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Sharing locks between PASM and Spin — Parallax Forums

Sharing locks between PASM and Spin


I'm trying to share a lock between a SPIN and a PASM cog.

PASM code:
:loop         waitcnt   asm_cnt,asm_cycles              'wait for next CNT value (timing is determinant after WAITCNT)
              call #S_Lin2Alaw
              mov pbuf, par_x

              cmps counter, #16 wz
      if_z    call #setFlagBufA
              cmps counter, #16 wz, wc 'setFlagBufA overwrites c so we have to cmp again
 if_z_or_c    jmp #:write               'counter <= 16 -> write
              cmps counter, #32 wz,wc 
     if_z     mov counter, MAX_VAL           'counter == 32 -> counter:= 0, set flag
     if_z     call #setFlagBufB 
:write      add pbuf, counter
              wrbyte aval, pbuf     'write byte to buf
              adds counter, #1
              call #S_Alaw2Lin 'in:aval out: r1

              jmp    #:loop

:l                  lockset c_sem wc
       if_c         jmp #:l
                    wrbyte _1, c_flag         '1 means a is full
                    lockclr c_sem
setFlagBufA_ret     ret

:l                  lockset c_sem wc
       if_c         jmp #:l
                    wrbyte _2, c_flag         '2 means b is full
                    lockclr c_sem
setFlagBufB_ret     ret

Spin code:
  repeat while(True) 
    waitcnt(2_000_000 + cnt)
    repeat until not lockset(sem)
    temp := flag_buf_full[0]
        if (temp <> 0)
            prinarr(@flag_buf_full, 1, string("flag_buf_full="))
            byte[flag_buf_full] := 0               

c_sem and sem contain the same values.
It seems like the Spin part does not clear the lock, because the PASM cog is stuck forever. When i remove the lock-code from the Spin code however, the PASM code works as expected.
The PASM loop takes 10_000 cycles.

Does anybody have an idea what could have gone wrong?



  • Found the problem: 10_000 cycles is too little. The time it takes for the PASM cog to acquire the lock is bigger than 10_000, this leads to asm_cnt being smaller than cnt.
  • At first glance, the given code looks okay. However, to reduce the amount of time the lock is held in spin, could you do something similar to:
      repeat while(True) 
        waitcnt(2_000_000 + cnt)
        repeat until not lockset(sem)
        temp := flag_buf_full[0]
        byte[flag_buf_full] := 0               
        if (temp <> 0)
          prinarr(@temp, 1, string("flag_buf_full="))
  • @Seairth:
    That's exactly what I just tried. prinarr and some other function that is called while the lock is held were taking too much time. It's working now.
    Thank you!
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