 1 COGREG@ SWAP - DUP 400 / + 6 / --- add 0.25% for errors and 1/6 = bittime L> DROP 115,200 * --- by baudrate = clkfreq \ 250,000 ROUND --- round to nearest 0.25MHZ ; } LONG boot --- set to a random number each boot as a signature WORD uboot pub .SW OFF CURSOR RAM IFDEF SPLASH SPLASH } .STATS .MODULES keypoll W@ ?DUP IF ." POLL: " PFA>NFA PRINT$ CR THEN uboot W@ .AUTORUN CR ; \ Startup code for background pub EXTEND.boot RND boot ! resets EW@ 1+ resets EW! keypoll W~ --- stop any background polling in case it's been locked in polls 16 ERASE ' TIMERTASK 7 RUN --- always run this in this cog .SW DECIMAL ESC? NOT --- abort uboot if escape has been pressed IF " !PCB" CALL$ --- call user !PCB by searching dictionary !!! mod for EEWORDS uboot W@ ?DUP IF DUP PFA>NFA --- disregard invalid or expired boot (no header) IF CALL ELSE DROP THEN THEN THEN ; IFDEF AUTORUN "a" NFA' AUTORUN ?DUP IF 1+ C! THEN --- Rename old AUTORUN to aUTORUN aUTORUN EXTEND.boot } IFNDEF AUTORUN ' EXTEND.boot autorun W! } \ redefine AUTORUN so that EXTEND.boot can manage it --- 140603 make it backup automatically pub AUTORUN IMMEDIATE [COMPILE] ' [COMPILE] GRAB DUP uboot W! uboot EW! ; pub COLD 2 6 ADO I STOP LOOP KOLD ; { --- default hardware assignments – modified by pcb specific header files d '' * SD CARD SPI * #P8 |< == &SDDO '' Pin 9 Data from SDCARD S/D input #P9 |< == &SDCK '' Pin 10 SDCARD clock S/D resistor #P10 |< == &SDDI '' Pin 11 Data to SDCARD #P11 |< == &SDCS '' Pin 12 SDCARD chip select (cut pullup for card detect) '' * WIZnet W5200 SPI * #P12 |< == &WNCK '' Pin 13 W5200 clock #P13 |< == &WNDO '' Pin 14 MISO from W5200 #P14 |< == &WNDI '' Pin 15 MOSI to W5200 #P15 |< == &WNCS '' Pin 16 W5200 chip select '' * WIZnet W5200 control signals * #P24 |< == &WNPWDN '' Pin 25 W5200 Power down #P25 |< == &WNINT '' Pin 26 W5200 Interrupt #P26 |< == &WNRST '' Pin 27 W5200 reset } IFDEF DATE@ DATE@ build.date E! TIME@ build.time E! } IFNDEF DATE@ 0 build.date E! 0 build.time E! } ]~ DECIMAL --- let's use decimal as the default base on startup ?BACKUP END Published by Google Drive–Report Abuse–Updated automatically every 5 minutes