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IR beacon — Parallax Forums

IR beacon

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-05 22:25 in General Discussion
IR beacon

I'm trying to send simple serial data out using an IR emitter. I looked at the example that the BS manual has for BS-1 - that uses a 555 and 2n2222 transistor. Is there another way to doing this? I do not want to use a ready made product like the one from sharp - only because, I'd like to keep the size small.

Also, on the receiving end, can I use the IR Receiver (forget the model #) that came with the Robotics pack ?

Please comment with your ideas.

thanks a lot


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-05 16:24
    IR beacon
    this forum is so quite· -· right now



    Original Message
    From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
    Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:42 AM
    To: ''
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IR beacon

    I'm trying to send simple serial data out using an IR emitter. I looked at the example that the BS manual has for BS-1 - that uses a 555 and 2n2222 transistor. Is there another way to doing this? I do not want to use a ready made product like the one from sharp - only because, I'd like to keep the size small.

    Also, on the receiving end, can I use the IR Receiver (forget the model #) that came with the Robotics pack ?

    Please comment with your ideas.

    thanks a lot
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-05 16:27
    IR beacon
    I meant quiet [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Original Message
    From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
    Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:25 AM
    To: ''
    Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IR beacon

    this forum is so quite· -· right now



    Original Message
    From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
    Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:42 AM
    To: ''
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IR beacon

    I'm trying to send simple serial data out using an IR emitter. I looked at the example that the BS manual has for BS-1 - that uses a 555 and 2n2222 transistor. Is there another way to doing this? I do not want to use a ready made product like the one from sharp - only because, I'd like to keep the size small.

    Also, on the receiving end, can I use the IR Receiver (forget the model #) that came with the Robotics pack ?

    Please comment with your ideas.

    thanks a lot
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-05 22:25
    At 10/5/2000 -0500 09:42 AM, you wrote:
    I'm trying to send simple serialdata out using an IR emitter. I looked at the example that the BS manualhas for BS-1 - that uses a 555 and 2n2222 transistor. Is there anotherway to doing this? I do not want to use a ready made product like the onefrom sharp - only because, I'd like to keep the size small.

    Wander over to the Rentron website [noparse][[/noparse] ]and take a look at the FireStick.

    Also, on the receiving end, can Iuse the IR Receiver (forget the model #) that came with the Robotics pack?

    Please comment with your ideas.

    thanks a lot
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